Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes retail release
officially confirmed for North America and Europe, Season Pass to include new character, scenario, and stage
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Ahahahahaha.....*cough, cough*
You are a fuckturd.
Pika, pika?
Speaking of which, is anyone here getting Pokémon Lets Go?
Lag in Splatoon2 is still crap.
I'm tired of being splatted by snipers who are, in my game, aiming 2m next to me. Whats the point of having the kind of laser line of sight if you can't trust it?
Just looked up the game on the website of the store my son pre-ordered it from. Apparently there's been a general price hike pre-launch. It was originally listed as €89.99, but now it's listed as €99.99 everywhere. Greedy bastards.
I'm debating getting a switch with the excuse of getting that for my son. I can't quite pull the trigger though. There's still so much on the PS4 that I haven't got around to yet that it seems kind of silly to buy another system at the moment.
I was in a similar situation when I bought my Xbox One S. I really don't have the time to justify the purchase of the system. The only thing I've really played on it so far is 25 hours of MHW before I dove into the game on PC with a friend. I guess that at least for the Switch, the argument can be made that it kind of slots into your life, where you can be playing it at times where you're away from home or just can't be bothered to turn on a console. But then again, you already have Hearthstone for that.
I've become a bit inspired by the supposed Indian fellow who was offended by the 35 year old game and watch sprite and got Nintendo to cave. So I decided I should hit them up as well.
Goes something like this:
"Dear Nintendo,
As someone who is about 9.5 percent Italian, I have grown to be seriously offended by your Mario Bros line of games. Not all of us are fat plumbers who stalk blonde northern european looking princesses for a living. I ask that you remedy this situation by pulling all Mario games from being sold, or I will have to seek justice to the fullest extent of the law. Thank you."
Yes, and by ‘yes’ I mean no.
I thank you for your two cents. And by 'thank you' I mean 'get lost'.
I welcome you for your thank you, and by ‘welcome’ I mean you’re welcome.
Git gud?
Seriously though, snipers have it HARD in Splatoon 2. It's a machine gun fest these days.
Speaking of Splatoon 2, I was playing the Octo Expansion today, I forgot it was there as it's buried in the menu. So good.
I have a feeling it comes down to Rare/Microsoft if the N64 classic happens. If the old Rare games don't show up on an N64 classic people would be pissed.
Lies! All lies! There is absolutely an N64 Classic Mini coming. I have irrefutable proof. Unfortunately I’m bound by an NDA.
My uncle at Nintendo says that there is no N64 Classic.