Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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Archangel3371 (43s)
Here is my warmup design. I'm not particularly proud of it, but it was my first shot...
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
More Fragile info from IGN
We've also learned first details on the game's combat system. The game transitions seamlessly into battle as you face off against all varieties of creatures, including some who move in groups. When in battle, you keep using the nunchuck to move your character around, and use buttons on the Wiimote to perform attacks. You have to select your weapons based off the current enemy.
It's not just you by your lonely self as you search the ruins, though. Joining main character Seto are at least three additional characters: Ren, Sai and Kuro. Ren is the white-haired girl who, as previously revealed, is the subject of Seto's search. Sai is another female character who meets up with Seto midway through his travels. Kuro is a boy who, like Seto, is searching through this world of ruins. His search is centered in the Tokyo Tower area as he attempts to find the location depicted in a picture. He feels finding this location will help reveal the past that he has forgotten.
So awesome the computer double posted!
Ahhhh, more meat.
What's up man? Unfortunately, I'm about to get ready for work so I can't chill long. But its good to see more people showing up here finally. Have a good time but, be wary......GG will try to get close to you. Sexually.
Are you playing Mass Effect on an HDTV? If you, and probably even if not, turn the damn motion blur and grain effects off in options.
I have no idea why they put that ridiculous shit in there, but the game is 10 times better looking with them off. As for menu's.....just don't bother with them? The game isn't so deep that you really need to do much menu stuff, other than level up. Certainly don't need to read a fucking manual.
lol @ 23 pages of comments. That's 440+ comments, which is more than double our highest ever before.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOh shit. I'm doing that IN TEN MINUTES. When I get home. I started ME all over again and threw away my previous John Shepard file in exchange for a sexy bitch. Can I get boned?
Why didn't I know that and you did? After all, my balls are bigger than yours.
Week isn't over yet. 500!
A 90 minute Miyamoto Wired interview
Samba De Amigo to have Maracas Wii Remote attachments? (RUMOR)
Hmm, interesting, but completely silly.
I demand maraca attachments!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWhat's with the world's obssesion with maracas?
LOL I thought we'd got past the phallic imagery.
Eh, fuck the haters. One mediocre game doesn't ruin a company, especially not a company as talented as Free Radical. I mean they've made a few absolutely top quality FPSers and one mediocre one. THEY MUST SUCK ASS!
Skylock likes the cock....for some reason I expected someone to say that. Though I don't have too much against the guy.
While I haven't played "Lost Odyessy" it looks like it still follows the "tradional JRPG" design started by Phantasy Star. Not saying that this is a bad thing, I mean there is nothing wrong with the tried and true. But Image Eppoch was founded by a guy who debuted by making Trauma Center and continued on with that with Etrian Odyessy; two games that were not only very original (well the first the latter isn't but hasn't been done in so long and never been done in the format it has been) but they were very difficult as well. Since Image Epooch was created all they've done was Luminous Arc a run-of-the-mill easy as hell SRPG.
And now they are doing a JRPG that doesn't look to stray too far from the formula (as of right now). I mean I personally think that the lead developer should do what he thrives at cause Luminous Arc series isn't too hot and this doesn't LOOK too hot either.
WTF!? No Fallout?
One of the site's forefathers.
Personally I prefer Brawl towards Melee. I find it far more tweaked and the stages are far more balanced in my eyes. I personally don't see any attack spamming like you say.
One of the site's forefathers.
Mikage has updated his blog, talking about Arc Rise Fantasia. He's happy that it's finally announced and he goes on to say some interesting things.
- The visuals you see in the magazine are only 70% complete and not final
- Currently all cutscenes have no facial motion and are rather lifeless
- The team is working very hard to improve the visuals and the lifeliness of the event scenes
- Next month they'll be announcing the voice cast for the game
- Image Epoch has 4 production lines now: Luminous Arc development team, World Destruction development team, Arc Rise Fantasia development and Unannounced game development team
- There are sprite teams and 3D teams within Image Epoch, and the sprite teams will continue to work on DS hardware, while the 3D teams will work on Wii and PSP hardware.
- dragon hunting is a focus of the agme
- features Trinity Battle system
- Excel Acts, Tandem Connect and Party Connect action commands
This is the first time he's mentioned PSP as a platform for Image Epoch games, so that's pretty interesting. It also confirms that Arc Rise is developed by a seperate team from Luminous Arc. It seems that the Famitsu article was referring to Mikage, the MMV producing and Mitsuda as "Luminous Arc staff" who are working on the game.
Link and Link and Link
Excited for this new Wii RPG? The game looks like it's going to be very epic and big, the only question I have is how the gameplay will turn out. Hopefully we can get a release date soon!
There are things about Brawl that I like -- I'd even go so far as to say I like the slowed pacing a little more. That said, the stages are worse (I can't stand shape-shifting and scrolling stages). Ganondorf does now suck, and the characters seem to have been made slower for the sake of making Sonic seem faster. But mainly, I just can't stand the damned tripping. Seriously, WTF Nintendo. Tripping?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWell I was refering to the stages referred for competitive play. I mean I know the Super Mario Bros. Desert stage wasn't made for competitive play for example, but I feel that ones like the Metal Gear Solid stage and Kid Icarus are really good. I actually like it's slower though because my problem with the previous game was that it felt to fast and jumpy. That's just me though. As someone into fighting games there are always possitive and negatives to every addition to a series.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yeah, I meant that there are too many of those Super Mario Bros-esque stages that have random things going on. Ultimately, there was almost no way for Brawl to do what Melee did with the progression of the series--that was a Street Fighter to Street Fighter 2 type sequel.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI got used to the fast pace of Melee. Damn, I loved the frantic pace. Granted, my reflexes are nowhere near those of a pro gamer, and I prefer to use Ganondorf, but man, I could kick ass with him. His Brawl incarnation is so very nerfed in comparison. He runs slower, several of his better attacks have a lot of lag or just frames of vulnerability in general, his uptilt+A deals less damage than before (and given how hard it is to hit with it, it should deal more--although they added a vacuum effect, so maybe that balances it out), his air backward A attack pretty much can't hit a character who's on the ground anymore, he doesn't jump as high, and his up+B is harder to connect with.
Marth, who was my second-best character, was slowed down (including running, lag and maybe other frames of vulnerability), his sword's reach was shortened (so that now it's barely, if at all, better than using a fist-fighter), his neutral B attack isn't as good, IMO, and it's harder to hit with the tip of his sword, which is the most powerful part.
Besides character-specific issues, I HATE HATE HATE tripping and the new air dodging (which is momentum-based instead of letting the player choose the direction). WTF is up with tripping?! It's another one of those things that threatens to randomize matches, just like the blue shell in the new Mario Kart, but not nearly as bad. Supposedly the tripping is randomly timed, but I seem to do it a LOT more than computer characters, or even my friends when they play. It's almost like it's supposed to be a handicap or something, but I haven't heard about this same frequency issue from anyone else (not that I've been actively looking, but still). In addition to tripping and air dodging, I find the stage selection to be lacking whatever made the Melee stages so enjoyable for me. It's like they're more... I hate to use this word... gimmicky... than the Melee stages. How many are just platforms that zoom around some environment? I've gotten more accustomed to it, but I wouldn't miss it at all if it were gone, with the exception of Final Destination, which is AWESOME (both the new Brawl track and background)!
The other stages... well, I'll say this: I think what I liked about most of the Melee stages was that they left you alone to battle for the most part. Off the top of my head, exceptions to this are the Metroid stages, Pokefloats, and Flat Zone. Brawl, to me, has stages that are more invasive than these, and despite the fact that I'm getting used to it, it really does irk me a bit, especially when all my other gripes with the game are factored in.
*gasps for air* Ok, so Brawl disappointed me. I was expecting an improved Melee with all the new features, but I got an entirely new physics engine instead, and that was a bummer.
Anyway, sorry for the rants, but you might be able to tell from them that the changes from Melee to Brawl were a real downer to me.
Tripping only occurs when you go from barely moving to dash while on the ground. The AI doesn't do this much, and neither do weaker players.
I play the Animal Crossing stage the most. It's a little different but still simple and not flipping upside down while the environment attacks you. The thing about the levels was the same as my point, they like to get the environment directly involved in the match, which I don't like.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSony has lost over $3 billion on the PS3
Ouch. At least they're still well below the Xbox's 7 billion.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile