Argument over Diablo loot ends in fatal shooting
A 36 year-old shot a 34 year-old; were friends for 26 years. news
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Played through The Gunk this weekend and it was, ok. Other then that played Halo Infinite and a bit more SMTV.
Im getting close to finishing Halo Infinite. I should be donecwith the main campaign tomorrow.
All halo all the time and loving it. Should be ending it soon.
Saw spiderman and holy shit what a movie!!! The nailed it, most emotional MCU movie I would say. Also in rewatching matrix in prep for Matrix 4. Hawkeye has been great as well. So much content.
There are other games I want more, but I'm waiting on a deeper discount.
Eastward and Road 96 will be mine someday.
Spent the weekend playing Asphalt 9, Animal Crossing and Crysis 2.
Crysis 2 has an audio bug, which has only happened twice. The sound effects and/or voices disappear and all you can hear is the music. It either fixes itself eventually or you can reload the last checkpoint.
I've been playing NMH3. It's gotten slightly less bad.
There are some sensible design choices made to stream the experience over that of the predecessors, but I'm not sure if they improve it, or just streamline it. There's also a lot of modern day gameplay tropes that can luckily be ignored for the most part, like the equivalent of gemming. Regular combat has been confined to small seperate arena's which also allow you to earn money to fight te bosses. Because of this the side jobs like mining or gathering trash have become nearly totally optional since you can just earn cash by doing battles. On the other hand, because of this there is no build up to the bosses. You just earn the cash, watch a cutscene and fight them. It also means that enemies always look the same which lets the repetitiveness of it all shine through even brighter.
I'm happy to say that the bosses aren't all badly designed aliens. A number of them so far have been killed off before you reach them, letting you fight human bosses that have proven to be slightly more interesting. But hey, the last boss I fought was a combination of a rythm game and musical chairs, so litteraly anything goes in this game.
The Matrix 4 was quite enjoyable. I think the fight choreography was too slow compared to tge originals and that "Rage" song at the end was atrocious.
Do you have HBO Max in your country? I watched it in my living room.
I’m just going to wait and get the blu-ray of Matrix 4 and new Spider-Man movie. Really looking forward to both.
Ive already preordered Spider-Man through iTunes. We watched yesterday in the theater and loved it.
I'm going to watch The Matrix 4 this evening. My sister watched it this afternoon and said it was awesome. I can't wait.
Goodbye, Gamepass. Maybe see ya again when Perfect Dark reboot comes out.
So you are not going to keep it?
No. Never really intended to keep it long term. I have plenty games to play that I already own. I'll sign every once in a while when a big game comes out instead of paying $70.
You making Phil Spencer sad this Christmas.