Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now
Do not pay attention to the news below
Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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Childhood TV memories blog is updated
With Intro videos to:
toxic crusaders
exo squad
peter pan
Ulysses 31
Hammer man
As well as reviews for DVD boxsets of Tintin, Batman the Animated series and King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Overlord Wii is a completely different game from Overlord 1 and 2 so it should be interesting. If you check the IGN preview it was overwhelmingly positive.
So was I
And in Aqua -naughts Holiday. Famitsu scored it okay, 2 points below endless ocean.
Thanks for that D. Ghostbusters sounds cool.
Sounds crapola.
It's a good review, but what's with IGN and their scores? They always seem to undercut things, even when giving estatic reviews to games like Tiger Woods 09 or this.
As for Marvelous, I don't know. They are very japan centric and it's almost like they are forced to go with Wii because they don't have the resources or technical skill to go all out on the other tech heavy platforms. It's one of those cases where a platform suits a publisher so obviously.
MH3 looks great. I'm impressed. I still have this image of the game being like PSO though. Has anyone played the MH series?
Missed this one. Bigger screens below:
Took me about an hour to upload these because of a crappy slow japanese site. Hope you guys appreciate. More later.
K done.
Tatsukono vs Capcom announced this week, out on Dec 11th? WTF?
Is this reason we are worrying about Wii's future? They are just not showing us games in development? Red steel 2 in production for over a year and no media. Dead rising not even announced at E3. Disaster just plopped out with no years of watching. What the hell is going on?
About as much as they appreciate my Muramasa lesson! Why are not more people exited about this game? And where is Punk he was hyping this from the beginning?
Never played Monster Hunter. What are those games about? Never played Tenchu either.
Hmm...New Dead Space Preview! With Video, I'm going to be late for my Lit class now : ( .
What are you reading now?
Well the class is actually "History of Literary Criticism", so I'm reading Corneille, Aristotle's "Poetics", Burke, and things of that nature.
Wow I don't know much about Monster Hunter, but that is easily one of the most epic looking games that I've seen on the Wii. It actually looks like a real Final Fantasy game (as in, not the crap Square gives Nintendo) or some other high-production RPG, in those pics.
I'm definitely keeping an eye on this one.
I hear that Monster Hunter is a PSP and PS2 series in which you... well, run about epic landscape hunting monsters, like huge bosses, but the emphasis is on online play and taking monsters down in teams. It's been a huge hit in Japan and this 3rd game was going to be on PS3 before it made the switch to Wii. That's about all I know, but I'm sure a quick search will reveal more. I watched the trailer for monster hunter 2 on PSP and it looked pretty cool.
I never played tenchu before, this game looks allright though, I don't know if anyone but me and edgecrusher saw it, but if you search you can find a 7 minute long video which is pretty great looking.
If you didn't know the platform you wouldn't say this was Wii from looking at the screen:
I don't think it's fair to call it ugly, the scans are like crap if you look at the pic above and the screens are 4 times bigger than the DS screens actually are so it's been blown out of proportion. That said I am disappointed, I wanted a camera angle like the home console games, this looks like the gba attempt. I hate isometric type stuff. If the physics are right and car handling it could be cool though. I don't know if anyone else played Max Payne on gba, but that briliantly emulated the gameplay and style of Max Payne whie working with the platform limitations.
Ugh ugh, I think you forgot some one!
Great, I found it. The search facility here works great! Try using the box in the top right hand corner to search for news we posted in the past.
Right I'm going to post the white knight story pics.
What? Does not compute!
My internet classes are going allright.
Look at this crap I banged up in half an hour.
Of course it's centered on the page. I'm going to try and embed a video in a minute. It's interesting, you don't understand till you study it, but most websites are created on tables, so think of it like a grid.
EDIT: It worked! But it was left aligned and I couldn't move it.