Call of Duty: World at War Screenshots
Why couldn't they just make it a vietnam game
Stephen Totilo (of MTV fame) Interviews Peter Dill
To Discuss FFXIII's Jump to the 360
Mass Effect Trilogy Not Coming to the PS3
Confirmation Comes with a suggested shot at the PS3
Resistance Website Countdown Over
A bunch of new non-gameplay related videos released
When should Games say goodbye
Interesting article about when a game should end and not drag along
Super Mario's Performance Enhancement Scadal!
Say it ain't so, Nintendo!
The Conduit: New screens and impressions
Click main page for impressions
How to fix your old NES
Blowing in cartridges does apparently not work.
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travo (3m)
I know, holy crap did the boss fights suck super major balls. It was almost unplayable. This will probably help tremendously.
The item selection was atrocious too, did you ever get into a situation where your weapon broke and a bag of popcorn came out?
Your red X is not hollering at anyone.
Wont it ruin the atmosphere with Voice chat in co-op mode. You'll be approaching some dramatic moment and then someone will say something like "So Dvader how's Miami this time of year?"
And you'll be like... SHUT THE HELL UP MAN I'M TRYING TO..
And he'll be like "Man, I saw the Dark Knight last night." Then he'll throw a grenade your way to piss you off.
Pachter - E3 soon to be extinct
"We spoke with several ESA members, and believe that the vast majority prefer to return to the glory of past E3s. In our view, E3 as currently configured is headed for extinction, and the industry is quickly running out of time to fix the show. We think that the traditional 60,000 person trade show may have been too large to manage effectively, but think that the new 3,000 - 5,000 person shows are a terrible disappointment, even though the logistics were improved over last year's spread out Santa Monica locale." - Wedbush Morgan (super) Analyst, Michael Pachter
I recommend googling FAT PRINCESS with safe search turned off.
Peter moore says wii will take half of all next gen sales.
More dead rising wii screens, click to englarge
Fixed it, did you click on the link? Hard Gay is funny as hell.
He's wrong. Wii is not a next-gen console.
You are right Wii, 360 and PS3 are all current gen.
Wii is a continuation of the Gamecube generation, so its last-gen. 360 and PS3 are current gen.
It's interesting hearing him say this given his past affiliations. I hope that in boardrooms across the world more execs and developers start to wake the hell up and realise it.
"It looks to me as if the Wii is going to have at least half the installed base of the overall industry and the Xbox 360 and PS3 are going to fight over the balance, based on the run-rates we're seeing."
And the Playstation 3 is a continuation of Playstation 2 and Xbox 360 of Xbox, so I guess they are all last gen than?
Don't feed the troll
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIt is not pornographic, thrust me
! You can ban me if I am lying
Indeed that was freakin' hilarious.
I never heard of him until now but man that vid was pure comedy gold.
Iga, that guy is hilarious!
"Why isn't the receptionist a man? Why's it got to be a bitch?"
Kojima talks about his idea of next-next gen
"We will keep on making games for consoles and the graphics and sound quality will get better and better. But I think no matter how much we improve the quality, there is only so much we can hear or see. The next level will be when we start improving the backgrounds, the things you don't instantly see but enhance the experience. For example, there are leaves in the background and when you water them they grow. Instead of the backgrounds being pre-programmed, they actually respond to what the player does. This is not possible right now but maybe in the future it will be, and that is when we will have entered the next era of gaming." - Hideo Kojima
Hey raven I got the kojima story and the moore story up this morning. Did you not check? Dvader was right? No one checks the updates ?