Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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Mega Man 9 NES-graphics
I absolutely love this idea! More new games need to be made with classic graphical styles.
360 Price Drop
About time! $350+ is just too much for a console, any console. I think most people would rather just buy a new, cheap PC with that amount of money.
Just click your Mailbox icon, and then click Send Message. You have to either manually type in their user name or copy/paste in.
Hence why I upgraded. AHAHAHAHA you fucks! I got an 8800GT, Q6600 Quad Core, and 4GB RAM. AHAHAHAHA! Eat that Xbox 360 and PS3 eat that!
One of the site's forefathers.
I knew that without your name even being there.
I PMed GME, One Wing, aaaand...somebody else...who the fuck was it....oooh Dutch mix. Haven't gotten a reply from any. They hate me, apparently.
Anyway, how about Bear GG?
Then why no commentz!
One of the site's forefathers.
Shiit, here's my commentz:
Fuck...you're kind of right about Konami. Castlevania hath been stuck in handheldland, they suck at coming up with any new IP's, and Silent Hill is being done by an American developer. The only good team they really seem to have, is Kojima's....where would they be without them? There was a time when I considered Capcom and Konami on the same level, but Capcom has just smoked them over the last, well, since PS2 released.
Super Turrican...I need to try that one when I get a chance.
GG's ass......yes Steel also said it smells like maggoty-vomit.
Gamespot review of Alone in the Dark....
Apparently even the 360 version has bad controls. If they can't get traditional controls right, the Wii version will truely be a nightmare (haha....eh.)
Behold the power of the next current -generation! It's times like this when I am so glad that developers ditched the PS2 era to work on amazing games like these.
One of the site's forefathers.
I've seen this comment a few times, yet aftering going back into the comments to re-read them....I still couldn't control my laughter, and did in fact just spit Mountain Dew on my new 22'' Samsung.
GamingQueen is cool with me, btw, as long as she can handle our manly-ness. And DutchMix says he's on board but he hasn't posted yet so I don't know what the fuck he's waiting for.
I'm friends with all of the love or hate them people
Some of my friends that I wouldn't mind inviting (that haven't really been mentioned), but need a group consensus on:
Marcus Antonius
Dante 123456
F1 (Did Someone Already Invite Him)
Toment (One of the funniest posters ever)
Dez (My better half)
Semi Master
ShameusBlackley (probably not going to happen)
Ice Radon
Duffguy (no one probably remembers him)
AlexandriaZ (haven't seen her in years tho)
Skylock (just dreaming)
And I would really love to get UpinFlames in here, though he's already been mentioned, he was one of the first people that I met at GS.
One of the site's forefathers.
Notice anything different? Good idea, Edge.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHIRESDES, my man.....You are on all kinds of insane narcodics if you think Carnage would be allowed in here. Did you miss the rant we went on a few pages back?
Ice Radon was cool.
Blackley is a longtime G-spotter from way back, I can remember a time where it was Minda, Myself, Jamesinclair, and Blackley known as the Nintendo guys. He hardly posts anymore..I don't know if its that he just doesn't care for Gamespot anymore or posting in general. He's one of the few people that didn't change after becoming a MOD.
Alexandria was okay. Nuttybar was okay.
The rest I either don't know enough about, or don't care for. Skylock would just annoy me...he's an ok guy but he just rubs me the wrong way. He was one of those dudes that acted like a moderator before he even was one, and I wouldn't want to deal with that here. Upinflames is very much the same IMO.
Marcus was always cool except for talking about RPG's. Get into an RPG discussion with him and you end up hating him. He's one of these Atlus heads that thinks everything except for Shin Megami is overrated garbage. Always has to talk shit about Final Fantasy and other games. Basically him talking about RPG's is like Carnage talking about Nintendo.
I know right. Personally I was thinking of creating an alt. account and pose as Carnage just to see everyone reaction and freak people out...but I thought that would piss people off and get me an IP ban.
I agree with you with Skylock. He's alright but he feels just a little too modish. I thought it could be due to the fact that he is a mod but if he was like that before then nvm.
It all makes sense now. He had a MASSIVE grudge on me due to me saying that JRPG's are innovative after him claiming that they weren't since Dragon Quest IX took out its action battle system for a traditional one. I also got him pist by saying "JRPG's don't work in 3D only in 2D" *this was before I played SMT: Nocturne and Skies of Arcadia*. Ever since then he almost always interupted my post and freaked out on me. Hell he once even claimed that "I don't like anything Western which is why I hate the Xbox 360" *seems that he was a fanboy too*. Hell the dude tried to get me banned by trying to
The other reason why it makes sense links with Gamingqueen. She claimed that in one thread she stated that she thought that Final Fantasy was the best RPG series then she got a massive hate mail by Marcus. Not to mention that in other threads I see him putting far too much emphasis on his posts with sarcasm remarks in other issues like PC gaming and piracy.
I mean Atlus is one of my favorite publishers and developers out there and they make my favorite RPG's: Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, Persona 3, and Odin Sphere, but I see no reason to go agasint someone who likes different games because these games I listed are clearly far different from others.
I'm cool with having variety towards this site and all but I really stand against inviting someone who takes small things like these WAY too seriously.
One of the site's forefathers.
You are my GOD.
Pffft, do you want to give Gamingeek a heart attack?! LOL
^^^I updated my previous post.
Anyway time for bed night night everyone!
One of the site's forefathers.