Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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Nobody else thinks this is funny or cool? I probably should've been more clear in my original post. This isn't fan-made. This comes from Capcom!
This is what IGN say's about MM9 box art: "Just because the game's a digital download doesn't mean Capcom can't make an intentionally horrible box for it."
I wonder what would've happened if we did this on 1up
We're also closing in on 1,000 news stories. This seems to be working out quite well, though so much activity means I need to keep a close eye on the server.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIt's like abstract art. It's ugly, but it's poetic and just seems right. This makes me want to buy it just to support that kind of randomness and humour
"Ultrasound Graphic Synthesis"
"8-bit Fildelity Engine"
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWe should invite more people here. More and more and more, until we break the Internet
Raven the boxart is awesome. When watching it I feel both a sense of pleasure and disgust at the same time. Now that is what I call art.
I'm cool with KotOR 3 news. I love Star Wars, Bioware games, and MMO's so I'm really looking forward to this game.
Well it happened. According to the NPD data the Wii has outsold the 360.
Equaling its status on a worldwide basis, Wii™ has become the best-selling video game console in the United States. According to independent sales tracking information from the NPD Group, more than 666,000 Wii consoles sold for the month of June, and nearly 10.9 million Wii consoles have been sold in the United States in the 20 months following its November 2006 launch. The system is credited with breaking down the psychological barriers between gamers and non-gamers.
[*]“Wii was created with the goal of expanding the gaming universe through its intuitive motion-sensing controller,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “As we have demonstrated this week during the E3 Media & Business Summit, Wii continues to pioneer new ways for people to interact with their video games and with one another.”
[*]The portable Nintendo DS™ finished as the top-selling U.S. video game system in June, with more than 783,000 units sold. To date, more than 20.8 million Nintendo DS units have been sold in the United States.
[*]The report also shows that six out of the top 10 best-selling games for June are made for Nintendo systems, including Guitar Hero® On Tour (No. 2), Wii Fit™ (No. 4), Wii Play™ (No. 5), Mario Kart® Wii (No. 6), LEGO® Indiana Jones™: The Original Adventures for Wii (No. 7) and LEGO® Indiana Jones™: The Original Adventures for Nintendo DS (No. 9).
Ok I am here. been trying to get MGO to update but Konami has a clusterfuck of epic porportions with their damn site. So I am not in a good mood.
NPD in a few minutes.
Look at that number. The Wii is evil. Eeeeeevvvvvviiiiillllllll I tells ya!
Imagine Grandpa Simpson's voice for that statement.
I am going to sleep in a few minutes. Ahh crap.I wanted to post the funny gifs
That Miyamoto Zelda interview thing is one of the more depressing things I have ever read.
What interview?
So nobody does read our updates.
IGA, the one GG linked to that says my name in the description.
Oh I did not read that one. So he wants Zelda to be more accessible and he is trying to learn lessons from Touch generation of gaming? Okay Vader that could mean they want to use 1:1 motion. Everyone can swing his sword around easily, making it more accesible, but the control system would also allow for more depth too.
We will see what they will do, but this can means anything. My advice forget about it, Miyamoto said he wanted to make Mario more mature in one interview, that never happened. Too vague to draw a conclusion!
Stop making excuses Miyamoto wants babies to be able to play Zelda, you know it be true!
Stop listening to Miyamoto he is clearly on Shrooms
NPD numbers:
Software (Unbundled):
1. PS3 Metal Gear Solid 4, Konami, 6/08-774.6K
2. NDS Guitar Hero On Tour, Activision, 6/08-422.3K
3. 360 Ninja Gaiden II, Microsoft, 6/08-372.7K
4. Wii Fit with Balance Board, NOA, 5/08-372.7K
5. Wii Play with Remote, NOA, 2/07-359.1K
6. 360 Battlefield: Bad Company, EA, 6/08-346.8K
7. Wii Mario Kart with Wheel, NOA, 4/08-322.4K
8. Wii LEGO Indiana Jones, LucasArts, 6/08-294.5K
9. NDS LEGO Indiana Jones, LucasArts, 6/08-267.8K
10. PS2 LEGO Indiana Jones, LucasArts, 6/08-260.3K
GO MGS4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOO!!
Best game of the year, deserves those sales. Unlike GTAIV, its a massive system seller. PS3 jumped like 100% in sales. Remember the software numbers does not include the bundle, if included its probably between 900k and 1 million sold!
The Wii takes over 360 this month, I will have the total number later. Happend sooner than I expected, I never expected the Wii to have the type of year its having, I dont think the PS2 ever sold this well. And you cant say anything about the software, its lighting up the charts. I hate the direction nintendo is clearly moving in now but its a smart business move I guess.
Pretty good numbers for Ninja Gaiden II.
How to make a Vader cry:
"And then the werewolf transformation took place, and we couldn't help but think, "Why?" As in: "Why is this necessary?" and "Why does Sonic keep making this same mistake?" At night, Sonic Unleashed looks to be a mindless beat-em-up, where Sonic walks around and uses his stretchable arms (a trait common to werewolves, apparently) to slash heaps of small foes and climb up to high platforms. The action is presented in an over-the-top manner, and we can't say with any certainty that these portions of the game will actually be unenjoyable or poorly executed, but it left a bad taste in our mouths. Walking around open settings and beating up creatures in no way feels like what we know and love about the character and his more successful exploits, and the addition of such mechanics makes us think that Sonic Unleashed will be a tale of two games.
Luckily, the first part of that equation (the daytime segments) looks like a lot of fun, despite the intense slowdown present in the current build (which should be addressed by release). In addition to the speedy running, the daytime segments also encompass some precision platforming action, as evidenced by a China-inspired stage that featured spinning, suspended platforms with rolling pins covered in spikes. Sonic Unleashed certainly looks to draw in several distinct gameplay elements, but unless the daytime segments dominate the experience, we may be looking at yet another uneven 3D Sonic experience."
--Excerpt from 1Up Hands-on Impression of Sonic Unleashed.