Wise Peter Moore believes suing pirates is wrong.
Moore loves piracy. :P (He's right)
New MLB minigame collection game by 2k for Wii.
There is a steriod injecting minigame!
Capcom doesn't realise the potential of Elebits
Svensson calls the game "unremarkable"
C3xHobby Fair Next Week!
Fragile, Sky Crawlers, and Soul Eater DS playable!...in Japan
Punk Rebel Ecks
David Braben interview
talks about Mario’s timeless quality, Sonic’s lost spark, and teases LostWinds 2 once more
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Wow, that was quick, Yoda!
If anyone wants to see my "banned" sig, click here!
I like it!
RE2 wii-make? M-E-H. Seriously, how about something new Capcom?
Holy shit. This is fucking awesome.
Can you guess the games?
Like Zack and Wiki 2? Cause that totally wouldn't be new mate...
A sequel is newer than a REMAKE.
Don't take the bait Edge! Why are buying games and not playing them fool? Doom HD? Are you ******* kidding?
Full reign? That sounds evil. I know how you did the banner now, just did a photoshop thing. Wind and saturation etc. Ahhh you must have done the same tutorial?
I made this new banner at the same pixel size but it's not great.
So far no one has posted an update since my last update yesterday. So much for free for all.
Done some more updates. 114/124 updates this week.
Lol I read the Elebits thing. Some one said that the Wii is not powerfull enough for physics. What? Second Sight and Psi-Ops were both released on the PS2, and Elebits on the Wii had physics too! You only need basic dynamics to model collision between two hard objects and soft ones are not hard either. People are fooled if they think Physics is only possible on powerfull machines.
"From a shareholder perspective, I should also be blamed as one of the people who greenlit it." --Dude from Capcom on Psi-Ops
Did that guy just basically say that only shareholder's are important, and no creative games should be greenlit for release because they will probably bomb? Now I don't like this guy at all.
I take that more as, "here's a reason why you won't see Psi-Ops Wii." If the game's not likely to make money, it's not going to get made, which is simply the truth of things now. Not that Sven is worth defending.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHe also truly doesn't realise the potential exhibited in Elebits over the likes of psi ops and second sight. The control interaction is like a whole generation above those games. When I form a massive post about why it is and could be great, the basic response is "I understand what physics can do for gameplay."
EDIT: Where is Punk? Is he still locked out?
Check out this boom blox mario video
I uploaded some videos into that capcom thread to show the physics off. There is one video with around 143 objects all reacting to eachother and that is overstuffed. An adventure game or shooter would have far less going on actually. One of those elebits videos has 482 objects bouncing off eachother. It's all a case of managing the engine.
Also from the IGN Interview with konami
IGN: Is the hardware as easy to use on the Wii as it was with the GameCube? The two systems are very similar is structure we're told.
Konami: Yes, the structure is very similar to GameCube, but you already knew that. The development was not that difficult, as the Wii system has built in physics simulation. That helped the process.
Tiger Woods 09 Wii review IGN
Closing Comments
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 All-Play is a tough game to rate because I figure it will probably be the last EA golf outing to ship minus Wii MotionPlus support. There is just so much potential for next year's game -- potential that this year's iteration cannot possibly match. And yet, truth be told, Woods 09 is still excellent in most regards. It looks better. It plays a great deal better thanks to improved swing mechanics that capture that one-to-one sensation. And it's packed full of more content than ever before, including new Wii-exclusive mini-games and a truly fabulous online component. So even if next year's game is bound to be superior, I can't ignore the fact that All-Play 09 is one of the best golf videogames I have ever played. Get it. There's enough replay value in this single project to hold you over until next year's sequel. And while we're all waiting, I'll see you online.
He marked it lower so he could leave room to mark the motionplus one higher next year? What a tool-ish thing to do.
Well, game looks great. Should I buy it though? I'm a mario golf man. I like super easy, bright colours and fun presentation. I was going to get Wii love golf and if capcom hadn't have released it months and months too late I would have. Tiger looks good. Maybe if they let me play as my Mii or create ones. I will have to check the review text closer. I know my bro would love this.
Yeah I saw it. How many copies did Second Sight and Psi-Ops sell anyways? I loved fooling around in Second Sight and it is easy to see how the Wii-mote would improve the gameplay siginificantly. When you want to move a body up to throw it out of a window, you need to go in first person view, which stops you from walking. With wiimote you would be able to do it much easier than with dual analog. Than there is rotation what is not possible on dual anolog. With wii-motionplus you would be able to fully manipulate a body in 6 degrees of freedom (lateral an angular movement along the 3 axes).
Plus the release mechanism (when you stop wanting to manipulate victim to throw them away) could be improved dramatically. With Wii-motionplus you would be able to throw you opponent with a curve, hard straight, rotating straight etc. It would be awesome. I want a new Second Sight game, John Vattic is awesome.
This is what I found at Free Radical boards!
Dear Mr R107,
What about a new game with the great Dr John Vattic?
Please, don't make a dreamcast joke!
R107 says:
The Dreamcast is not a joke. Also, Yes we 'd love to do another Second Sight, or even re-release it on the Wii. All we need now is for a publisher to ask us to do it...
Dammit publishers ask them to release it, a remake would be nice too, because storywise I do not see a sequel.
What stopped me from enjoying second sight was that it didn't give me the option to inverse the camera. It screwed me up royally. The character movement could have been smoother. The great thing about the control in elebits is that because it uses the pointer, you do have access to all that freedom. It does accurately translate rotation, depth and positional changes and picking up an releasing objects is as easy as pressing and releasing the A button. Wii motion plus would make it even better, but games don't even need this to implement a great control scheme with the existing hardware.
I think ressurecting an old IP wouldn't be the way to go. Those titles have now lost mindshare. You either need an existing franchise to adopt the mechanics or to do a new and exciting IP.
Dvader, would you like to shower with this?
Is no one interested in Afrika but me?
I can use both the invered and non inversed camera control. The cool thing was that you could finish mission with stealth or just kill everyone. I played some levels multiple times to do different things. For example, in the very first level, you can lead the two guards back to your cell and than lock them up. They will start a argument and eventually start fighting. The game is full with stuff like that.
Another IP hey! How about X-men? There are many characters with telekinetic powers. Or maybe Magneto the game where you can only move metal. I got it, Silver Surfer. Power Cosmic (transmute and manipulate objects with wii-mote) and balance board surfer control. With a Galaxy-like planetoid design.
Of course I would GG.
So whats the topic conversation of the day, lots of text not bothering to read it. And what is with this Batman is canceled rumor?
As for Afrika, I am interested in the same way as Endless Ocean, I would play it but not buy it at a high price. Oh and its called Hakuna Matata everywhere else besides Japan. If Pumba and Timon are not in it on the other versions I will be very disappointed.