I got the direct link to avoid the gametrailers browser killer.
darthhomer said:
gamingeek said:
What the crap? Everyone underates Ace Attorny anyway. Who has played Apollo Justice BTW?
I have.
Nowhere near as good as the other games. Decent enough, but trust me, you're better off sticking to the original and the third game. Maybe the second, if only for the final part of that game.
I played it, I probably preferred it to PW2 but not compared to the others. I think the 4th case ties everything together nicely and elevates the game.
What the fuck......de Blob, paint bukkake? Who's doing the updates? Steel?
Must be Iga I can tell most of the time.
edgecrusher said:
Regardless of whether the Wii controls would add anything to GTA, that would still be great having a GTA on Wii. Mario Galaxy didn't really benefit too much from the controller either, other than collecting those dumb stars, but who cares as long as it doesn't take anything away.
True. I would personally like the series to go back to the 1980s.
Or do something different. Why play as the same sort of guy working his way up the criminal underworld? Change things up a bit in terms of character, setting or story.
I think that people underate what Galaxy does with the controller. You used it to tilt that ball about, which I loved. You used it to control the manta ray. It was great at pointing at and shooting out stars. Even something as simple as that, shooting at the screen independently of character control, is something that is impossible with a dual analogue controller. Then you used the controller to use those elastic band type spiders webs and even things like blowing the mario bubble around.
Yep I am doing the updates. The paint bukake was stolen from Edge Crusher himself. So there.
About Galaxy, the star collecting pointer control is very underrated. If you take that away the game would be very tedious. The pointer controls streamline's the collecting. I am done with udating BTW.
About Galaxy, the star collecting pointer control is very underrated. If you take that away the game would be very tedious. The pointer controls streamline's the collecting. I am done with updating BTW.
Good job on the updates
I was thinking about a GTA Wii and visually if it looked as good as Burnout 3 on PS2 it would still look great.
I just finished watching the Tenchu IV 8 minutes of footage. Animation in game seems to have improved quite a bit. There also seems to be a lot of variety in the gameplay from walking on ceiling beams, to cat shaking, to poisening food, first person swordfighting, climbing up vertical walls, swimming, fishing etc.
They seem to have the base for a great game, but I am awfully worried about the controls. If they get them right than it's splinter cell like goodness. If they F them up than it's a crying shame.
Hmm, that could make things a hell of a lot easier than they should be.
That second video made the level seem too large and unfocused. It just seemed to be running about and whacking bad guys. I'm curious as to how the physics in this game work. From that small snippet in the video it doesn't appear to be doing the elebits thing. More like the HL2 thing.
I stopped playing it in the middle of my game like a year ago. I am now playing to finish it.
You just trying to finish the story or are going for all the quests? I missed like 6. Some stupid shrine asked for a bear pelt, some special wine and some other useless crapola. So I gave up. By then I had my fancy Dragon armour anyway
Hey look at 1up's GTA story pic:
Niko would probably say "Wii what? What is this shit? Hey Roman, why don't you shove it up your ass."
I am finishing all quests, my first 100 hours of the game last year got me far in the main quest and in the middle of most of the guild quests but mostly it was me building my character.
Since I started playing again, my guy is already maxed out so I am just knocking out quests like mad. I could finish the main story at any moment, I am already at the end. I am almost done with the theives, mages and mage. I am in the middle of the dark brotherhood (so awesome). I am almost complete with the knights of the nine. Once i am done with that I go into the Shivering Isles which I have yet to enter.
I am finishing all quests, my first 100 hours of the game last year got me far in the main quest and in the middle of most of the guild quests but mostly it was me building my character.
Since I started playing again, my guy is already maxed out so I am just knocking out quests like mad. I could finish the main story at any moment, I am already at the end. I am almost done with the theives, mages and mage. I am in the middle of the dark brotherhood (so awesome). I am almost complete with the knights of the nine. Once i am done with that I go into the Shivering Isles which I have yet to enter.
Shit, you have knights of the nine and shivering isles?
I can't even get shivering isles because a hard drive is required F-ing MS promised that there would be NO games that required the hard drive when 360 launched.
I'm gonna be playing Oblivion as well. I plan to get back on Lost Odyssey, and I'll probably be buying Tales of Vesperia and Infinite Undiscovery this weekend if I manage to get out of my fucking house because I have to paint the fucking bedrooms, GodFuckingDamnit. w00t.
You still have no HD, yikes GG, aren't there some games that do require it now?
I hear awesome things about Shivering Isles, I am saving that for when I finish up all the guild quests.
The only game that I want that requires it is that. Don't know about the others but I'm wary of buying games now online. I usually order online but unless you can check the box cover for that tiny icon, you're screwed.
steelattack said:
I'm gonna be playing Oblivion as well. I plan to get back on Lost Odyssey, and I'll probably be buying Tales of Vesperia and Infinite Undiscovery this weekend if I manage to get out of my fucking house because I have to paint the fucking bedrooms, GodFuckingDamnit. w00t.
Where have you been? Paint your bedroom with all our names. Put GG above the bed posts so you can look at me when you're doing it.
Yeah one made by Mamoro Oshi, the Ghost and the Shell guy.
Anime Trailer here^
^Gametrailer here
I got the direct link to avoid the gametrailers browser killer.
I played it, I probably preferred it to PW2 but not compared to the others. I think the 4th case ties everything together nicely and elevates the game.
Yep I am doing the updates. The paint bukake was stolen from Edge Crusher himself. So there.
About Galaxy, the star collecting pointer control is very underrated. If you take that away the game would be very tedious. The pointer controls streamline's the collecting. I am done with udating BTW.
Good job on the updates
I was thinking about a GTA Wii and visually if it looked as good as Burnout 3 on PS2 it would still look great.
I just finished watching the Tenchu IV 8 minutes of footage. Animation in game seems to have improved quite a bit. There also seems to be a lot of variety in the gameplay from walking on ceiling beams, to cat shaking, to poisening food, first person swordfighting, climbing up vertical walls, swimming, fishing etc.
They seem to have the base for a great game, but I am awfully worried about the controls. If they get them right than it's splinter cell like goodness. If they F them up than it's a crying shame.
^^Yep the potential of a more "realistic" ninja game is huge. A shame it does not happen often.
What games do you guys plan on playing this weekend?
"The cool thing about dieing is..."
Hmm, that could make things a hell of a lot easier than they should be.
That second video made the level seem too large and unfocused. It just seemed to be running about and whacking bad guys. I'm curious as to how the physics in this game work. From that small snippet in the video it doesn't appear to be doing the elebits thing. More like the HL2 thing.
I plan to play lots of Oblivion and Socom beta.
You still playing Oblivion or is this a repeat playthrough?
What did you do first time that you changed for the second time?
I stopped playing it in the middle of my game like a year ago. I am now playing to finish it.
You just trying to finish the story or are going for all the quests? I missed like 6. Some stupid shrine asked for a bear pelt, some special wine and some other useless crapola. So I gave up. By then I had my fancy Dragon armour anyway
Hey look at 1up's GTA story pic:
Niko would probably say "Wii what? What is this shit? Hey Roman, why don't you shove it up your ass."
I am finishing all quests, my first 100 hours of the game last year got me far in the main quest and in the middle of most of the guild quests but mostly it was me building my character.
Since I started playing again, my guy is already maxed out so I am just knocking out quests like mad. I could finish the main story at any moment, I am already at the end. I am almost done with the theives, mages and mage. I am in the middle of the dark brotherhood (so awesome). I am almost complete with the knights of the nine. Once i am done with that I go into the Shivering Isles which I have yet to enter.
Shit, you have knights of the nine and shivering isles?
I can't even get shivering isles because a hard drive is required
F-ing MS promised that there would be NO games that required the hard drive when 360 launched.
I'm gonna be playing Oblivion as well. I plan to get back on Lost Odyssey, and I'll probably be buying Tales of Vesperia and Infinite Undiscovery this weekend if I manage to get out of my fucking house because I have to paint the fucking bedrooms, GodFuckingDamnit. w00t.
You still have no HD, yikes GG, aren't there some games that do require it now?
I hear awesome things about Shivering Isles, I am saving that for when I finish up all the guild quests.
The only game that I want that requires it is that. Don't know about the others but I'm wary of buying games now online. I usually order online but unless you can check the box cover for that tiny icon, you're screwed.
Where have you been? Paint your bedroom with all our names. Put GG above the bed posts so you can look at me when you're doing it.