Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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Foolz (5m)
Graphically, de Blob looks gorgeous, with the particle and water effects impressing the most. The black & white levels looks a little bland, but they help establish a nice contrast once everything is eventually splattered with bright colors. To top it all off, everything runs in silky smooth 60 fps without an ounce of slowdown or clipping to be seen.
de Blob is one of those games that is kind of hard to describe, but it is quirky and creative enough to easily recommend. I wasn't expecting much at all when I sat down to play it, but once I did I was pleasantally surpised. In fact, de Blob may be one of the best games I got to play while at E3. Hopefully audiences won't be turned off by the odd name or equally odd gameplay to not give it a chance.
In a pefect world, de Blob would sell millions as it is a shining example of a Wii game done very right.
Conduit pic/
Duh, they are supposed to look bland, fucktards. That's the whole point of the game. To cheer up the bland levels with colour.
We ARE talking about Destructoid here Iga...
Yeah, I know, but I am in a good mood today, so I had to say something.
I lol'd when i read that.
"I've never understood the appeal of the Lego games"
Hey, who's doing updates today?! Fire them plz.
I did the updates, but only because Steel could not do it. He has computer problems. The texts and subtexts are all Steel originals!
Foolz read the Dora preview!
And you're getting a whole handful of hairs from my scrotum for that, cupcake. Thanks.
And yeah, fuck Lego games.
GUys I know its a complete karoake ripoff, but Lips is starting to sound extremely fun, and I think it would make the perfect party game especially post-wastedness.
Confirmed: Sonic & The Black Knight is real
Sega has registered the Domain Name: SONICANDTHEBLACKKNIGHT.COM
Why do I actually WANT that Dora the Explorer Wii game for actual fun and entertainment?
One of the site's forefathers.
For sure. You can use your own music and the mics have a funky light system. It is really perfect for parties.
Because it is made by High voltage, the makers of Conduit (I am not joking here)
So, in essence, Cleric is basically admitting that the Gamecube had the software?
"What's changed is that the Wii simply doesn't have the software"
That Mash-Effect guy is annoying as fuck. He may be the biggest Xbot on that board, ever. He's like the Xbox version of JimmySunderland.
Dark Room Sex Game for Wii... yes its real, it was shown behind closed doors at E3. Here is their site.
Its a music rhythm game where the rhythm is moans and sex noises and you have to reach a climax using the wiimote...
No Vader it's like leaving the loonies in Arkham Asylum. Because that is what Gamespot has become