Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem is out in Japan
Digital version is preferred.
Level-5 to Announce a Sequel to a VERY Popular Series in 2016
Dark Cloud 3? news
This week's European downloads - December 31
(N64 VC, Story of Seasons & Deals)
133 Japanese devs pick their favorite games of 2015
Splatoon comes out on top!
Platinum on their StarFox tribute in Bayonetta 2
dev challenges of StarFox Zero
Everything* In The Witcher 3, Ranked
2. Throwing a baby in an oven. editorial
Luke's Top 10 Games Of 2015
"I spent almost the entire year playing The Witcher 3."
Perfect Dark Almost had a Mode that Utilized the GB Camera
Take pictures of your friends, then kill them news
Japanese devs love Splatoon, Game of the Year survey reveals
More interesting, perhaps, is picking out the faves of notable developers. Yoshinori Ono....
One Gamer's Game Has Been on Life Support for 20 Years
DAMN! Now THAT'S dedication! news
Game Under Podcast Ep. 81
Foolz covers all the games he played this year? impressions media news
Jason Schreier's Top 10 Games Of 2015
He's a p**sy when it comes to boobies, but he has good taste in JRPG's!
GAMESTOP EXCLUSIVE - looks cool as shit
New pachinko laws pushed SNK back to games
And the pendulum swings back again...
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travo (54s)
No some other guy, yes me.
In preparation for you getting Splatoon presumably.
You'll enjoy it, one match is only a couple of minutes. Try it.
New splatoon map tomorrow!!!!
Still waiting for the two new ones to come into rotation. I haven't tried them yet. I'm going online to be asshanded by Japanese level 50s. join?
Work. The Japanese players are crazy. Never seen a game where I can easily be highest scorer, dominate another team then the next match can't even move from the spawn point.
Never could envision it before, but, you know what? Cumberbatch actually DOES make an excellent Doctor Strange!
Shadow Warrior is under $4 on Steam, encourage PC-FPS fans to pick up.
You won?
RIP, Lemmy.
For Edge:
I even heard of Lemmy. RIP.
Yeah that was some sad news. R.I.P. Lemmy.
He does look great there indeed.
But Lemmy was certainly a character & I respect that.
R.I.P. to his brutal legend.
I'm sort of doing a road to my GOTY awards, I am currently trying to finish up every game I can get my hands on that is on most GOTY lists. Now my GOTY is set (spoiler it's MGSV, shocking I know) but I still like to try things out, see what's causing buzz in the gaming world.
So right now I am playing UNDERTALE and splatoon. I will be playing splatoon for a long while but it is easy to pick up and play. I need to finish fallout 4 of which I am on a break from, I am not sure if I will play that next or go with something like until dawn. I plan to give super Mario maker another shot now that they added some things.
I have read a ton about life is strange and her story. There is a good chance I will not like both games but I want to try one or both. Hopefully I can do all this by the end of January.
Why did most/all sites choose to do GOTYs before XCX?
cause Wii u.
i will take a pass for now because the first one wasn't an all time favorite and I have no reason to believe this one will be any different.
Picked up a neat puzzler on PSN the other day. It's kinda like Minecraft meets... something puzzlery... in the sense that there's not ONE correct solution to the many puzzles; you solve it by the way you want to build it. The developer is notorious for making PC games like this one, but this is the first time they ventured into the realm of consoles, as far as I know!
Gist of it is, you are kidnapped by aliens. You are put to work in a factory producing parts for them. The parts you make must match the output bin's design. I have very few parts to work with so far, just some blocks, conveyor belts and some welders. Just thought I'd put up a video of me solving a puzzle from start to finish, just for the fun of it!
Be warned there's a few moments of me just kinda sitting and thinking about how to approach it! If you're into puzzle games, this one is totally unique and intriguing!
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Don't look at me that way! It's the truth!