Call of Duty: World at War Screenshots
Why couldn't they just make it a vietnam game
Stephen Totilo (of MTV fame) Interviews Peter Dill
To Discuss FFXIII's Jump to the 360
Mass Effect Trilogy Not Coming to the PS3
Confirmation Comes with a suggested shot at the PS3
Resistance Website Countdown Over
A bunch of new non-gameplay related videos released
When should Games say goodbye
Interesting article about when a game should end and not drag along
Super Mario's Performance Enhancement Scadal!
Say it ain't so, Nintendo!
The Conduit: New screens and impressions
Click main page for impressions
How to fix your old NES
Blowing in cartridges does apparently not work.
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No it's an enhanced port Edge. The graphics are the same, they just add a new dungeon.
What? Shame on you, check out the other two Steel. Hard Gay is awesome.
That was funny, man! I can't believe they weren't kicked out the library!
Oh shit. My shift now. Better hurry up to get back home before that old fart (GG) comes here to bust my balls.
Snickers pulled this ad because the gay group did not like it.
Snickers ad
I think the ad is awesome and the gay group is oversensitive
The gay group is enforcing stereotypes by assuming that all feminine men are gay.
Gay groups often suck, but in this overly sensitive society, always looking stupidly for political correctness without realizing everyone is always offended by something, you can't say hardly anything.
Fuck them.
In the ass.
Edit: The same can be said of many groups, not only gay support ones; however, it seems like a weird thing to focus their batteries on. It must have been because of Mr T's 'walk like a real man' line in the ad. Having not experienced discrimination myself other than the usual Xbox Live asshole, I can't say my opinion holds too much weight in this particular instance. I'm just being an asshole.
Hoi, a speed walking group sould sue the gay group for calling them gay.
This one is for Hiresdes
Dead Space Comic con Walkthrough
Part 1
Part 2
shit, posting via wii is no fun without a keyboard
I just watched hard gay ramen and fathers day and the 3 cooking ones. This guy is hilarious.
Fuck Yeah! Broken Sword 5!
I really do hope that it's HD 2D like "The Whispered World"
(PC news should be in gray)
One of the site's forefathers.
Yes, yes he is! I think I need to make a blog about webmovies. There are so many awesome one's: Hard Gay, Ask a Ninja, Arby n' the Chief, Italian Spiderman, etc.
I want a DS broken sword game. I liked the gba one.
CALL OF DUTY 5 Wii video:
It's a blurry, zoomed in, muted colour version off screen from the nintendo conference. But at least it's big and you can see what's going on.
I'm still waiting on some people to get me their online gaming times/codes. So far all I have is Ravenprose, Punk and myself. I know for a fact that there are a ton of smash owners here. Shame only Raven and me own mario kart. Huuuge time difference between us.
I went to veoh to watch death note but it didn't let me on wii. Flash version wont work. Only you tube. I will have to catch it on PC at some point.
Posting via Wii can be fun! Just insert the remote in your anus.
I've become Hard Gay's number 1 fan.
Man the fathers day episode, he pulls this phone out of his pants and asks the guy to call his father on it
I wonder if they sell this on DVD? Check
Check this out!
Fedor vs Choi
Holy shit. Who is that monster? Who won?
This just in:
The Release Date for CastleVania: Order of Ecclesia in the United States is:
October 21, 2008.
That is all.