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[] Activision not expanding in the UK Cost of living too high. gamingeek
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Conduit makers want sequel gamingeek
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[] Too Human: Top 5 Quick Fixes gamingeek
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Disgaea gets dated Not great at dinner conversation gamingeek
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E3 site confirms nintendo big guns Kid Icarus and A.Crossing gamingeek
[] Sam and Max Wii advert Boy that looks fun gamingeek
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[] Nintendo offer free UK fitness checks A step too far... gamingeek
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New Resident Evil movie possible Gawd help us all gamingeek
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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 17:47:59
punk rebel ecks said:
archangel3371 said:

While I certainly feel for you guys that got your systems messed up I have to say that I absolutely love system updates, patches, and other enhancements that we are able to do this generation. I love all the cool things they are able to add during a console's lifetime because new ideas are always coming up for new features to add so while just having a system that stays static all throughout it's lifespan is just way too limiting since after sometime that the system is out people will be wishing for certain things that just either weren't thought of at the time or the manufacturers just weren't able to implent. They do however need to really test these firmware updates as thoroughly as they can or just fully compensate users machines that get messed up by the updates.

Since you've been gaming since the begining of it all I'm just curious. Where do you feel that gaming in general should go? Sorry but again I'm just curious.

Anyway I put in a blog in and it didn't even show! What a load of poop!

Quite honestly I very happy with where it's at right now. Aside from say the natural progression of technology ie. more powerful hardware each generation there isn't really a whole lot I would change. I really like where it seems to be going in many aspects with motion control and touch screen interfaces but I'm also quite happy to have my standard types of control mechanics still available to me. I also really like how the operating systems for the consoles have gotten much more robust allowing a bunch of cool things for users to do outside from just simply manipulating save data in the storage space. I love how online has progressed in not only becoming much more community-like but also being able to download game videos, demos, etc. is simply fantastic. I guess the only thing that worries me at all is the thought that consoles may become multi-speced like having different cpu's, gpu's, and different amounts of RAM giving the consumers different experiences. Other then that I'm pretty comfortable with where we're at right now and where things seem to be going.


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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 18:11:17
ravenprose said:

Hurry up, Nintendo! I need a new Animal Crack

What the fuck?

And regarding that Rock Band 2 stuff. I really wasn't aware they were going to release also SECOND GENERATION PERIPHERALS. Greedy sons of bitches. Oh well, if Megadeth is in there, game is good.

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 18:19:56

Archangle's Views - Interesting. Yeah while it bug sme it is pretty cool that we have features like the Virtual Console, Demos, and the like avaliable to us. Thanks for the info. cause I was always a little curious. Though my vision of gaming is a tad bit different.

SONY Launching a New PS2 Version - I'm very sure that SONY is kicking themselves in the shin for not letting the PS2's life trought out longer. Seriously the system is still performing decently in Japan, and not too spectacular but still surprising in America (A little over 100,000) last NPD; and didn't it surpass the PS3 and 360 not too long ago? Not to mention that the system still has a decent future line-up: Yakuza 2, Ar Tollerico 2, Mana Khemia 2, King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match, and of course Persona 4. What other console has there been that has had such a life-span? The Super Nintendo? Not really, it only lived strongly after a year the Playstation and Saturn launched, and that was because the Nintendo 64 was't out yet. Once the Nintendo 64 launched then the Super Nintendo quickly faded away. The Playstation 3 has been out for some time and the Playstation 2 still has a pulse. I could only imagine how far that console would've gone if SONY kept pushing it.

Animal Crossing @ E3 - I really hope that this and Kid Icarus aren't all in their "Big E3 Surprise".

Spyborgs to Push the Wii - Honestly, I really think that Capcom revealed this game WAY too early. From the video we saw it looked to push the Dreamcast instead. If the system is meant to be pushed by this game then they should've waiting a tad bit longer for a reveal.

Japanese Chart Dominated by New Games - Blah, Blah, Blah Tales of. is doing great! A "REAL" third party game. What are the fanboys are going to say against that? Oh wait I know "That's because all of the Nintendo fans who transfered on from the Cube are buying it, the new audience isn't".

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 18:36:19

So guys Too Human sounds like it is going to blow really bad, like maybe high five or low 6 range...Check out this blog, looks like I was right

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 18:42:52

Seriously watching those IU videos has gotten me so hyped on the game, and I seriously can't wait to see more of Star Ocean 4...That game has the chance to be the new Japanese version of Mass Effect!

In regards to FOrce Unleashed I'm not so excited about it, I just can't get over the fact that they decided to create an entirely new story and add it to the already robust Star Wars Universe, instead of just using some back story from the Star Wars novel as their are plenty of interesting characters that will never see the day of light unless one reads the novels. THe apprentice idea just seems rather lame to me, and it almost seems less geniune then if they had just decided to leave the Star Wars history alone and use what was there.

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 18:47:23

Darksiders actually looks pretty damn cool, like I think the action in it is going to worlds better than that of Too Human, and some of the moves he performs remind me of Nero's devil arm. And the story sounds really cool, inspired by the bible and its revelation chapter, I don't really think many games have dared to venture into its territory.

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 18:54:18
steelattack said:
ravenprose said:

Hurry up, Nintendo! I need a new Animal Crack

What the fuck?

Either you are making fun of me or my sense of humor is completely lost in text format. Hmm, that could explain why most of my humorous posts are ignored on forums. . .

Anyway, I originally said, "I need a new Animal Crack--I mean, Crossing fix!" I simply meant that Animal Crossing is as addictive as crack cocaine, thus I need my fix. Nintendo's my dealer. Nyaa

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 19:14:05
ravenprose said:
steelattack said:
ravenprose said:

Hurry up, Nintendo! I need a new Animal Crack

What the fuck?

Either you are making fun of me or my sense of humor is completely lost in text format. Hmm, that could explain why most of my humorous posts are ignored on forums. . .

Anyway, I originally said, "I need a new Animal Crack--I mean, Crossing fix!" I simply meant that Animal Crossing is as addictive as crack cocaine, thus I need my fix. Nintendo's my dealer. Nyaa

LOL Pay no mind to my inane ramblings. I was poking fun at you by selectively quoting that animal crack stuff. Like, animal ASS crack? LOL

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 19:18:41
steelattack said:
ravenprose said:
steelattack said:
ravenprose said:

Hurry up, Nintendo! I need a new Animal Crack

What the fuck?

Either you are making fun of me or my sense of humor is completely lost in text format. Hmm, that could explain why most of my humorous posts are ignored on forums. . .

Anyway, I originally said, "I need a new Animal Crack--I mean, Crossing fix!" I simply meant that Animal Crossing is as addictive as crack cocaine, thus I need my fix. Nintendo's my dealer. Nyaa

LOL Pay no mind to my inane ramblings. I was poking fun at you by selectively quoting that animal crack stuff. Like, animal ASS crack? LOL

Yeah, that's what I figured, but wasn't completely sure. LOL

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 19:27:28
ravenprose said:
steelattack said:
ravenprose said:
steelattack said:
ravenprose said:

Hurry up, Nintendo! I need a new Animal Crack

What the fuck?

Either you are making fun of me or my sense of humor is completely lost in text format. Hmm, that could explain why most of my humorous posts are ignored on forums. . .

Anyway, I originally said, "I need a new Animal Crack--I mean, Crossing fix!" I simply meant that Animal Crossing is as addictive as crack cocaine, thus I need my fix. Nintendo's my dealer. Nyaa

LOL Pay no mind to my inane ramblings. I was poking fun at you by selectively quoting that animal crack stuff. Like, animal ASS crack? LOL

Yeah, that's what I figured, but wasn't completely sure. LOL

  Well at least some one is reacting to your jokes. They are ignoring my Smash Brothers joke Sad I only get a reaction when I post perverted stuff and it uselly Rag who reacts to it. Hmmm, I wonder why?

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 19:48:48
iga_bobovic said:
I only get a reaction when I post perverted stuff and it uselly Rag who reacts to it. Hmmm, I wonder why?

Well, that's because rag touches himself while looking at your perverted posts. He fancies that.

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 20:25:41

No Mega Man 9 update yet. Check out this greatness!!

Gamesradar has the first major Mega Man 9 blow out, lots of info plus some stuff they are not allowed to talk about yet. Seems like MM9 has more to offer than we think.

Full article below, some pieces of it quoted under:

Mega Man 9's story and gameplay are the same as they've always been - Dr. Wily is running amuck and Mega Man has to stop him. This time Wily's convinced the populace he's the good guy and it's Dr. Light who's unleashed eight robot masters on the city (total lie, of course). There are even "Dr. L" doors in front of the bosses instead "Dr. W."

As before, you have to defeat each robot master, steal their unique weapons and use them on the remaining bosses. Each is weak and resistant to specific weapons, so you'll have to experiment to see which plan of attack works best. And by experiment, we mean "die a thousand deaths," as Mega Man 9 is easily on par or above the hardest games in the series. Hell, we played for two hours and only made it to three bosses, and even then only beat two. Not too surprising considering we don't yet know which boss is weak against the other, but damn, these guys are hard.


Galaxy Man: level consists of portals that fling Mega Man all around the level, maintaining his momentum with each fling (a lot like Portal, actually), plus enemies that divide into multiple copies of themselves.

Plug Man: home to the required "disappearing block" puzzle

Hornet Man: bees, lots of bees

Jewel Man: there are swings here that you have to move with built-up momentum - we had to try it several times before we could make the jumps

Magma Man: lava and plenty of one-hit-kill beams

Concrete Man: the Guts Man of Mega Man 9

Tornado Man: scourge of the Midwest has one of the hardest levels with tons of mid-air leaps and spinning platforms

Splash Woman: yes, a woman robot master. Level features a hovering bubble puzzle we saw in Mega Man 5. One of the masters designed by Inafune himself


It was integrated into Mega Man 7 and 8, and it's also part of Mega Man 9, making it the first NES-****game to contain Dr. Light's shop. Items include an energy balancer (distributes energy to weapons that need it most), spike shoes (protect against one-hit kills) and new armor that reduces damage by half. You're also able to remove his helmet and play the game with Mega's black hair flowing free. Doesn't sound like much, but fans (like us) are bouncing off the walls with misty eyed glee.


There's more going on than the regular game, as the menu we mentioned earlier does hold other options. We're currently unable to talk about them, so expect Capcom to reveal a bit more during E3 less than two weeks from now. Let's just say there'll be plenty for hardcore fans to obsess over when it hits WiiWare this fall.

Inafune interview:


For the first time in many years, we are developing an 8-bit game. This opportunity has awoken my sprit as a game designer. I've stepped closer to the designing team to get more hands-on with the graphics and game design. I've been more involved in the actual creation process this time, and even designed the bosses!

GamesRadar: This makes perfect sense as a WiiWare title, but did you ever consider creating Mega Man 9 with HD graphical output?

Inafune: This project was born out of a desire to create a new Mega Man series in an 8-bit stylle A decade has passed since the last Mega Man, and on this occasion, we specifically chose to go back to our roots. The idea behind it is that we wanted to reintroduce "simple and fun" characteristics of Mega Man to the users.

XBLA and PSN enable HD output, but that alone does not make all the HD games interesting. HD technology does not make a game interesting. The quality of gameplay makes games interesting. Users don't pick up a game to evaluate graphics. They pick up games to enjoy gameplay. If a game can offer fun, the users can enjoy the gameplay without any reference to the graphics. Meanwhile, I'm hoping that the 8-bit system will provide a different type of fun by bringing fresh air with retro graphics.


Inafune: Mega Man 9 will be much closer to Mega Man 2. As mentioned earlier, in the process of going back to our roots, we came to conclude that those fancy moves were unnecessary. There are many gamers who claim that Mega Man 2 is their absolute favorite. I took it as an indication that Mega Man is not all about the moves. The beauty of Mega Man actually lies in its simplicity and a fine mixture of simple gameplay, puzzle-like thrill of maneuvering tricks at the last minute, and battles. Instead of new moves, we've tried to find an excellent balance in the game design and to achieve "simplicity and fun" in the very detailed-oriented age.


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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 20:57:29
hiresdes said:

So guys Too Human sounds like it is going to blow really bad, like maybe high five or low 6 range...Check out this blog, looks like I was right

Ouch. I hope it's not bad, I like these guys. This could be another shenmue as in uncompleted trilogy if the game bombs.

The preview says "the simple story is overcomplicated with fluffy, nonsensical dialogue,"  

Did he cut and paste that from a MGS review?  Ooooh burn Nyaa

To be honest I can't see for the life of me why anyone is interested in a game purposely made to look like a NES game visually. If it had SNES/gba 2-d visuals I could see the attraction but seriously, regressing back to the stone age? Screw that.


Come to my blog between now and Monday so we can finalise the plans for posting please. Someone drop rragnaar a line too, unless Steel wants to do the whole weekend by himself.

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 21:12:58
gamingeek said:

Someone drop rragnaar a line too, unless Steel wants to do the whole weekend by himself.

I'd do that, if you massage my balls afterwards to relieve stress.

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 21:15:40

MegaMan rules you all.

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 21:24:47
gamingeek said:
To be honest I can't see for the life of me why anyone is interested in a game purposely made to look like a NES game visually. If it had SNES/gba 2-d visuals I could see the attraction but seriously, regressing back to the stone age? Screw that.

What you call the "stone age," I call pixel art. It's like looking at an old black-and-white picture. From a tech standpoint, it's dated and crude because we can take pics in full color now. But for some people, those old black-and-white pics provide a powerful artistic flair that's quite different and unique from what a color pic can offer.  It is the same for MM9's NES graphics.

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 21:27:36
ravenprose said:
gamingeek said:
To be honest I can't see for the life of me why anyone is interested in a game purposely made to look like a NES game visually. If it had SNES/gba 2-d visuals I could see the attraction but seriously, regressing back to the stone age? Screw that.

What you call the "stone age," I call pixel art. It's like looking at an old black-and-white picture. From a tech standpoint, it's dated and crude because we can take pics in full color now. But for some people, those old black-and-white pics provide a powerful artistic flair that's quite different and unique from what a color pic can offer.  It is the same for me when I first saw MM9's NES graphics.

That's some fugly art. Why not have pixel art on a system that can do more pixels like the GBA or DS? Or a game like MadWorld for instance is artistic but doesn't go back to a stone age plain and boring blocks to do it. I have literally zero interest in MM9

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 21:44:37
gamingeek said:
ravenprose said:
gamingeek said:
To be honest I can't see for the life of me why anyone is interested in a game purposely made to look like a NES game visually. If it had SNES/gba 2-d visuals I could see the attraction but seriously, regressing back to the stone age? Screw that.

What you call the "stone age," I call pixel art. It's like looking at an old black-and-white picture. From a tech standpoint, it's dated and crude because we can take pics in full color now. But for some people, those old black-and-white pics provide a powerful artistic flair that's quite different and unique from what a color pic can offer.  It is the same for me when I first saw MM9's NES graphics.

That's some fugly art. Why not have pixel art on a system that can do more pixels like the GBA or DS? Or a game like MadWorld for instance is artistic but doesn't go back to a stone age plain and boring blocks to do it. I have literally zero interest in MM9

That's a matter of opinon, and you are completely entitled to yours. I was only trying to convey why I, and many others, do like them.

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 21:51:38
gamingeek said:
That's some fugly art. Why not have pixel art on a system that can do more pixels like the GBA or DS? Or a game like MadWorld for instance is artistic but doesn't go back to a stone age plain and boring blocks to do it. I have literally zero interest in MM9

Because otherwise it would loose it's sense of style. The game looks great to my eyes, not every game has to sacrifice its style to deal with the "standards". I personally applaud Capcom by taking the risk of releasing an 8-bit styled game.

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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Thu, 03 Jul 2008 22:05:06
punk rebel ecks said:
gamingeek said:
That's some fugly art. Why not have pixel art on a system that can do more pixels like the GBA or DS? Or a game like MadWorld for instance is artistic but doesn't go back to a stone age plain and boring blocks to do it. I have literally zero interest in MM9

Because otherwise it would loose it's sense of style. The game looks great to my eyes, not every game has to sacrifice its style to deal with the "standards". I personally applaud Capcom by taking the risk of releasing an 8-bit styled game.

punk rebel ecks said:
gamingeek said:
That's some fugly art. Why not have pixel art on a system that can do more pixels like the GBA or DS? Or a game like MadWorld for instance is artistic but doesn't go back to a stone age plain and boring blocks to do it. I have literally zero interest in MM9

Because otherwise it would loose it's sense of style. The game looks great to my eyes, not every game has to sacrifice its style to deal with the "standards". I personally applaud Capcom by taking the risk of releasing an 8-bit styled game.

I don't know I kind of agree with GG, I think the game could definitely keep its sense of style, and also be done in 16bit...I have no qualms with Capcom wanting to get back to its roots, but their are just some things that don't need to be rehashed or relived, and those things are 8bit graphics. Look at a game like Rez, which was on the Dreamcast but its style had a sort of weird blocky pixel look to it.

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