Wise Peter Moore believes suing pirates is wrong.
Moore loves piracy. :P (He's right)
New MLB minigame collection game by 2k for Wii.
There is a steriod injecting minigame!
Capcom doesn't realise the potential of Elebits
Svensson calls the game "unremarkable"
C3xHobby Fair Next Week!
Fragile, Sky Crawlers, and Soul Eater DS playable!...in Japan
Punk Rebel Ecks
David Braben interview
talks about Mario’s timeless quality, Sonic’s lost spark, and teases LostWinds 2 once more
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travo (9m)
Telekinetic wiimote games
I should have stuck with it. I got to, I think it was a mental institution. There was a library on the bottom floor and patient rooms on the top floor. I found the sneaking too painstaking, I would rather wade in like Psi Ops. But also the physics just weren't as fun in Second Sight comparitevly.
Is the game announced for outside of Japan? Hakuna Mataka is a joke right? I hope that batman game comes out, it looks great to me. The only reason I can think of is licencing issues. Maybe warner want a proper dark knight game tie in out first. The only topic is me bitching about Elebits as usual. And Punk's continued absence. Did you get back to him on that?
Ah shame you did not get that far! Do you want to know the twist at the ending? The story was great!
where am I?
Who is doing my updates?
Not complaining just wondering.
So PS3 owners all 1 of you, getting Last Guy or not, I am.
Punk said that weblink I gave him still does not work, he said he will wait till Wed when he gets his old PC shipped to him.
Morning all. Not as bad of a day in Melbourne, Australia's Street Fighter capital!
Seeing as I haven't purchased a PSN game yet, Last Guy won't be the first. However, I will be downloading the demo.
Better be good...I fucking based one of my assignments on it...
I don't think EA charging for used games is such a bad idea, it probably won't affect us, as much it as it will affect EB/Gamestop as they can't even really boost the price up on their used games any higher. I say go ahead, and maybe EB/Gamestop will alter the way they do business, as they will have to find other ways to make such tremendous profits.
It's not Arkham. It's the Dark Knight game.
To be fair, Pandemic were working on it, and given their past experience with licenses (Star Wars Battlefront), it could have been something.
Ahahahaha! I'm back! YES!
But yeah my opinions:
Jaleco - Another example of a small unknown developer trying to cash in on the Wii. Looks very interesting. Dynasty Warriors meets Shadow of the Colossus meets your standard JActionRPG? Sign me up.
Ys Book I and II - Have to see if they live up to the hype given to them. I admit I was far dissapoited with my last "CD RPG legend" (Lufia Blue).
One of the site's forefathers.
Edge's Babe Of The Week, Helena Coelho of Portugal:
She digs me. You can tell.
I like this weekly feature.
If this deal works out, goddamn....
See y'all in half an hour...
Square taking over Tecmo? Well I guess that makes sense, since Tecmo's another company who has lost its key personel. Now they can all wollow in the fact that none of them make the same level of quality they used to.
I can see it now....Ninja Gaiden RPG: Tale of the Japanese Dude Who Digs Large-Breasted Blonde European Women. Actually, I'd buy that. Anyway...
I just finished Ratchet: Quest For Booty.
Good game, the usual gameplay formula that Ratchet has relied on since day 1 basically. Graphics seem maybe a slight step up over Tools of Destruction. Decent length for a $15 download. Definitely not as satisfying as the disc-based games though. Well, except for maybe Deadlocked....that one sucked. But yeah its missing much of the depth that the retail games have. You don't really have any say over weapons and weapon building here...the game's too short for that. Some games just shouldn't be downloads. But again, its still solid.
I do wish they'd maybe give Ratchet a break and come up with a new IP though. The game was amazing in 2002, one of my top games of the year that year, and I remember giving it a 9.6 at Gamespot. It was so fresh and different, with such great comedy.
But through years of basically just recycling the same formula over and over, its not what it used to be. Picture Nintendo milking the Mario Galaxy style for 6 years straight.....sure its great but after awhile it becomes old.
I am, but I don't think it'll ever be released here.
The Wii needs a new Makopad.
I had a PC gamepad that looked nearly identical to that Makopad 64, Edge. It had a solid blue color, though. Man, that was the best PC gamepad I ever used! I didn't know they made one for N64; I would've bought one!
He's back.
What about ebay?
You must have missed the memo but I will make it large so everyone sees. Since Ravenprose is unable to do a full days posting and since HiRes is unavailible and since Steel wont get back to me on switching to a weekday, that leaves you me and Iga doing all week.
Thus we are having an experiment.
Currently everyone currently registered can post gaming news from the add articles link. There is no schedule. It's a free for all.
I listened to the Ys book music. It was great, then I saw that it looked like a NES game and that was bad.
Good to see you BTW. What happened?
Did anyone see the Dennis Dyack video interview? Nintendo is still a silent partner? Eternal Darkness 2 question is too hard to answer?
What is going on?
Funny how now we've gone free for all I haven't seen a single new article that hasn't already been posted.