Memory provider Macronix talk Nintendo and the NX
"“Wu Miin noted that before the launch of Nintendo’s new platform, the sales of ROM is expected to remain unchanged in this year, but there is growth potential."
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That last can't be real.
The Snakes head is as big as the boat! You know it's fake.
I need a direct link to this gif. The GF will love it.
I went from 7 to 10...all I know is it works just fine, and games seem to work even better than they did on Win 7. Either way, anything is better than Vista.
Don't have one. Try right click copy link or quote me then view the source code.
My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun.
Windows 8 was as bad as Vista.
One of the site's forefathers.
Hun's got buns!
Gamestop CEO: Wii U was disappointing to everyone. No shit!
Actually, most people were not disappointed with the Wii U because most people didn't buy one.
The Wii U had two incredible games and the best entries in Mario Kart and Smash. Besides that though it was very barren. It literally is a console that is only supported by Nintendo games. Feels like a Nintendo's "Neo Geo" so to speak.
One of the site's forefathers.
That's where they're at with no 3rd party or 2nd party support. If they can't do better than that next time its time to give up the ghost. Most people don't see a need to buy a strictly 1st-party Nintendo box.
Did no one here see Civil War? I thought I would see a few discussions about it... Vader?!
Saw it twice going again tonight.
I want to see it but will probably have to wait till the end of the month.