Call of Duty: World at War Screenshots
Why couldn't they just make it a vietnam game
Stephen Totilo (of MTV fame) Interviews Peter Dill
To Discuss FFXIII's Jump to the 360
Mass Effect Trilogy Not Coming to the PS3
Confirmation Comes with a suggested shot at the PS3
Resistance Website Countdown Over
A bunch of new non-gameplay related videos released
When should Games say goodbye
Interesting article about when a game should end and not drag along
Super Mario's Performance Enhancement Scadal!
Say it ain't so, Nintendo!
The Conduit: New screens and impressions
Click main page for impressions
How to fix your old NES
Blowing in cartridges does apparently not work.
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Recently Spotted:
travo (5m)
It's time for Hard Gay
A Ramen shop owner has difficulty getting customers. So he asks HG for help.
Hard Gay: Ramen Shop
People panic buying Classic Controllers
"The panicked consumer is a predictable beast. Upon hearing that the Wii's Classic Controller might be withdrawn from sale in the near future, more and more customers have been scurrying to pick up the sleek, Virtual Console-compatible pad. Sales at Amazon have shot up by 207% after a court threatened to ban further sales of the $19.99 peripheral unless Nintendo coughed up a bond."
Wow, I wonder if this increase in sales are due to legitimate customers or just Ebay scalpers looking for another payday?
I respect Ebay Scalpers. Gotta find a way to make money in this shit modern society somehow, and if people are willing to pay, more power to them.
I also respect Steel's hairy ass.
Epic looking towards casual development?
"I worry that we forget what made us great. We want to learn again from casual games, and get back to our roots."- Gears of War boss Michael Capps
Gears of War Party Games coming soon!
Mortals check this out
Crono Trigger DS scans
Blue dragon plus
More Chrono Trigger DS
More Blue Dragon plus
Blue Dragon DS looks less kiddie than the 360 game. I cannot stand the art style in the 360 game.
CT DS makes me want to buy a DS. Why couldn't they just slap that on the Wii also? I'd buy it day 1.
Virtual Consale = $8,-
DS = $40,-
Need I say more?
Sonic Unleashed impressions
Sounds good, except for the wolf parts
World Destruction commercial
Girly boy shows the game
World Destruction Anime
First 3 episodes released
New IGN Interview with Cammie Dunaway
Not much new or interesting.
I meant as a full retail game. Its a remake right? I'd pay $40 for that on the Wii just to be able to play it on my TV and my stereo.
WiiSpeak and Nintendo's Voice Chat Philosophy
That article in the news above about how WiiSpeak works is pretty interesting, and not just from a technology standpoint. Nintendo also shares their opinions on what kinds of games they feel should or should not have voice chat:
"With games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros., because you can play against anybody, rivals or whoever's out there, and they're games where tempers can be frayed and people might use language that's not appropriate for everyone to hear, we didn't feel that those titles were appropriate to have a voice-chat feature." --Katsuya Eguchi
"However, with Animal Crossing, you're going to be chatting with your friends. There's no Animal Crossing "rivals" or any sort of open gameplay like that. So we figured that as long as people have registered each other as their friends and they're comfortable with that, then we're fine giving them the ability to chat with each other." --Katsuya Eguchi
No voice chat for games containing "rivals." What a load of BS. Now I can fully understand (even prefer) not being able to voice chat with complete strangers in online games, but I can't use it with my friends because they might cuss during a match too? WTF? Oh no! My friend said the F-word in Mario Kart! I'm so offended that I will never again buy another Nintendo product for as long as I live! (/sarcasm). What a lame excuse.
Tech Stuff:
"There's some noise filtering going on. It's designed to pick up stuff other than what's coming out of the TV. If you put this on your TV, if this was a regular microphone, you'd get your TV sound going in. But this is a USB plug-in. So the sound coming out of your TV is going into the Wii Speak, and when it goes back into the Wii, it throws that sound away." -- Katsuya Eguchi
Sounds like there is more to the technology behind the WiiSpeak mic that I thought. Sounds cool. I wish I could use it in Mario Kart Wii, though.
Has anyone read this awful interview with the bitch in my sig? Oh my god man....this chick is horrible. I didn't like Perrin Kaplan much, but at least she knew what she was talking about. Cammy, on the other hand....its obvius from the first 2 paragraphs that she's yet another company exec who has absolutely NO CLUE whatsoever about games. She obviously got her job for other reasons, maybe a good business resume. Should NOT be Nintendo's mouthpiece for gaming, I'll tell you that right now.
My favorite part....oh the horror of this answer:
IGN: Why didn't Nintendo show off more hardcore titles like MadWorld, Fatal Frame and The Conduit?
Cammie Dunaway: Well, we have to pick and choose what we're going to do at E3 and a couple of the games that we didn't show which we've already announced I think will be appealing to hardcore gamers. Wario is going to be a ton of fun and we just announced that a few weeks ago. And then Kirby, which has nostalgia to it. And as Mr. Iwata indicated, we're always working on Mario and Zelda titles, but E3 2008 wasn't the show to show them.
That's right Cammy. Ignore the question, and the games in question. You were asked why you didn't show off the potential system-selling exclusive, pushing Wii to its limits 3rd-party games in question. Not why you didn't show off 1st-party titles.
And Kirby...because it has nostalgia? LOL
Great reason to watch out for that one...definitely puts it on the level of Madworld, Fatal Frame, and The Conduit. My god Nintendo...pray to the sun gods that the moms and pops stay satisfied. This shit is a far cry from what Reggie was saying in his interviews a few years back.
"You can choose the firmness of your noodles"
That wasn't an answer to the question.....
Ugh I really hope that Nintendo does far better during their next press event during this season. Similar to what they did last year with E for All.
One of the site's forefathers.
Okay, you guys were expecting something else? Cammie Dunaway "is NOA's executive vice president of sales and marketing." Her job is to make the company sound as good as she can no matter what. She's not going to come out and say, "Yeah, we ignored the smaller 'hardcore' group, so that we could get more headlines in non-gaming media and make a crap load of money off the much larger 'casuals' group at E3 this year." Nope. She's going to give the rehearsed company statement that tries to make it sound like Kirby and Wario are this gen's "core" games.
Why not just have an option to turn it on or off? Fuck sake!
Oh sorry!
I don't remember Perry being that bad though.
When LOGIC and ONLINE GAMEPLAY come together Nintendo just can't compute.
Anyway I just ordered Battle Royale off of should be coming here soon.
Damn TGS can't come soon enough, I'm so pumped for OMY!!!!
One of the site's forefathers.
Resident Evil: Degeneration - trailer
Looks pretty cool.