Karateka Mania 'Aoi Inazuma' gameplay
Karate mini game from Rhythm Tengoku turned into a full blown game via pc homebrew
Capcom vs Tatsunoko Wii trailers
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What about your huge asshole?
No the only thing that can stop me is you guys doing the cool stuff, while I am sleeping. You bastards. I was fun, but I really need to go to sleep now. We should have these debates more often, maybe we should do a formal debate once we have the forums in place.
See you guys!
E3 was for the kids while tonight's show is for the adults. Nintendo's going hardcore folks and I think you know what I mean. That's why it's a 12:30 show when all the children are in bed. Cammie's going to show the real benefits of 1:1 motion-plus technology. You know you want to see this. Don't deny.
Nope it is tech. What leads the ablity to have cheaper cost on consoles? Tech. What leads to people be able to buy these "less epic" games on consoles? Tech.
Let me explain. Would the graphics and scale of "No More Heroes" fly on the 360? Nope not at all. But on the Wii? Yes. Would the simple gameplay of "Zack and Wiki" or "Trauma Center" fit the 360 or PS3? Nope but it does on Wii.
The thing is when you have tech that powerful people have expectations due to them buying the console for that very reason. Nobody brought a 360 to try out XBLA games or the customizational face plates, people brought a 360 because it is leaps ahead of the original Xbox in raw power. And that is just what people who buy these systems want to see. This is why you rarely (if at all) see the "simple" or "not so epic" games on the PS3/360 because they don't fit what the consoles are made for and when released they sell like crap. Yes there is XBLA and PSN but those networks are solely targetted toward "pick up and play" games which is why you don't see anything of the scale of "Aquaria" or "The Ship" on them despite many of those games (Aquaria included) being pitched to those console services (this includes WiiWare).
If developers want to release a game like "Mad World", "House of the Dead Overkill", "Muramasa: The Demon Sword", "Samurai Shodown Anthology", or "KORE" then their only bet is the Wii due to the fact that those games aren't "next-gen" enough to be on the PS3/360 but are too ambious in a value way of things to be on the PS3/360. This is why games like "Hail to the Chimp" and "Earth Defense" are so ridiculously rare on those systems as well as games like "Neo Geo Battle Colosseum" often getting cancelled versions. Their are expectations in terms of technology when it comes to these consoles.
That was obviously an exaggeration and while it was a little out of line I still think your statement was too harsh.
Also for your second paragraph. I could explain but what would you rather play? Chrono Trigger or Lufia? Super Mario Galaxy or Klonoa? What would you rather watch? The Dark Night or VanHellsing? The Lord of the Rings or Pan's Labyrith?
I know those aren't the best examples but there is a clear reason why High Production exists and is important.
One of the site's forefathers.
IGN Call of Duty: World at War (Wii) Hands-on
"For starters, World at War makes use of the Call of Duty 4 engine on Wii, just like Activision's other headline Wii title, Quantum of Solace. Just a few seconds of eyes-on time is enough to notice where that power is coming in handy this time around, as World at War is one of the prettier games on Wii, so much so that some people (admittedly, ourselves included) actually mistook the game for the 360 build when entering the hands-on area. Granted we were about 30 feet from the game at that time, but whenever you can mistake Wii visuals for the "next gen" versions, you're on to something." -- Bozon
See you, pumpkin.
Well, at least it passes the first-glance-and-not-blatantly-utter-garbage test.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileONM: The possiblities of the Wii MotionPlus article
We said in a previous issue that we'd love to see a Wii Pilotwings game, and since Wii MotionPlus was announced we've been coming up with all the different ways it could work. If we had it our way, each vehicle would be controlled in a different manner. Planes would be controlled by holding the Remote like a paper aeroplane. You would be able to tilt the Remote up and down to make the plane rise and fall, and all sort of tilts and rolls would make the plane turn in virtually any direction. Something as complicated as that would be very tricky to do on the Remote, but with MotionPlus it could be a lot easier.
We'd also like to see the Rocketbelt being controlled with the Remote held straight up as if it were a joystick. With the heightened sensitivity of Wii MotionPlus it would almost act like an analogue stick, and the A and B buttons would act as two different strengths of boost. It'd really make you feel like you were controlling a jet pack, and an optional first-person viewpoint would help even more."
See, I'm not the only one who thinks Pilotwings Wii would be awesome, especially when using MotionPlus. Nintendo's just waiting for the right tech to become available. Take that haters!
Hacking Sonic: A study on everything wrong with Sonic the Hedgehog
This article is great! It should be Sega's how-to manual for making great Sonic the Hedgehog games!
The whole "They ruined Sonic" thing is lost on me because I've never liked Sonic, and that includes the Genesis games. I even bought the Sonic Mega Collection because I love 2D platformers and hadn't played any of them in a decade, and nope, still don't like them.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileA little brief but anyone ever played "Bugs Bunney Rabbit Rampage" for the SNES?
One of the site's forefathers.
No, but I've played Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle and Bugs Bunny Birthday Bash on the NES
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileConference is live!!!!!! HYPE!!!!! BOMBILLDROPEN!!!!!
(I have no hope for this...)
When does the conference start?
One of the site's forefathers.
Now. http://kotaku.com/5057867/liveblogging-the-nintendo-press-conference-liveblog
No live feed?
I know that it will be in Japanese but still.
One of the site's forefathers.
The Nintendo DSi!!!! Has NO GBA SLOT! AHAHAHA Guitar Hero is FUCKED! (unless they can harness the powerslot).
One of the site's forefathers.
GoNintendo is doing a live blog as well.
Translate faster you fucks!
One of the site's forefathers.
DSi no slot, Activision am cry.