Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
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Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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travo (7m)
New week what have you guys been doing?
Most people think Mario is better just because its Mario. Everyone I know who actually played Banjo, ended up liking it more. How could you not? Bigger world, better humor, incredible production values. It was amazing.
Dammit Iga. You broke my streak!
I've been playing Dragon Quest IV for the DS. My first time playing a proper DQ game (Rocket Slime was fun, Joker not so much - though it looked stunning for a DS game), and I'm digging it. Onto the second chapter, and apart from some bullshit enemy AI, I'm having fun.
Starfox Adventures > all Zelda games combined!
I've gone retro this week. I've been playing Vectorman, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ristar, and the Mega Man Anniversary Collection.
I intend to play through all Mega Man 1-8 games in preparation for the upcoming Mega Man 9.
Well maybe there is collecting, colecting and collecting. Stiffer control, more mechanical design, weaker platforming, weaker level design and a worse camera. The people who like Banjo are the ones who look at a check list. Bettter graphics check, bigger level chech, wow you can shoot eggs and make fart noises check. Mario is just more fun to play!
Not to mention far better level design and more skillful gameplay. I played that game for the first time ever some months ago and I played it 11 hours straight. Then I went back to playing Mario 64 and :barfs:
Weaker platforming? Stiffer control? Weaker Level Design?
I'll give you the camera but besides that Banjo was superior everyway. The "collection" was just something that led the player to different areas. It's similar in the 2D Mario's where they put coins where hidden areas are. While you collected you had to platform throughout the level and very indepth platforming I might add. In comparison Mario 64 was not only simple but just broken at times. I mean some of the platforming was near impossible as well as extremely hard to know what to do and go. Maybe when it first came out that wasn't a problem because 3D was so new that people thrived to explore every cook and cranny as well as every possiblitiy out there. As time passed on 3D just became as familar as 2D and these things made it a pain in the ass to solve. Did I mention the lame attacking?
Banjo (similar to Donkey Kong Country) took in from what Mario did and made it better. Better levels, better gameplay, better presentation.
One of the site's forefathers.
No the collection was the point of the game. In the 2D mario's your mission was to get to the end and not to collect everything. Super Mario 64 was mission based. Race the turtle, defeat a boss to get a star. There where some boring 100 coins collecting ones. Banjo you were dropped in a level and you hand to collect 100 notes and 10 jiggies. Then you had to be transformed by Mumbo and to do that you had to collect hte skulls. And you had the red feather, golden feathers and all the other collecting.
Mario 64 extemely hard to know where to go? What? For every star there is a description what to do. Most of the stars do not require any sorts of exploration. In Banjo you are often dropped in a world and you have to search for the things yourself. So if any game is hard to know where to go it would be Banjo.
And yes Banjo has weak platforming. Most if not all of the jumps are easy to make and if you fail you just try again. There are hardly no bottemless pitts in the game. All of the levels are sandbox like levels. There is no level in Banjo like tick tock clock or Rainbow ride. These level are pure platforming that put all you platforming skills to the test. Some of the levels in Mario 64 required long jumps, triple jumps and wall jumping. There is no contest in pure platformig Super Mario 64 >> Banjo.
I could make more point on the mechanical design, but I think this is enough for now.
P.S. DKC series better than Mario World and Yoshi's Island? No, just no.
So you were a graphics whore even back then. Mario 64 was revolutionary, Banjo had great graphics, but the design and gameplay paled in the shadow of one of the greatest games ever made. Saying that Banjo is better than mario 64 is like saying that starfox adventures is better than zelda.
I'm interested in getting this, but I'm more of a light RPG player. If this isn't too complicated or hard I would get it. So give me your impressions.
What the hell?
Iga is right, I love Banjo and mario 64, but banjo can't even really be classed as a platformer, did it even require any skill to play? You walked about, you fired the odd egg, you collected a ton of shit. It was fun, it looked great, I loved it, I loved the sequel. But in no way did it ever rival mario 64 on anything other than production values. Mario 64 was endlessly inventive, it still offered that heady platforming rush of performing a set of moves and making that last triumphant run to achieve something. The game set a benchmark in 3D game design.
I just watched the gametrailers Force unleashed review
Monotonous? 7 hrs long? You get lost on levels, the bosses are QTEs and the normal enemies are cannon fodder? Your lightsabre barely has any effect?
Ugh, just read the IGN TOS Wii preview and saw the screens and video. Damn it looks rough, seriously, when the camera zooms out it's okay, otherwise it's like a DS game with no pixellation and worse lighting. Compare it to some of these SE DS Rpgs and it almost looks bad. The only saving grace for me personally is that they got rid of that horrible world map from the first game.
Tales 2 looks like a DS game?!
Umm so the PSN has no good or interesting games?
Ha...why do you ask? Sure it has good games.
There's plenty of interesting and good games on there.
Are we talking stuff that you can only get on PSN though?
Well I am not seeing Banjo in the top 10, I do see Mario 64 though.
Fuck platformers.
Yeah Fuck it indeed
Is it wrong that I get warm feelings in my groin while looking at her?
Oh, I get it now, she's a tranny, right? Fuck you Iga. You thought you could get me pop a boner while looking at a tranny, but no sir, that's not happening.
No this is a mythical girl gamer. Yes they do excist! Her name is pixelninja