Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
"Mean Girls' Game plays like 'Puzzle Quest'
According to Homer the best idea ever
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gamingeek (1m)
Good, we haven't exactly got the highest standard of acotrs.
Well the Fragile pics are improving with time, haven't seen a bad one for awhile.
Me too. Error on page is so annoying.
I got to agree with EDGE here after spending another few hours on the game last night and early this morning. GTA 3 is better, even though it was revolutionary and built the engine etc. It was still funny, entertaining and well made. I just find the characters and missions on GTA IV totally boring. Not one character is endearing in the slightest, these two russian mafia brothers are just violent bores. There's a ton of useless excessive swearing and I'm not exactly oppossed to swearing in the slightest.
The one mission which has felt slightly different so far was going up the ladders and jumping across rooftops and that felt so mechanical and stiff it was yet again boring. I'm still waiting around for it to kick things up a notch and become this brilliant game I keep hearing about because I still rate Vice City and GTA3 above this. Hell, maybe even SA and I didn't even get into that game.
Are you talking about Niko and Roman Bellic?
Yeah I had that game. It was good and really like GTA actually. It was made by DMA design which changed names and became rockstar. The only problem was that it had a tendancy to explode your vehicle on a hill or incline and leave you as a little running man that could not make it back up the hill
So you had to restart. Balls man.
I haven't played the PS2 version, from what I've seen and heard the visuals are clearer and more vibrant, obviously the brushwork is faster and more intuitive and natural. But also, you can skip those annoying cutscenes. I'm on my first playthrough and have skipped a few overlong BS bits of chit chat. I don't think there is that much difference though but EDGE will proabably know more than me. Okami is weird that it does feel segmented, it's not like you finish a chapter and move on towards the end of the book. It feels like you end the book and go on the epilogue. Just weird.
Good, now you can play it tell everyone how great it is and get them to buy it too.
The wii version has some exclusive missions and classes in the form of new minigames that use the wii remote pretty well, you can do trama centre style operations in biology and use IR to pin things on a map and use it as a drum in music class. You get IR aiming which is admittedly clunky. Otherwise it has veeeeeeeery slightly improved visuals over the PS2 version. Very slightly. The 360 version looks a lot better visually but the game is bugged and has to be patched online.
Man Fragile is looking better each day. Why couldn't they make TOS2 look like this?
Iga I have no idea what you are smoking but I disagree with you on visuals. Firstly on N64, nintendos games came nowhere near what rare was doing. They were undisputed kings of visuals on the platform. Majora looked like ocarina with better lighting.
As to mario galaxy, when you see the planetoids in the background you are seeing blurred out, filtered versions, the detail doesn't phase in until you get close. When you see a whole planet, you are seeing basic textures with lovely lighting and a great art style. Go into first person and look, the textures are crap. It looks absolutely lovely but it's not anything as demanding as what prime 3 is putting out.
No I mean the crime bosses. But even Niko and Roman barely raise an eyebrow with me. It just doesn't compare to Ray Liottas performance in Vice city.
Okay, just checking! I heard some people call Niko and Roman Russian (they are Serbian). They are terrible character though.
They just don't make me laugh or care about them at all.
Hey there is some great MUSHROOM MEN footage here. Game doesn't look half bad.
It has no spirit? Come on man.
Fragile is looking great.
I just reserved my copy of Animal Crossing: City Folk at Amazon. It'll likely be my GOTY. I'm hopelessly addicted to that series, and I honestly don't care if it isn't a big leap from the GC/DS game. As long as they make some subtle improvements here and there and add a bunch of new items to collect, then I'm happy. However, I'm sure we haven't seen everything ACCF will offer yet; Nintendo is known for their secrets.
Retro Studios are kind of the new Rare. The ones you can count on to come out with some insane looking shit. Its too bad Rare didn't stay in the Nintendo camp because it would have been fun to see who put out the better looking games.
Nintendo sold Rare, because they were turning into an unproductive company. Think about it, on the Xbox they created only Grabbed by the Ghoullies. And Retro = the new Iguana and not Rare. They are still to small to be compared with Rare.
I remember Nintendo saying that they sold their partial ownership of Rare because Rare had only contributed to about 1% of Nintendo's overall profits.
It would have been nice if they had made a totally new town to live in, whereas this one looks awfully similar to the DS one. Or if they had just ripped the model/code from the GC version as the town and then spent all their time adding new areas to go to. One of the problems I have with AC or harvest moon for instance is that I want to go outside the gates and enjoy the world because if it's half as fun as the town area I know I'm going to love it.
Agreed. They seem to be slowly getting their shit together. They are still in a weird place for my money with a company and console known more for its hardcore shooters and sweary online games than their particular brand of cuddly filth. I think during the GC/Xbox era they just became really slow and expensive to keep. MS thought they had struck gold when they bought them, not realising they were getting bronze.
Not worth 3 or 4 times the price then!
It's hard to find decent GC pics of Animal Crossing but here's what I got.
I see a difference, but like I said it has this rigid art style like the grass and how it's made from triangles for instance. You can't **** with that and it doesn't need wow visuals, it's not that sort of game. I have no idea how IGN can call them DS graphics.
It was released over here at a little under full retail price. There is this one classic moment though where you use the wii remotes to drum in a christmas pageant. It's probably the best moment of the game for me and might not be as fun with buttons. Still, it incorporates the controls in a really seamless and enjoyable way but it you can get the PS2 version the differences are probably not that pronounced at all.
This game has me laughing out loud every minute, it's really great and its perception thanks to jack thompson really pisses me off.