MTV interviews Miyamoto: continued
Thinks Galaxy and Twilight Princess could have been even less conservative. Praises Portal
Burnout Paradise To Recieve Offline Multiplayer
8-Player Party Mode, to be specific.
Deadly Creatures Exclusive hands on
"Snap a lizard neck like King Kong"
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robio (10m)
Really? Even though it's basically a prettier version of Super Turbo?
Not that it's a bad thing, just curious...
Click on link.
If Capcom announced another revision of Third Strike with Blazeblue quality sprites and almost perfect balance would you not be excited?
One of the site's forefathers.
I would be yes.
While it's good to see that there's going to be some change in this version, the fact that it's another version of SF2 annoys me. I own four versions of that game (including Super Turbo), and I don't want more reason to purchase another.
As well as that, yay for Atari. Now I need word on Brutal Legend...
What link?
...Can I join in on the confused club?
Okay, I get it now. Punk's post comes up as weird symbols in Internet Explorer, but says, "SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI FOR THE DS!!!!!!!!" in Opera and Firefox.
God the last mission in GTAIV is pissing me off. It's not that it's hard, but I've died stupidly a few times, and chasing that stupid piece of shit halway accross the god damn map is SO boring. >_<
Just to clarify I'm aware that the reset point is when you arrive at the Casino, but I've been trying to see if you can kill Pegorino before you get to the boat, and that pretty much means shooting an RPG at him when he's on the roof so that the dives out of the way, it's quite hard to get right as some times he'll fall of the roof or whatever and get a good enough head start for you to not be able to get a good shot at him. Oh and there's a finite amount of RPG ammo and it runs out quickly.
However I just managed to get him to dive out the way while he's still on the roof, and several shotgun shots into the head would seem to say that you can't kill him before you're meant to which pretty much sucks. You also can't go in through the roof to kill him either. I thought it was meant to be free-roaming!
New classic thread at gaf. Want to laugh check this out
For some reason Punk set the font to Wingdings
style="font-family:wingdings, 'zapf dingbats';"
Dingbat fonts are IE-only
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThat's the greatest topic ever.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileAnyone who enjoys metal click on this link. It's my friends metal band and SHIT are they good!
One of the site's forefathers.
One of the site's forefathers.
Funny, very funny. But I found the is Metroid a girl topic even funnier! Vader can you find that one?
I went there but couldn't comment? Do I have to register?
Totally. Mario Galaxy, its whole planetoid concept just allowed it to go wild with ideas from one section to the next. It was like gaming candy and getting brain freeze from ice cream. I probably shouldn't admit it, but there were times where either my breath caught, or I squeeled in delight like a child. Which isn't a feeling you get when approaching 30.
I'm just as afraid, yet excited over what they might do to zelda. One thing I do hope they do is whack up the visuals a notch.
I read the Wii failed article, well the first 3rd. I could put together a better argument as to how the wii had failed but some of the reasons there either contradicted themselves or were plain stupid IMO.
The Wii game was pretty much a straight GC port, only the controls were altered. But it's not even the best looking cube game to be honest. If it looked like RE4.... OMG. But I am hyped about the thought of the game using wii motion plus. It would be a killer app for me.
When the old lady turns to Higgins and says "I hate you"
Ah, don't talk to me about GTA IV. I'm giving it back, I can't be bothered with it anymore.
RE Zero wasn't a letdown because it was overkill. It was a letdown because it was nowhere near on the level of REmake, RE2, Code Veronica, RE1 original, or even Nemesis.
I'd personally love to have another old school RE. There's plenty of ways they could add to it and make it fresh. And certainly adding a cool 2-character system with shitloads of replay value and a brilliant pace to the game would not hurt either.
I never really buy the whole overkill argument on anything. The only difference is that some things are inspired and a labor of love, and other things are uninspired and feel forced. Naturally the latter happens many times when people have been doing the same style for a long time. But it doesn't mean that particular style is all used up.
What the hell is going o with Disaster Day of Crisis? I thought it would be a giant turd of a game but all the impressions I read are making me want it. I like cheesy fun like Defenders of the Earth so some of this stuff sounds hilarious to me. The IGN review though... sounds funny and good.
"Remember fun? It's that thing we used to talk about before polygons, hype and multi-million dollar polish took precedence. There's a certain irony then that while you'd be hard pushed to find anything realistically approaching the latter in Disaster: Day of Crisis, it manages to deliver the former in huge, preposterous spades. And preposterous is just about the only accurate way to describe Disaster. From its hackneyed dialogue and B-movie story trappings to its incessant set-pieces and near nonsensical mish-mash of game mechanics, Day of Crisis really shouldn't be anything more than phenomenally rubbish. Yet, against all odds, it's one of the most entertainingly daft game's we've played this year. "
"the idiosyncratic method in Disaster's madness becomes much more obvious, with the endless procession of unexpectedly varied and creative mechanics proving surprisingly engaging. Day of Crisis proves an atypical Nintendo title in other areas too. For a start, the traditionally family friendly company has packed its action-heavy B-movie pastiche with a hilariously gratuitous number of PG-rated expletives. Then there's the surprisingly barbed political subplot concerning the US government's involvement in the creation of the story's terrorist villains. "
"Generally though, despite its rough edges, there's an incredibly unique, hugely visceral experience to be had with Day of Crisis. In terms of blockbuster spectacle, Disaster's an absolute belter with appropriately cheesy dialogue and voice-acting, a fast-moving, preposterous plot and some truly bombastic sound design. Visually too, it's a generally impressive piece of work. Characters are well-animated with lip-synching and facial animations bringing the B-movie melodrama to life. What's more, outdoor areas are packed full of detail. Admittedly, polygons are mostly lumpy and textures aren't always crisp but you really won't care when your Wii starts firing on all cylinders. Although environments can range from the sublime to spectacularly ugly, disasters themselves are rendered with mighty aplomb. You'll genuinely feel the tension amid the roaring flames, massive explosions, heaving water and disintegrating landmarks -- it's a remarkable piece of artistry and shows exactly what can be done on the console with some technically-frugal creativity.
Closing Comments
That said, some people will absolutely detest Disaster: Day of Crisis. It’s an awkward combination of extremes -- old-school adventuring burdened with new-fangled mini-game sensibilities; abstract game mechanics wrestled into a single plot- driven narrative; sometimes lackluster visuals and pacing thoroughly at odds with that bombastic spectacle and massive ambition. It’s also fundamentally shallow, remarkably inconsistent and chronically naff. Like the disaster movies it takes inspiration from though, Day of Crisis is ultimately more than the sum of its parts. When it works, it’s a relentless, thrilling assault on your senses; a huge grin of game. And when it doesn’t, when it starts to wobble precariously on its own flimsy parts, it’s still compulsive in its creativity, inexplicable in its uniqueness and, most importantly, one thoroughly fun ride."
For what its worth, I agree with Dvader. I personally feel that in this day and age, having a restrictive control and visual environment, well it felt archaic despite looking superb. But it didn't help that the game in general wasn't as memorable as RE2, REmake etc. Though I personally hated RE3. RE4 feels like the next step, a logical extension. They could make it more like the old resident evils by simply tweaking the parameters, making movement slower, giving you a perilously low number of bullets, making enemies more powerful. Sort of like those enemies in RE4 that you had to use the heat scope on.
Phew, did a few updates today. Lot of stuff to get through.
Also check out the Cursed Mountain screens (Thurs updates). Apart from the monk pic, those are impressive in detail and scale.