Iwata asks: Wii music part one
Miyamoto: I wasn't this excited when we created Super Mario Bros.
FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Way better than the other one.
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SupremeAC (7m)
I think the problem with the HD systems is that the library is deep, but narrow. If you like the western rpg's and shooters, racers you should be fine. But when it comes to the other genres like platforming, party games, 2d games, jRPGs, point and click and quirky games like de Blob, it is a bit shallow on the HD side. The Wii is strong in some of the genres the HD systems are weak, but the overall Wii's library is a bit shallow. Wii needs more 3rd party support.
P.S. updates are done!
But at the same time you can't deny the games they have released thus far in such a short period, or that they are in a down period while they get working on the next batch. This time next year, if there aren't some more hardcore games announced from nintendo themselves then you can complain. Kid Icarus is being worked on by Factor 5, this is fact according to IGN. We may not be able to fawn over the media yet, but it's only a matter of time before we see actual footage or screens of games like Pikmin 3 or Kid Icarus.
In the old days nintendo had companies like rare and silicon knights, plus a third party like F5 that would make GC exclusives or companies that would make nintendo games like F-Zero or Starfox. This policy didn't really pan out for them, F-zero was a great game but a commercial relative failure as were games like eternal darkness or Twin Snakes. Rare was turning to crap and sold off. Namco fudged up starfox. So what was learnt from this policy then? That expensive and time consuming projects from partners didn't reap rewards. All the while 3rd parties were the new mantra - let them do their own thing -and now we are in a situation where there are too few 2nd parties or partners.
Disaster is a big project from a Nintendo 2nd party, Punch Out is a big project from a nintendo 2nd party, Kid Icarus is being made by a partner. You may not like the products but they are still being made. And again, please don't ignore Animal Crossing as a "big" game from nintendo, this is a game that outsold Halo 1 and 2. It's a massive deal in a great series. So some people either don't like it or are unfamiliar with it? Well I can apply that to a litany of games and from my perspective then, they don't matter or don't appeal to me.
For me and others Beautiful Ocean will be as big a sequel as Killzone 2 or Fable 2.
So we are back down the taste argument. I don't like a lot of reggies recent comments and I think nintendo have underplayed their responsibility to informing their core audience. But in a way he is right that gamers are insatiable, we are always looking forward to the next great thing. I was bitching before, on my 1up blog, I moan from time to time I say how the E3 conference was total shit. But in reality at the same time when it comes to Wii software I haven't, since autumn last year had anything to complain about when it comes to games.
I know you Dvader haven't picked up a ton of titles, De Blob, Boom Blox, Endless Ocean, mario kart etc. I can understand Edgecrusher, who at least buys the majority of these titles - sans mario kart and Smash Bros -, but really I find it disappointing when people sit on the sidelines, don't buy the good games and then complain that they have nothing to pick up.
Good luck Sega in getting Madworld down here. I really hope they succeed.
Also, FUCK YEAH SAKURA. Now I need some 3rd Strike characters confirmed...
Again, now we are just arguing on taste again. This is the problem. But I enjoy games like Metroid Prime 3 and Oblivion as much as Endless Ocean. While some gamers put more stock in MGS4 and would completely ignore De Blob. It's all POV based on taste and thus is subjective and not something we can definitively nail down in argument form. This is why it's a pretty pointless debate. Though quite interesting nonetheless.
BTW I never followed the fable hype, I did get the game and it was a shallow hack and slash-a-thon to me and others.
Some of you guys like Starfox Adventures better than Zelda and Mario Sunshine over Mario Galaxy, so taste is subjective.
Same here...but I've never owned an Xbox, and I've been debating picking up the original game...
I just picked up Mario Sunshine, BTW.
I mean, my daughter bought it.
Oh, and I totally agree with you on that quote, GG. Bad wording from my part. I had a nice reply, but somehow I fucked it up misplaced it.
Tell your daughter to buy Galaxy too!
Shut up, man. She FINISHED Galaxy already, and I'm not even close. Could I be even more LAME?
Over the past few months, she has finished Galaxy, SSBB, Nights Wii and Pokemon Battle something something.
How old is your daughter Stelo? And about Galaxy how far are you anyways, and how many stars did your clearly superior daughter get?
I think you can well like one thing more than another while recognizing the effect of taste on that and evaluating the design merits above all else. As an example at least of an element of that, Starfox Adventure's combat was objectively poor. If you disagree, I'm willing to not just say it's taste, but that you're simply wrong.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileShe's 12. I'll have to get back at you later when I ask her about the stars. I have absolutely no clue about that.
As for me, I got distracted with something else after killing the tripod. The best platformer ever is just sitting there, unplayed. I should feel like shit. But I don't.
The one that freaks me out is my younger daughter, though. She's 4 and likes to play Ikaruga, N+ and Zoo Tycoon 2.
Holy crap they make you look like a lowly casual gamer
Hell the younger one makes us all look like non-gamers.
Do not worry about Galaxy, you can always pick it up later. It is not like a RPG or Zelda, that you will forget the story or where you are supposed to go. The cool thing about Galaxy is, that you can play it in short burst grabbing one or two stars, or in longer burst (10-20 stars).
P.S. do you have the Metroid Prime series?
Nein. I've been thinking of getting the first GCN one. The Wii one is still obscenely expensive. How come those games never go down in price?
Because people keep buying them! The first one is a good choice and you can find it cheap, but their are also making a Wii-version with wiimote control. I am not sure how it would work, becuase the GG version had no need for free aiming. Download Super Metroid on the VC too, that game is godly.
Thats just the thing though. Nintendo isn't even focus on those games. I mean think about it there has only been ONE of those games to come out so far this year and just one more down the road. I know some will point out that we had Brawl early on for 2008 but that is going to be nearly a year by the time November hits.
One of the site's forefathers.
Man, I can't wait for the day someone cosplay's her. That day the sun will shine, the birds will sing and we shall fap furiously. That day, my friend, would be a day to remember, a day were we shall all rise above our normal, mundane lives. A day that we shall all be proud of, a day we shall tell our kids, grandkids, lovers, parent and friend about. A day where we all shall be written in the annals of history, as heroes among men. That day shall be glorious.