Karateka Mania 'Aoi Inazuma' gameplay
Karate mini game from Rhythm Tengoku turned into a full blown game via pc homebrew
Capcom vs Tatsunoko Wii trailers
On Dailymotion much more superior than youtube
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While the big game's on the line....Miyamoto's busy ridin' the pine...
COD 5 wii screens
"For starters, World at War makes use of the Call of Duty 4 engine on Wii, just like Activision's other headline Wii title, Quantum of Solace. Just a few seconds of eyes-on time is enough to notice where that power is coming in handy this time around, as World at War is one of the prettier games on Wii, so much so that some people (admittedly, ourselves included) actually mistook the game for the 360 build when entering the hands-on area. Granted we were about 30 feet from the game at that time, but whenever you can mistake Wii visuals for the "next gen" versions, you're on to something."
"Since the tech is a huge selling point for Activision, we'll break it down a bit further. Character models are, in large, the same quality you'd find on other FPS games on Wii - specifically Call of Duty 3 or Medal of Honor Heroes 2. Rather than being confined or visually cut off though, the environments in World at War are pretty immense, with what looks to be some depth of field blur for farther objects (though it was tough to see in our short time with the game), but some definite higher poly areas, lighting effects caused by the sun cutting through jungle tree lines, and in one level, some pouring rain on the battlefield. More than anything it was the scope of these levels that really gave them the visual edge, as well as the rougher cover - bushes, logs, broken walls, tree stumps, and ditches - that really pushed what we've seen on Wii this far. When you can hear enemy fire whizzing by, and drop down to prone into the bushes, and you aren't distracted by the textures or model detail shoved in your face, that's a very good thing. The Call of Duty 4 engine is running well on Wii, and outside of the framerate (which is aiming to hit 30 frames per second, but occasionally dips), it's looking to be a smart move."
As it stands right now, Call of Duty: World at War is a visually impressive showpiece for Wii, and while the control works (those that played Call of Duty 3 will have little to complain about), it could be even faster, and even tighter. It isn't running at 60 frames, so you don't get the fluidity found in games like Heroes 2, but the cursor control holds up very well.
There's a lot more to see, but it's obvious Activision - and Treyarch - is upping its game on Wii, as the COD4 engine is alive and well on Nintendo's system.
Look at those sandbags
It takes more than 4 hours.
Now it makes sense. I think you should talk to Leo about SSX blur. Apparently the mixed reactions were due to people not realising they had to point at the screen for IR.
It already works with games of the future: Elebits for example
Because otherwise the bitches would whine. Yes, I'm talking about the people here
Do you assholes not even read the updates I do?
That's a cheap shot.
But from my perspective, why do you guys always have to have hair raising arguments? I feel like I'm back in GGD watching a Grammaton vs argument. This place is suppossed to be like candyland. FUN only. Don't bring down the mood asswads.
Lesson we all should know by now:
Exagerrations lead to bickering, leads to heated feelings, lead to insults, leads to GG running upstairs and hiding in his room worrying.
What the? What a load of crap? It's just as fast to re-download it then. I can understand heavy WiiWare games, but VC should execute at least.
GG do not worry about the bickering, look behind the insults and you will see that we were not just trolling, but heaving a heated and good debate. Besides you know Vader and me do it only for the make-up sex. Archangel had a nice point, I shall adress it now!
I think a lot of gamers are unreasonably hating Wii Music. I don't think it's suppossed to be in the vein of these other rhythm titles. There are people out there who don't want things too complex or to have to match beats with icons. They also dont want to learn to play real instruments, but they want to be able to tool around and have relaxing fun. I see Wii Music as a non-conventional game, almost a muscial toy. I don't know if anyone has played Warioware touched, but it has all these "toys" you can earn that are a good example.
Personally I have wanted the Wii Drums for a long time, if the game lets me jam to my own music via SD card I may bite. But I hear that the new Guitar hero Wii version is going all out including some wii music type features.
Yeah, they need to. There are even gba cart adaptor things for DS already that can play and store movies and music and stuff. It's easy enough to put an sdcard reader into a gba sized cart and interface it with DS. The lack of a gba drive on the DSi could possibly mean that gameboy games and gba games will be on DSiWare.
I know. With this and Animal Crossing, all it will take is an elebits sequel to have me roll around like a pig in filth.
Me and Archie had a debate last weekend but we were civil, like two english gents slapping each other lightly, with gloves on the cheek, then having afternoon tea.
You guys are like WWE wrestlers in the ring, showing off your man boobs. GG does not like man boobs
*cups own breasts*
I own Blur, and the problem with the Uber Tricks is that it doesn't use IR, it's strictly motion based. For instance, there is a trick where you have to draw a Z. In order for the game to register that trick, you have to hold the Wii Remote flat, hold the A button, and quickly go right, left, right in large, exaggerated motions. If you don't do that just right, the game won't read it. It takes a TON of practice to make most of the Uber Tricks work, and I can only do it about 90% of the time after playing it since last December. It does have an Uber Trick practice mode which helps a lot.
Don't get me wrong, the game is still good, but the Uber Trick system can be frustrating. The graphics are some of the best on Wii, IMO.
I should expand upon this point. What I am trying to say is that because Wii is so different you actually have a console with a viable alternative software library. Think about it, last gen you had 3 consoles which were basically the same and you bought the exclusives and everything else was the same. This gen you have people complaining that the PS3 library borrows heavily from 360 multiformat games. If Wii were the same in power you would have developers taking the easy way out and just porting across content and adding in rudimentary wii controls. It would be the same games at the same prices, hell the Wii would even launch at a higher price and be less succesful.
Instead of that you have a different line-up of games. On the big consoles you have RE5, DMC etc. On the Wii you have an alternative library of games like De Blob, Madworld or Boom Blox.
You guys should be happy that in terms of actual choice and variety, there is a good difference this gen and most of us here own a Wii AND something else, so the Wii graphics issue shouldn't even be an issue. You want hi def visual porn you can just use your other consoles. Wii games that look like Dreamcast games are a totally serparate issue - damn developers.
Otherwise it comes down to taste preference. I guess I'm weird but I do know of some gamers who prefer games like Endless Ocean and Boom Blox to the likes of DMC or Halo 3. So if we are complaining alot of the time it is down to personal preferences and we should frame the discussion around that proviso - rather than just blandly labelling stuff as bad.
Doesn't the game use tracks from On Tour and SSX 3? Does it include all the tracks or just the best?
Actually you are right about this point, maybe they could even made a €400,- (screw the dollar) console. You can see this by the supply, there is more demand than supply, so they could sell it for a bigger price. But that is us talking now, no one knew that the Wii would take of as fast as it did. Not even Nintendo, make no mistakes, if Nintendo knew they could sell it for €400,- they would. Nintendo goal is continuity. Every company's first goal is to remain "alive". How do you stay alive, by making profit.
But even at a €400,- pricepoint it would still be significantly weaker than the 360. Remember the 360 sells at a loss, Nintendo would never do that, because they are not completely stupid. They still would have to make it a similar architecture, because otherwise the smaller development teams would not be able to develop for it. Check out the Japanese Wii support, most are from the smaller companies that cannot afford the HD-development.
Conclusion, yes they could have made it more powerfull in hindsight, but even than it would be significantly less powerfull than the HD-consoles. And you would probably still question their decission. So the more the things change the more they stay the same.
Another Code. Hell yes, from the makers of Hotel Dusk and Kings Story
Yes, all the tracks are from those two games, but they've all been tweeked for Blur and the graphics have been completely redone.
EDIT: Oops, I forgot to answer your second question. Yeah, Blur doesn't include every track from those two games, just the best ones.
WWE is nothing compared to Frank Shamrock
Check out the trash talking he did to Kimbo Slice
“All I’ve got to say is that I apologize for my last couple of performances,” Shamrock said. “I have no excuses. On Oct. 4, I will shut everybody up and make amends for those [losses] by putting Kimbo’s lights out.”
Shamrock (26-13-2) then directed his ire at Ferguson.
“After it’s over,” he said, “I’m going to shave your goatee.”
Ferguson (3-0), a man of surprisingly few words, shrugged off Shamrock’s rhetoric.
“I’m not a s--t talker,” he said.
“When you fight a guy like Kimbo, experience is irrelevant,” Shamrock said. “I’m not walking in thinking I’m smarter than him or that I’m going to outskill him. I’m going back to the old Ken Shamrock. I’m going to beat you down and ask questions later.”
“I don’t respect his power,” Shamrock said. “The only time he’s knocked anyone out is when they were tired. At this point, I have no respect for him at all. I’m going in there to whip his ass.”
Answer me this, is it a remake of the DS game or a sequel to said game?
From the creators of Earth Defense Force and Gigantic Drive, comes a dramatic action title of Norse Mythology on the Wii!
Punchout screens
From what I've read, it was announced as Another Code 2.
Punchout better use wii motion plus. Can you imagine the multiplayer requirements?
For a two player game: 2 balance boards, 4 wii remotes, 4 motion plus accesories.
I'm just speculating, I have read nothing about the game. But if that were the case then online matches would be the only option.
Cosmic rider
Sonic Black knight screens
Weren't the first two single player only? The space walker game looks awesome, now if some one would make a Starcom and Bravestarr game than I would be happy. Galaxy Rangers would be awesome too.
A sequel to Odin Sphere and Sin & Punishment? Good God!
One of the site's forefathers.
Don't worry GG, it's all good. These debates have substance which is good to have instead of either ends of the spectrum where you have people trolling just to be ignorant or people not being truthful and just simply agreeing on everything all the time. This way it helps to see different points of view and hopefully both sides may consider some aspects they may not have previously consider even if their overall viewpoint remains unchanged.
Very good point there Iga. I actually am guilty because I take the uncertainty of how the Wii was going to sell into account when defending third-parties and their support of the console but I didn't give the same benefit to Nintendo and their design of the system. I should though because when you're coming out with something so new and unproven it's only prudent to err on the side of caution especially with so much money on the line.
As for the Nintendo show it was pretty good. I really like the DSi and am definately going to get one. I'll probably sell my DS Lite because while I thought I'd use the GBA slot I ended up not really using it at all so I'll most likely never miss it. A new Punch-out game is awesome news indeed. I totally loved Super Punch-out. Sin & Punishment 2 is cool news although I have yet to try the first game. I love shoot 'em ups so I think I'll download the first off of VC to check it out and get primed for the sequel.
I guess the SD card fix isn't too bad for now but I'd still prefer the HDD approach because it's so much more space for less money plus it would hopefully open the door for download Wii game demos and videos. I was really hoping to see maybe a new channel or two added to the Wii although I haven't thought of any type of channel I'd like to see. I was also really hoping to see their web browser get updated with more file format support. Sometimes I like to just kick back and surf the net on the Wii but when I try to check out the latest videos on many gaming sites I just can't do it. Hopefully this will get fixed soon.