Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
"Mean Girls' Game plays like 'Puzzle Quest'
According to Homer the best idea ever
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robio (8m) Archangel3371 (8m)
Despite my qualms with the game itself, the top N64 graphics does go to Majora's Mask. It was a bit of an improvement over Ocarina of Time, and without slowdown.
Out of all the games on the N64, regardless of how much I preferred one or the other at the time, the one game I hold as "classic" is Ogre Battle 64. Ocarina of Time has some wear with age, Perfect Dark even more so (it comes with the genre).
I want Ogre Battle on the Virtual Console just so I don't have to play the game with the N64 controller.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileBecause your asshole is loose.
Edge, you said:
"Okami is definitely better on Wii"
In what ways?
Edge and GG, I definitely concede that when we compare TP and Okami, Zelda is better with keeping the player going. The only momentary exception is the beginning of TP, which is torturously slow. As to length, segmentation, and stuff like that, if I hadn't already watched the GS review of Okami, I would have been under the impression that it ends after the Orochi fight.
That's what I was saying.
Oh and Conker's Bad Fur Day had the best N64 graphics.
One of the site's forefathers.
^^^That just has better resolution. The textures aren't even close to being as good. Just look at the floor and Link.
Anyway new Blazblue screens:
More here.
One of the site's forefathers.
Again, all those games look good, but Conker had people wondering if it was a Dreamcast game. I think that pretty much qualifys FTW right there. Nobody ever made the assumption that Majora was a Dreamcast game.
Over the years, the 3 games I remember turning heads the most on N64 were Turok 2, Banjo, and Conker. With Perfect Dark a close runner up. I'm not gonna bother trying to find pics, as most pics for old N64 games are as asstastic as Gerstmann's ass.
Exactly look at the picture of the hay-people you see textures on the floor and and wall, can't say that about Majora's Mask.
One of the site's forefathers.
I'm expecting Dead Space with glee.
Fuck textures, lighting+artstyle>>>>textures.
Except in the case of floors. A single floor in MP3 looks better than the entire game of Mario Galaxy.
Love the firts to especially.
I picked it up for $11 perfect condition awhile back but I haven't had a chance to play it yet! For the PS2 that is. Seriously $10 or $50 for the wii version? :X
Fatal Frame IV preview.
Controls terrible, game great.
"However, in terms of capitalizing on the strengths of Nintendo's controller, we have to cite this game as one of the biggest missed opportunities in recent times, because it completely ignores the fact that the Wii remote has an IR pointer. Why, we have no idea, because as Ruka points her flashlight around darkened environments and focuses her camera on ghosts, we can't help but wonder -- time and time again -- why we can't control both quicker and more precisely using the Wii remote. Instead, the flashlight automatically shines wherever Ruka is looking (with the analog stick) and you control the camera obscura -- get this -- using a combination of the analog stick for left and right movement and Wii remote waggle for up / down movement. That waggle stuff also extends into standard game camera control. While Ruka can look around with the analog stick, all up / down movement is mapped to pulling back or pushing forward with the Wii remote -- which, by the way, feels retarded, not to mention slow. We've come to expect stupid controls like this from Wii-ignorant third-parties, but from a game published by Nintendo, it's just sad. (We really hope someone at Nintendo didn't step in and suggest that the controls be made more accessible. If so, we might just throw up.)
Clearly, we're not thrilled with the forced waggle camera control, but even with this ridiculously idiotic mechanical decision, we continue to trek through the darkened mansion in search of answers and we think that fans of survival horror will ultimately be pleased with this latest entry into the series. We've already jumped out of our chairs several times and we haven't even brought the game home, dimmed the lights and turned up the volume yet. Truth be told, we might be too scared to try it. See why via these new 480p direct-feed movies we've posted."
All right Sonic fans, here's your chance to get an uber cool 12" Sonic the Hedgehog Statue! It'll cost a measly $99.99, and will be available this September!
Is it just me or does Sonic look like he's about to snort a line of coke?
Does the first one come with motion blur?
Young man fakes own kiddnapping because parents won't buy him a "Nintendo computer"
"A man surnamed Yang was detained by police in Shangqiu, Henan province, over the weekend on a charge of colluding with two men to fake his own abduction. Local police launched an investigation upon receiving a report that Yang's "kidnappers" were demanding a 10,000 yuan ($1,400) ransom. Yang and his accomplices surnamed Zhou and Pan were apprehended upon withdrawing the sum from an ATM. Yang admitted to conspiring to "kidnap" himself with the intent of extorting money from his parents, because they had refused to buy him a Nintendo computer."
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
One of the site's forefathers.
Those Nintendo Computers are really sought after.
Oh shit. And I really want this game. >__< I blame SUDA. Fuck SUDA.
In the ass.
Turns out that Sheva from RE5 is based on an Australian actress - though she's only providing likeness, not a voice.,25642,24107191-5014117,00.html
Also, I love how they mention the release date as October...
I saw the videos of the game playing on gonintendo. The control seemed fine. The guy kept saying it control like RE4. Yes it does not use pointer, but the preview here is a bit misleading. I used tilt not waggle, and yes it is slower than pointer contol. I guess the wanted to make it slower. But then again it is not a shooter.
Eden is awesome, made a video to show what its like, not good quality though.
Whats going on is that you break open those pollen balls, the more you get in one swing the more pollen comes out. Pollen makes seeds grow, the glowing balls, plants grow out when you touch them so you can reach new areas. The goal is to get the big glowy things.
Getting a high score is a blast, very addictive game.
Just posted that Vader. Also, downloaded the demo...kinda neat.