Call of Duty: World at War Screenshots
Why couldn't they just make it a vietnam game
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To Discuss FFXIII's Jump to the 360
Mass Effect Trilogy Not Coming to the PS3
Confirmation Comes with a suggested shot at the PS3
Resistance Website Countdown Over
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When should Games say goodbye
Interesting article about when a game should end and not drag along
Super Mario's Performance Enhancement Scadal!
Say it ain't so, Nintendo!
The Conduit: New screens and impressions
Click main page for impressions
How to fix your old NES
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SupremeAC (4m)
What's so unusual about that?
Isn't that what they made the rubber Wii mote protective coating for anyway?
Just TRY playing Mario Galaxy after you're done posting though. All the Astroglide on the Wii mote made me it impossible for it to NOT slip out of my hand. Thank GOD for the Wrist strap!
That monster is Hong-Man Choi. He has some weird disease that causes him to be huge. He fought against Fedor last new year eve(31 december 2007).
And who won. Can't you tell by the pictures? Or by the simple fact that Fedor fought? Tsk tsk
Well here is the whole fight. Yep, the whole two minutes
Fedor Emelianenko vs Hong-Man Choi
Biggest Surprise
Nintendo's Media Briefing So Bad that Even Matt Hated It
Not just Matt, but the entire IGN Nintendo Team -- a real feat given that one of us can usually focus on some distant glimmer of light at the end of the Mushroom Kingdom tunnel. Fact is, Nintendo willingly ignored its original fan base by choosing to spotlight a handful of marginally interesting titles, only one of which impressed any of us. The worst part is that we're not even referring to Animal Crossing: City Folk, a game that we have no doubt will be enjoyable, but also one that has seen very little innovation over its predecessors. No -- only MotionPlus and Wii Sports Resort had us itching to play a little more, and even that particular demo was too brief. Meanwhile, we were both embarrassed for the executives who had to stand up on stage and "play" Wii Music and simultaneously insulted that Nintendo actually tried to pass off the non-game as anything but, as Mega64 so accurately dubbed it, a "glorified noise-maker." We never thought we'd state the following, but truly and honestly, and we really do mean this from the bottom of our hearts, thank the stars for Wii games from third-parties.
^^^^I still don't see how it was that bad compared to the rest but I do agree that Wii Music was just pathetic. I mean when the dude was drumming the drums didn't react at all. I really hope the game bombs.
One of the site's forefathers.
*Crickets Chirping*
One of the site's forefathers.
Wow, his head is almost as big as Vidic-lite's torso!
Oh, and CoD5 is looking WORSE than MoH: Fronltine on the GC. :X :X :X
First off by this post I am in no way praising Nintendo's bad (won't say garbage because of Warioland Wii) rest of the year line-up.
But Edge does bring on a good point that this leaves doors open for third party game sales. I know some may let this go over their heads but last year Nintendo was going to launch a huge multiplayer game titled "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" of course it got delayed until '08 but it is possible that the missing must have multiplayer game from Nintendo fueled the Guitar Hero III sales to at least some extent. I can imagine Tenchu, Conduit, and Shaun White benefiting from this.
One of the site's forefathers.
My avatar doesn't work.
In what way exactly? Because I loved frontline at the time, but the aiming is shit and it's awfully dated at this point. Do you mean visually?
I've been busy playing Civilization Rev and MGS4 while not working, sorry fuckers.
Man, MGS4 is soooo close to being the best in the series, but I feel that it lost a lot of its luster on that last level. Its not even a level....its like an idea for a level, with a bunch of story thrown in it.
The great levels are totally great, and that's why it hurts me that they didn't end the game on a higher note. Missions 2 and 4 are absolutely the pinnacles of MGS gameplay, while mission 3 is an awesome IDEA (again) that could have been much more fleshed out and interesting than it ended up being. Mission 1 is basically a tutorial mission for half of it, which holds it back from being as good as 2 and 4. While 5 just sucked IMO.
Civ Rev is an amazing achievement for the series on consoles. It really feels like Civ 4, but more user friendly. I've been playing this quite a bit. Its one of those gmes that's great to have around either when you don't have much else to play, or when you need something to play in between other games. Great to relax with.
Okami update
Well I just finished the water dragon and now I'm on Oni Island.
Game has gotten a whole lot better after the ho-hum beginning.
I love the underwater temple stuff even if it is a direct rip of zelda and the zoras domain etc. It was beautiful though and the music was sublime.
Oni Island has this stupid time trial like section where I am racing this ticket thing.
I loved the section where you were shrunk and saw issun full size and had the giant human feet. That reminded me of minish cap.
I also played WW last night for a quick blast and it re-confirmed my feelings. As much as I love Okami, the actual gameplay in zelda just smacks this game down like a bitch. Simple example, you see a crack in the wall in okami, you draw a circle and the wall explodes. In zelda you have to equip your bombs, then your bombs have a timer that may blow you up. Then you have to line up a throw to get it just right, take a run up or not. Some things are in mid-air so have to time it perfectly right to blow it up.
Another example. In okami you see a lit torch and an unlit one. You draw a line between them, shazam, torch lit, door open. In zelda last night I went into a room, saw a pot with sticks in, broke open the pot, grabbed the stick, lit the stick, ran up two levels than literally threw the stick across the room to light the torch on the balcony across the gap.
There is better design and gameplay in one dungeon of zelda than there is in the whole of okami. It sounds like a RIDICULOUS statement to make, but that is what I keep thinking, even though I love the game. I love okami because of the art and the atmosphere and the humour and the brush mechanics.
The overworld is huge. I mean I keep hearing this talk about how wii can't do openworld games, but PS2 games like Bully, GTA and okami just show that even on PS2 you could acheive huge gameworlds, even if there are imperfections like pop up or funnel points (which I actually don't mind). You can zoom the camera out in okami and see this huge landscape as far as the eye can see.
Haha, so did I. I went back to it a year ago, wasn't a pretty sight.
And yeah CoD5 is looking shocking visually. Haven't seen enough footage to see if it looks fun though. I still have hope! Just not for a pretty game.
Yes, but the point is that no one has stepped up to fill this gap with quality games. Capcom are doing a dead rising port for the winter... great. Spyborgs is a late 09 game.
Ubisoft are churning out absolute shit. Madworld is a great looking niche game, yes this game is niche, not animal crossing, bitches.
Tenchu will most likely be average.
Where is the effort? Conduit developers haven't got a publisher and still have 9 months to run on their dev cycle. Treyarch sound like they are actually trying with COD5 but that's a multiplat where FPS fans care more about visuals than control.
Then you have a bunch of japanese quirky type games. No one is stepping up with quality games to aggressively take the market. If I were a third party I'd be watching Wii hardware sales each month, watching the crap released in shovelware terms and thinking to myself that someone has a massive opportunity if they just put the resources behind it.
One of the things I keep banging on about is advertising, long term and not having this sort of release period ejaculation and quick deflation. They essentially need to get some advertising viagra.
The gamekyo footage I linked was a blurry zoomed in, off screen version taken from the E3 conference. I think if you pop over to IGN you can see it in much better quality. I think it's very good in that it's delivering a huge expansive enviroment with a ton of stuff going on with little to no slowdown at all.
And than there is Fatal Frame 4 if Nintendo is smart they will release it on Halloween and Little King's Story that is released in December. Oh Tales of Symphonia 2 is also coming 2008.
Truthfully TOS2 looks pretty bad to me, but I hear it has a decent point and click map interface which is a plus to me as I hates the trips between towns. Nintendo US seems like they dont even want to acknowledge that fatal frame IV even exists so who knows if it will be released in the west this year. I hope so. Little kings story looks like a great pikmin replacement.
I posted the new trailer in thursdays updates but no one watched it but me
IGN has it now, maybe in better quality. I will check it out now.
I watched that trailer too. The game is like a cross between animal crossing, harvest moon and pikmin. Plus you have to conquer the whole world including a kingdom of the drunks. Instant win