Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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SupremeAC (52s) Archangel3371 (9m)
The archive is updated to just show the previous weeks now.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSweet. Hey GG, I'm up for taking one weekday along with rag, but it would have to be the slowest day of the week. Friday perhaps? Hopefully rag is up for it, too.
I still want to do a weekly retrospective on weekends, though.
LOL...where the fuck did you get that idea?
Awesome! Now they're at the price they should have launched at. New "LOW" price....hahaha. That's like the media saying "Well gas prices are down 10 cents this week, down to ONLY 3.85 a gallon!!! BARGAIN!
BTW...I was playing Nemesis the other day, which came out in 99, and I noticed the price of gas t the virtual gas station was 1.25/gal.....man I miss only paying that much.
I had something to say in mind about that alleged pricecut, but I forgot to post it. Shit, 300 bucks is still 75 to 100 bucks too expensive for a system about to enter its FOURTH year. But I guess that can't be helped, and it would seem that both MS and SONY gave marketshare to Nintendo in exchange for profit on hardware sales.
Castlevania is a fucking FIGHTING GAME?!
You know what, FUCK YOU KONAMI. You guys have done jack shit on any Nintendo system since the fucking N64....eat my fucking shit and down it with a bottle of bleach. Yay...instead of going on an epic, gothis adventure....I can play a generic fighting game with Castlevania characters and music and do the same boring shit over and over again....while pipe-dreaming about playing real Castlevania. Swell.
MegaMan 9 is a Wiiware game?! Like, WOOOW....I'd be so excited if I ever gave a fuck about Megaman in the first place. I didn't even like that shit when I was a kid...I thought 'hey, why play that when I can play Zelda, Wizards & Warriors, Mario, Metroid, or any number of other games that don't have a guy named Megaman'? I now, all these years later...I find myself saying the same thing.
Some things never change.
Except they're not making a profit...and Nintendo is kicking their ass at both hardware profit and marketshare with a fucking white Gamecube that's packaged with a game that makes Mario 64 laugh. MamaMia.
How reliable is this site here:
I like their charts.
You've just found VG Chartz? Anyway, it's not perfect, but people in forums don't give it enough credit. The hardware numbers for the generation have been consistently accurate at least in proportion between the platforms. The numbers are still essentially estimates, though.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYou should ask dvader about VGchartz, lol.
Afrika is right in the uncanny valley. I think it's mostly the flatness of the ground; it just looks weird.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSo which Tales game looks to be better to you guys, The Wii game or the 360 game?
Everything about that game is weird, ever since it was first shown right down to its name. Meh, I'll stick with RE5 for my African fix.
That Secret Files game looks kind of interesting...it has a Longest Journey look to it. The graphics could use some polish though.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
I've heard of thedukelives, a lot of people thought he was a troll, but I thought he made some excellent posts although many of them were almost offensive. He was a guy that seemed sure of himself, but I really didn't mind his fiery presence.
Castlevania Legends?
A fighting game? WTF? I do think it's funny that Konami turns their popular action-adventure-RPG game into a fighting game, and Namco turns their popular fighting game (Soul Calibur) into an action-adventure-RPG.
To be honest, I really don't care. I haven't cared about Castlevania ever since they turned it into an Action-adventure-RPG; the last Castlevania I liked was Bloodlines on Genesis.
I like this a lot better. Great job!
PES 2008 you fools!

They've released one fantastic game for a Nintendo console, mmk.
And just to give it perspective they shafted the PC/360/PS3 but pretty much re-releasing PES6.
I'll get nagging right away.
Umm wtf yeah that was me up above "Punk Rebel Ecks".
One of the site's forefathers.
How do i send people PMs?