Metroid Dread review - a sublime return for a Nintendo icon
Essential impressions
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Angry_Beaver (3m)
Been playing a ton of Deathloop which I rented, will finish tomorrow, review coming soon. It's great but it's no 10/10, it's a neat idea executed ok, could have done better with it. More details in the review.
This is a big week. The first totally new 2D Metroid since Fusion! Metroid 5!!!! And Bond week here in america! Woo!
Former Facebook employee leaks internal documents that prove that Facebook would always prioritize profit over morally correct behaviour.
How is this even news?
This is a good day.
Guys, I really like my current rank and + number so please out of respect if you could not give me an + on my posts so I can stay at 2888 that would be great.
Will do.
I have never wanted to+ a post more...must...not... ARGh!
And may God have mercy on the soul of anyone who bothered to play Kingdom hearts 3.
As for sora, Meh. Kingdom hearts, Meh. Cloud versions? Lazy and no.
I’m happy with Sora being added to Smash Bros. Ultimate. Would have preferred Master Chief or Ryu Hyabusa. It’s crazy how much content is in this game. It really is the ultimate Smash Bros. game. Kind of bittersweet as it feels like the end of an era with both Smash Bros. and Sakurai Presents.
Animal crossing has a big update coming out, so they may opt to do more regular updates to trickle in events and items on a quarterly basis.
My gut is telling me Splatoon 3 is going to be the real successor as far as regular updates. They always roll out new stages and content for months afterwards. For reasons I still scratch my head on, that works and I could see them going a full year with that in light of launching an entirely new game.
No not really, I was trolling you guys into giving me a record number of +'s.
I thought for sure I'd wake up this morngin and see a +19 on that post :/