The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Launch Trailer
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That abysmal game he made for the Wii U, the Devil's Third, now goes for a couple hundred dollars on the secondary market. Collectors are stupid.
I like to call it, “The Devil’s Turd”.
How much would you pay for The Devil's Turd?
Depends if it had nuts and/or corn in it.
Alright! I have chicken Parm, strawberry sparkling water. Time for some vidya gaems!

That's insane, but congratulations. If you've got anything else you're considering selling I would do it soon. Collectors markets always crash. My childhood baseball card collection dropped about 80% from what it was worth at one point. I don't think that particular segment ever got anywhere close to its peak value again. I've got to believe gaming is due for something similar in the not too distant future.
Ive beennholding on to my baseball cards forever. Ive no clue what their value is.
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog is a real game.
I thought it was just an April Fools joke but it's actually on Steam and playable. It's a visual novel.
That's awesome, GG!
Then upon inspecting other listings, outside of hard box sealed ones, mine was in the best condition.
Actually using a currency converter it sold for 863 USD.
Banjo Tooie I listed for 270 USD. The condition is so good people are asking whether its a reproduction.
Paris is freezing! And Windy! Obviously, not by looks, but it does have a very NYC feel, very exciting to walk through.
I did play some Mario Odyssey before I left though.
Have they picked up the trash yet?
Can't recall if I already boasted about this on here, but my eldest won a Mario Kart contest at his school last weekend. Over 100 kids had signed up to take part. My wife and me managed to see the final race, so proud. Clearly all that parenting is paying off. He won a voucher worth €20 at a video game chain, which he wisely spent on buying the expasion pack for Mario Kart.