Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
"Mean Girls' Game plays like 'Puzzle Quest'
According to Homer the best idea ever
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Haven't had a chance to play much. Just been getting in the odd bit of brawl and killer 7.
I haven't played anything because my TV is gone for repairs. I hope I get it back soon, so I can play Brawl.
Fucking right. With Marvel saying that something new with Capcom may or may not be happening soon, this could be the true return of fighting games.
Speaking of which - cannot wait for Soul Calibur. Shit is going to rock. We need to play against one another (if the online play isn't borked, that is).
Guys check out the news!
Sorry GG, I had to post it. Too important to let it slide.
What in the flying fuck, is that?? My word man....
So Red Steel 2 will use Wii Motionplus.
Maybe now they'll be able to MATCH what Retro and High Voltage are doing, controls-wise. LOL
I really find it hard to care with the way Ubisoft has performed on the Wii. Here's the sequel to the average game RED STEEL that you've all been waiting for, in between play sessions of I haz Babiez.
^And Red Steel had so much potential! Shame on you Ubi!
So perhaps they'll get it right with RS2!
I won't be holding my breath though.
Red steel 2? Yay!
"So Red Steel is a brand, and as with every brand we have, we now have to reach the top quality possible. What was missing was the preciseness of the sabre - and with this new device I think it will change the experience."
Nice to hear, but what was missing was that those assholes rushed the game out 6 months early to cash in on sales. Why not announce this shit at Ubidays or E3? What the fuck is wrong with the gaming world these days?!
Fragile Wii screens
You should care, if Red Steel 1 wasn't rushed out the door early it could have been a 9.0 game easily. It had great graphics in places, awful graphics in other places, some explosive and satisfying gameplay and a great setting that crucially wasn't either WW2 or aliens.
If Red Steel 1 had polish and a control scheme as good as MOHH2 or Prime 3 it could have been really great Edge. I'm hyped. Sort of. Don't want these A-holes to piss all over it again.
Okami weekend play, this is what I played
Well I just finished the water dragon and now I'm on Oni Island.
Game has gotten a whole lot better after the ho-hum beginning.
I love the underwater temple stuff even if it is a direct rip of zelda and the zoras domain etc. It was beautiful though and the music was sublime.
Oni Island has this stupid time trial like section where I am racing this ticket thing.
I loved the section where you were shrunk and saw issun full size and had the giant human feet. That reminded me of minish cap.
I also played WW last night for a quick blast and it re-confirmed my feelings. As much as I love Okami, the actual gameplay in zelda just smacks this game down like a bitch. Simple example, you see a crack in the wall in okami, you draw a circle and the wall explodes. In zelda you have to equip your bombs, then your bombs have a timer that may blow you up. Then you have to line up a throw to get it just right, take a run up or not. Some things are in mid-air so have to time it perfectly right to blow it up.
Another example. In okami you see a lit torch and an unlit one. You draw a line between them, shazam, torch lit, door open. In zelda last night I went into a room, saw a pot with sticks in, broke open the pot, grabbed the stick, lit the stick, ran up two levels than literally threw the stick across the room to light the torch on the balcony across the gap.
There is better design and gameplay in one dungeon of zelda than there is in the whole of okami. It sounds like a RIDICULOUS statement to make, but that is what I keep thinking, even though I love the game. I love okami because of the art and the atmosphere and the humour and the brush mechanics.
The overworld is huge. I mean I keep hearing this talk about how wii can't do openworld games, but PS2 games like Bully, GTA and okami just show that even on PS2 you could acheive huge gameworlds, even if there are imperfections like pop up or funnel points (which I actually don't mind). You can zoom the camera out in okami and see this huge landscape as far as the eye can see.
Fragile looks awesome
New Tenchu 4 trailer
This week shall be known as ninja week
Some info from Neogaf
- In the previous games, the player had to manage entirely the "hiding dynamic", or "the series of action that should be executed so the character could hide". However, in the upcoming game some specific actions are done automatically : for example, by doing the sliding move near a thicket and in his general direction, the character moves automatically to this hiding spot. This could also allow the character to move from thicket to thicket, and from hiding spot to hiding spot very swiftly. They believe that this is one of the numerous improvements that make the gameplay very fast and refreshing.
- Lots of gameplay variations. For example, contrarily the relatively simple and common pattern of the previous games, there is now a lot of different ways to reach the enemy. Generally, the tactical aspect has been considerably reinforced.
- They intend to max out the possibilities of the Wiimote and Nunchuk controllers
- They mention how in the previous games, you had to master how to punch a series of buttons to pull off "badass" moves, but now, thanks to the Wiimote accessibility, you can intuitively execute the move by swinging the Wiimote accordingly.
- Music [which, by the way, sounds pretty awesome so far] is by original series composer Noriyuki Asakura, with main theme sang by soprano Tomoko Shibata.
Wow, Fragile is looking nice. Love the art and soft focus detail.
Tenchu 4
Hrmph. They need to closer match the in game visuals to the cutscenes. They seem to be using the same assets, but there is much richer colour and lighting and effects in the cutscenes. Seeing the vivid enchanced colours in Okami it's certainly more than possible to make everything look richer on Wii. The cutscene visuals looked like NG1 on Xbox. They should take the time to bump it up to that level.
Love the music.
Tenchu music is awesome indeed.
GG some info about Fragile, a little old but awesome. Again from Neogaf
We've also learned first details on the game's combat system. The game transitions seamlessly into battle as you face off against all varieties of creatures, including some who move in groups. When in battle, you keep using the nunchuck to move your character around, and use buttons on the Wiimote to perform attacks. You have to select your weapons based off the current enemy.
It's not just you by your lonely self as you search the ruins, though. Joining main character Seto are at least three additional characters: Ren, Sai and Kuro. Ren is the white-haired girl who, as previously revealed, is the subject of Seto's search. Sai is another female character who meets up with Seto midway through his travels. Kuro is a boy who, like Seto, is searching through this world of ruins. His search is centered in the Tokyo Tower area as he attempts to find the location depicted in a picture. He feels finding this location will help reveal the past that he has forgotten.
Nice stuff^ I guess all I'm worried about is how everything is so empty. I know that is kind of the point of the game but I hope it's not too boring because of it.
What do you guys think?
Q: Ubisoft was pretty proactive when the Wii first launched, getting some titles on there - how do you appraise that initial push, and what would you say the lessons were now you're coming on to the second and third iterations of titles?
Alain Corre: It's true we were early on the system, with Rayman and Red Steel. Both games were in the top ten of the Wii chart for the first 6-9 months of the machine. We came down a bit in year two, for a number of reasons, but it also takes time to create great products on the Wii - despite what some people say. When you make a great game, you need more than one year of development.
A lot of games are made in less than a year, but they're not great products and they're not selling at all. So it takes some time to develop good games. This year we're coming with Shaun White, which we've developed over 18 months, and the same for Rayman 3. I think these two games can be in the top ten of the Wii charts at Christmas again, and there will also be new Wii games announced soon - more games dedicated to capturing this new audience.
So I think our Wii share that we lost a bit last year, versus year one, we'll grab it back this Christmas. We have started the development of a lot more games on the Wii for Christmas 2009, so it's in place.
We should have developed even more games in year one, to be ready for year two, but now we've switched a lot of our people in development to the Wii, so our ambition is that our market share on Wii grows starting this Christmas - and I think we're on the right track.
Q: Much has been written about Red Steel - do you think its reception was hampered by unfair expectation on the accuracy and sensitivity of the Wii remote? Does the new Wii remote peripheral give you more confidence for Red Steel 2?
Alain Corre: It was a great announcement, what [Nintendo] showed [in its press conference], because it's true that on Red Steel it's the typical product that will appreciate the new device.
Red Steel 2 has been in development for many months now, and this new device will help us be even more precise in what we do with the product. The Red Steel brand is strong - I think we released it on year one, and that people understood that it was a first try on new technology, technology that wasn't completely finished.
And our game tried to grab the best out of it, and was a bit rushed to be sure to offer something in year one to Wii consumers. But Red Steel is still selling well - at a lower price of course, but still it's in the top 30 or 40 in every country on Wii.
So Red Steel is a brand, and as with every brand we have, we now have to reach the top quality possible. What was missing was the preciseness of the sabre - and with this new device I think it will change the experience.
I am worried about the opposite also. Too much fighting can also be annoying. For instance trying to explore while you are constantly attacked by the same type of enemies.
GG are we the only ones who care about Fragile?
About Ubi, I will form an opinion if I see something. But it is good news that 3rd party developers are using wii motionplus
Good point, being constantly attacked in games like this is no fun whatsoever. I hope that a lot of games have motionplus as an option in their games. If force unleashed could have a patch to incorporate it, that would be ace.
Actually, Maxi is the Eddy of Soul Calibur.
Voldo is just a freak!
Voldo has always been S and M. I remember wincing whenever his thong and tight ass was on screen.