John Carmack interview
Plays the Wii alot, no plans for making games on it
The future of Insert Coin (Important)
Guys get over to my blog quick, read it and leave a comment
The 29 Most Ridiculously Hot Female Fighters
Where is my Zero suit Samus?
3rd parties do sell on the Wii
but but the Internetz has told me otherwise
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You're just angry because ninjas aren't artful.
No seriously what's there to discuss about art?
Here's why games can't be art: Art is an expression. Games are a set of rules. A game's story, music or visual design can be "art," but the constructs of a game involving reaching a goal, developing character stats or amassing a high score are not emotional expressions or expressions of any kind for that matter.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSo that is the definition of art, so basically everything is art! Fuck art, Engineering FTW
There are new scans of FFXIII, someone find them.
Done with the updates.
Back to the art discussion. According to Wiki:
Art refers to a diverse range of human activities, creations, and expressions that are appealing or attractive to the senses or have some significance to the mind of an individual.
See everything can be considerd art! No point in further discussion, everything can be art, its all in the eye of the beholder.
Edit for the Lazy
My wang is art.
Your wang does not exist. Where the fuck is everybody?
So Steel tomorrow and Sunday I will do the updates, Right?
Possibly watching the opening ceremony...or sleeping....or gaming....or something else. I can tell you during the course of last night I was doing all three.
The opening ceromony is long over. And Vader asked me to find the FFXIII scans. I find them in 30 seconds, and Vader is gone! Weird. Oh well time to go to bed now. See you guys later
I know that - it was in relation to your question "Where the fuck is everybody?"
If you're asking about Vader, he's probably playing PixelJunk Eden.
I was touched by an angel.
Playing deeper into Killzone, again, it strikes me as odd how this game ever got the "Halo killer" moniker. Odd probably isn't the word...I just can't think of a better one right now.
I sucks. I like the CONCEPT. I think a better developer could have made this idea into an amazing game. But this game how it is here, is horrible. Its like a very average shooter from early in the PS2's life, except it came out in 2004.
I'm constantly struck by how bad the production values are. Why did this get hyped to have great production?? Because as I said before, the fucking sound alone is ass horrible. Voices are all muffled worse than most PS1 games, its honestly grating whenever someone speaks. And the weapons have no power at all to them. Graphically, it rivals Timesplitter's 1.
Its so sad that they actually blamed the PS2 for this game's shortcomings. Cause I mean Red Faction came out in 2001 and blows this away in every way. PS2's shortcomings had nothing to do with this mess...I think they may have been using PS1 devkits on accident.
And OMFG the aiming.....its one of these shooters where the aiming feels totally akward. Like its actually hard to aim at a target. There's not much I can't stand more than that.
This is just bad.
Iga those are old, but thanks for looking.
These are the new ones,
Might want to edit the news story.
GG, I recieved a message that said "You have recieved new levels from 218573983759286930296783469373. I'm assuming that's your Wii username.
Fixed the news story and the my post above. But why were you so exited by this, it shows nothing.
Trying to see if I could embed a video here...
Never mind!
Third party sales on Wii - just third parties this time
"I actually think that given the number of comments made from industry executives at E3 (or thereabouts) about how they didn't put enough resources against development of Wii games that the industry has realized that the old adage of 'only first-party games sell on Nintendo systems' is absolutely incorrect. I think you're right that the data will cause a few eyebrows to lift." - NPD industry analyst Anita Frazier
But you can only make a game so open-ended as every game has set barriers so that the player knows what to do. Can gaming be art? IMO very much so. Just look at Suda-51, Kojima, Tim Schaffer, or Miyamoto; all these developers have a certain style and tone for their game. They all have the player play the game differently as well as come out with totally different experiences from them.
Oh and Gamingeek right here, I think this is the thread where people defend GTA IV as art by the dick.
One of the site's forefathers.