High Voltage to Announce More Wii Games
High Voltage to Announce more Wii games in the "near future"
Punk Rebel Ecks
Sony and Universal Pictures to release a "PoP Mach
Games, Movies and More - at a Vending Machine!
David Hasselhoff Red Alert 3 commercial
Because Archie is too lazy to post it himself
EA: Solution if your key is only has 19/20 chars
Brute force hack your activation key
Broken Pixels Episode 20
Episode 20: The gang takes Peter Perfect's phallus-mobile out for a ride, in a racing game made for your grandparents.
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SupremeAC (5m)
I love those life-like physics where he jumps from the height of a skycscraper and is completely unscathed!
Just going by what IGN said in their review.
One of the site's forefathers.
Fair enough.
They made it sound like you couldn't die from falling or whatever, so can't really blame the physics I guess? Though falling from large heights generally results in injury...
What? Did he say why?
I talked with customer support and they say that if your fans sound like they are struggling, you know something is up.
Edge back at GS!!
Right. I'm bored. Time for some vidya music while I download Audiosurf.
Pokemon G/S/C - Rival Battle Theme
Possibly my favourite Pokemon Battle Theme. Not the best non-battle rival theme (that'd still be Gary's in R/B/Y), but possibly the most awesome battle theme in any Pokemon game.
Warrrrrrrrrrrrrrt? All the subtitles I did for the updates didn't show up?
Bit too retro that tune. Best battle music is the fire emblem one. The last stand music.
Or the standard strike music:
Too retro?
It's only eight years old...
It's like a gameboy track. All bloops and NES like music.
Anyone check out the Cursed Mountain previews? Sounds solid.
I think he's referring to the fact that it sounds like a 56k modem connecting compared to a modern MIDI track.
Wow that's alot of copies of Fallout 3. Kudos to Bethesda. I'm really itching to pick this game up. This will most likely be the next game I get after Gears of War 2.
I just played the Banjo 3 demo. The game is beautiful, but the tiny on-screen text hurts it a lot. I have an 27" Flat-screen SDTV with my 360 connected via component cables, and I can just barely read the on-screen text. I had to move my chair several feet closer than usual just to be able to read it at all. Rare and Microsoft should be ashamed of themselves for not considering SDTV users when making this game. This isn't Rare's first 360 title, so they should've known better.
Just to follow up on my Sega Collection story. Here's some details from Sega's website - including a list of games and details. I'll add in my own comments.
Exclusive Unlockable Content: Unlock arcade games and interviews with the original game developers as you earn Achievements on the Xbox 360® and Trophies on the PLAYSTATION®3. (neat)
Hi-definition Upgrade: All titles included in the collection have been converted to vivid hi-def (720p) visuals to truly enhance that classic 2D experience! (...err kay. GAF is having a field day, but oh well).
Multi-player Option: Two players can now enjoy select titles together on the same console at home. (Not touching)
The Most Comprehensive Collection of Classic SEGA Titles:
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (s'aiight)
Alien Storm (heard good things - EDIT: FUCK YEAH TREASURE)
Altered Beast (SHIT)
Beyond Oasis (hmm)
Bonanza Bros. (ok)
Columns (rad)
Comix Zone (RAD)
Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head (neat)
Dr. Robotnik's MBM (RAD)
Dynamite Headdy (FUCK YEAH TREASURE)
Ecco II: The Tides of Time (haven't played too much of)
E-SWAT (eh?)
Fatal Labyrinth (never heard of)
Flicky (rad)
Gain Ground (ok)
Golden Axe I (cool)
Golden Axe II (not as cool)
Golden Axe III (no where near as cool)
Kid Chameleon (FUCK YEAH)
Phantasy Star II (FUCK YEAH)
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom (not too bad)
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium (good)
Ristar (AWESOME)
Shining in the Darkness (err...need to refresh my memory)
Shining Force (FUCK YEAH)
Shining Force 2 (FUCK YEAH)
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (FUCK YEAH)
Sonic 3D Blast (FUCK NO)
Sonic and Knuckles (hell yeah!)
Sonic Spinball (SHIT)
Sonic The Hedgehog (good)
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (FUCKING LEGENDARY)
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (awesome!)
Streets of Rage (FUCK YEAH)
Streets of Rage 2 (FUCK YEAH)
Streets of Rage 3 (FUCK YEAH)
Super Thunder Blade (eh)
Vectorman (awesome)
Vectorman 2 (rad)
So it really seems to be a combination of the Sonic Mega Collection Plus and Sega Mega Drive Collection. Not a bad thing, but it makes all the Sonic games worthless to me. Still, I can't find my Sega Mega Drive Collection, so I guess this'll be a good replacement disc. Still sucks that there's no Revenge of Shinobi, but then you'd have to remove some of the more awesome asapects of the game (like having Spiderman as a boss).
A Sega press release also mentioned unlockable arcade games and Master System games. I'm hoping Sega/Backbone grow a pair and make one of them the ORIGINAL Phantasy Star, so we can have all four of the RPGs on the one disc. Japan gets it. We've been waiting for something like that. And hey, having all three SoR games (finally!) is good enough.
What the hell is this SEGA complilation? As someone who has bought a lot of these Genesis titles on VC, I feel ripped off. And they are deliberately not putting it on Wii so people will continue to be fleeced?
This is a joke.
When is GOW2 out again? Get us some impressions
I watched the video review. The vehicle building killed it for me. I dont have the patience and hearing that you can spend ages making a kart only for it to crap out on the maiden voyage... uh. Just not for me. The Viva comparison seems apt, I have heard people say that these are rare games with a child friendly visage covering a game which is finnicky and demanding to play. A strange juxtaposition, what market are they aiming at?
After looking at that list it aint that great. Although I have bought a few of those and their combined price would be more than this disc I assume. ESWAT really didn't hold up that well, Comix Zone is impossibly hard, Beyond Oasis..... sorry Leo, it's no zelda. Sonic I can take or leave. Streets of rage is great I have 1 and 3, might eventually get 3. Golden Axe series is pretty crap actually but the first one is great for the memories.
Um, I got Shinobi 3 and I didn't like it. I want Shadow Dancer instead. This game needs Castle of Illusion.
BTW there are big updates in the Disaster Day of Crisis thread.
Pot Kettle you are black or something
Eh, different strokes I suppose GG. I'm digging this because I can't find my Sega Mega Drive Collection, so there's a good chunk of the games on there. I'm missing out on Sword of Vermillion (good, it bored me) and Virtua Fighter 2 Genesis (THANK GOD), but hey, I'm getting some Treasure games and SoR.
Then again, I don't own a Wii, so I miss out on a good amount of this stuff.
And I've always wanted to buy Shining Force. I fucking loved that game.
Gears 2 comes out on the 7th. I'm going to go to the midnight opening tonight to pick it up and I'll certainly post some of my impressions on the game.