Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
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Yeah but if it was a GTA rip you could at least use the bat mobile/bikes etc. I hope that you can use the bat hanglider in this game.
Any mention of robin? I would like to beat up robin.
Regarding the design (cbf'd grabbing quotes cause my uber post died on me) T_T.
It's basically GG's design but with the tabs up the top. Seriously, the tabs HAVE to be up the top!
Regarding photorealistc graphics, fuck off. Heavy Rain is only starting to get to ucnanny valley level! And it'll be a looong time before we see photorealistic animation. Look at her eye's animation, is it fucking impressive? yes, does it look like one of those freaking Japanese robots that are going to take over the world instead of a real eye's movement? yes.
Most developers find it hard to create games up to the current generation consoles portential , how many are going to bother going towards this?
One of the site's forefathers.
Well you scan the person in, so it should require less work from a programming point of view, but here is the drawback. You need a real person to do that. So basically you will need actors, especially if you want to have an convincing character. And we all know how expensive actors are in hollywood, don't we? With this the gaming industry will move toward the movie industry.
I was able to play Contra consecutively for as long as I wanted to without the 30 man cheat code. I think the difficulty increased a couple of times on consequetive playthroughs although I'm not sure. I've finished Zelda 2, Castlevania, Devil May Cry 3 (both versions), and the Ninja Gaiden games. I've never played Shinobi or F-Zero GX and I used cheats for the Ghouls 'n Ghosts games. I remember playing Battletoads but I can't remember if I finished it or not.
You did not finish it! Trust me I saw same youtube videos of the later levels, they would make Satan cry like a schoolgirl in a bukake movie. You would definely remember it, if you had finished it.
Go here to read about Insert Coin possibe future Arch, your input is apreciated.
Plus since it scans the image of the actor so you need to have actors that look the part rather than creating your own character and getting VA to do the rest.
I see a new dimension in porn, do you see it too GG?
I finished Zelda 2 (building up 30 lives by leaving it on for 20 hours and grinding FTW). F-Zero GX I finishe the Normal story mode. Super Ghouls & Ghosts on the SNES I may have finished once a long time ago, or at least came very close.
I discount any games with difficulty settings as "Hardest ever" because I think all games where it's reasonable should scale difficulties toward impossible. Also, if you include difficulty levels as hardest, GoldenEye on 007 mode with maxed out scales is literally impossible on most levels.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI finished Zelda 2 and Castlevania on emulators so I used save states. DMC3 was not that hard. NG on Xbox is the only NG I beat. And I finished Ghosts and Goblins.
Bionic Commando Rearmed is out on Live and has a demo on PSN ( comes out tomorrow), you guys play it? Its FANTASTIC.
Hmm, server was great earlier today, now slow as hell
Really? It's been working great for me.
Capcom considering Wii ports
You’re not going to see Bionic Commando on the Virtual Console, but Capcom left some hopeful news on the Capcom forums. In response to the Bionic Commando on Virtual Console debacle a Capcom Community member posted the following grievance on the forums, “Capcom, I'm really pissed right now. I want to play these games, but you give us Wii owners the shaft. No RE5 Wii, possibly no Dead Rising 2, no Lost Planet, no Flock, no Age of Booty, No Street Fighter 4, no Devil May Cry, no Dark Void.”
Christian Svensson, VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development at Capcom, replied with, “We are contemplating versions of one or two of the CEI titles you've mentioned on the Wii (not saying which), but we'd like to see how they do on their initial target systems before doubling down on additional SKUs”
When Svensson says “CEI titles” he is referring to intellectual properties developed by Capcom USA. Out of the list Flock, Age of Booty, Dark Void, and Street Fighter IV are Capcom Entertainment Interactive projects. Street Fighter IV is a possibility. Yoshinori Ono, the Producer of Street Fighter IV, told us if there were enough requests they would think about it. However, out of all the games on the list Flock seems like the most likely candidate. Flock has players move a UFO to scare sheep and other animals into a mothership. The game can be redesigned with pointing control, sold as a WiiWare title, and most importantly it won't need a huge budget to port over. Age of Booty seems like a possible candidate too if Capcom can get it to work over Nintendo Wi-Fi. Whatever games Capcom is considering won’t come out for some time though since Capcom plans on seeing how they perform on the Xbox 360/PS3 first.
So year late ports confirmed? Fucking great capcom.
Oh yeah I got the game and it's fantastic indeed. Not only is it totally worth the $10 just for the regular enhanced version of the game but the 56 challenge levels up the value even more.
Capcom plans on seeing how they perform on the Xbox 360/PS3 first.
And we see clearly again that third-parties don't get it. It's irrelevant how the games do on other platforms; how well should they do on Wii? A run-of-the-mill FPS would probably be a pretty big flop on the 360, but on the FPS-starved Wii, just being solid would make it a likely hit. Sell to the market.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileBuy yet Megaman 9 is ported over on the 360 and PS3. If have done some thinking and this is not new. Capcom has been screwing Nintendo fans over since the SNES. They never released Super SFII turbo on the Snes, but they did release it on the 3DO. Gamecube never got SFIII 3rd strike if I am not mistaken, and lets not talk about the Campcom 5.
P.S. yes internet was slow for me too, but at least it was stable even if it was slow.
Super Street Fighter II didn't sell well on SNES/Genesis, and Capcom lost millions manufacturing those expensive carts. That's why they released Turbo on the CD based 3DO instead.
Oh, I take back what I said earlier. The server is noticably slower now. But I'm thankful I'm not getting any more of those weird errors now. Posting news is a lot better this week.
The problem lies within the animators. Even in CGI blockbusters this isn't used or even being thought of. No matter how much harder it is modelers and animators prefer to create their own works instead of tracing them. This is very similar to how rotoscoping is a huge benefit for 2D animation however 2D movies and shows never ever use it unless a financial emergency pops up (Fire and Ice).
Another good point that I didn't think of. Modelers (especially game modelers) prefer to create their own worlds with their own art-styles. Just look at movies like Shrek or The Incredibles and look how people are rendered. And I don't even think I need to bring up gaming.
One of the site's forefathers.
Not only that why not put the game out on wii and see how it does before thinking about other platforms? Why is always the other way around? Why do wii owners have to prove and beg and plead for titles taken for granted on other platforms? It's bullshit and capcom are really starting to piss me off, especially Svensson.
User Question:
Capcom, I'm really pissed right now. I want to play these games, but you give us Wii owners the shaft. No RE5 Wii, possibly no Dead Rising 2, no Lost Planet, no Flock, no Age of Booty, No Street Fighter 4, no Devil May Cry, no Dark Void. Instead we get Ports/Spin-offs, a potty mouth game (Spyborgs), We Love Golf (Bad swing mechanics), Neopets (Do I need to say anymore about that one), and Zack and Wiki(I'm in no way bad mouthing this game, it's great).
Why do we always get the shaft?
Capcom Answer:
We are contemplating versions of one or two of the CEI titles you've mentioned on the Wii (not saying which), but we'd like to see how they do on their initial target systems before doubling down on additional SKUs.
Spyborgs I still say will surprise people (stay tuned)... WLG is the highest rated golf game on Wii according to Neopets is getting great press (a couple best puzzle game of E3 nominations from various outlets) and Z&W, which you'd already agreed with my stance on. I'd say that's pretty solid. You also forgot RE4, RE:UC and Harvey Birdman.
From my perspective, excluding downloadables, we've shipped more games on Wii than 360 or PS3, including two RE titles. I don't see the Wii getting shafted at all.
That said, if you'd like to vent further, there's at least one or two open threads for that purpose. I'd like to keep them consolidated as the backlash from non-Wii owners (or even Wii owners who have heard the complaints a bit more than they can handle) tends to get rather severe here.
In any event, thanks for your post.
So a golf game from camelot that launched like a year late in the west and is scoring between 7.0-8s is our reward and great proof of capcoms parity?
Neo fucking pets? Svensson keeps talking about all these ports he's dumping down on the system as if this qualifies as full support and proof of how great they are. What a ******* joke. So you ported 4 games on the system, big wow, thanks for that, ports that are years late and barely improved. Gee thanks.
Capcom you are really spoiling us with your exquisite ports
"We've shipped more games on Wii than 360 and PS3! Whoppee! Fuck yeah! Including two resident evil titles like that port from a GC game with tacked on PS2 content, or that port of RE0 or the light gun game that's okayish but nobody wanted in the first place, this balances out RE5 et al not hitting wii and RE4 wii only took 10 team members four months and $10 to do. So wii isn't getting crapcomed at all!"
I really think that it's the right time to write the article I wanted to write. Prepare for another "epic" one guys, at least on the level of the 2D Games one.
One of the site's forefathers.