Mario Tennis Ultra Smash - video review
Are you a Ballboy or an Assman? impressions
Resident Evil 6 Remaster coming to Xbone and PS4
Just when you think Capcom has pulled their head out of their ass news
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SupremeAC (48s)
Fallout 4, The Witcher 3 and Rocket League. I powered a house in my Sanctuary settlement, so I can get lights working inside. Crammed everyone in there like a wasteland big brother...that nobody watches. So...just like actual big brother I guess.
In TW3 I'm still neck deep in Novigrad stuffs, I should be moving on to Skellige soon.
Still awaiting the appendix on whether or not you got to keep your appendix, Vader.
Oh the things the doctors and nurses do while you're under. If you've seen the dentist episode of Seinfeld you'll understand.
Mostly Black Ops 3 multiplayer. Played some Halo 5 mp as well.
Why not?
Or they're part of the black market cannibalism industry.
But it's his property! He should be able to keep it, sell it, eat it. When you go to the mechanic you always have the right to ask for whatever parts they replaced. I often did just to make sure they did replace them.
I read your post after I made mine. That should serve as our weekly mental calibration, catch you again next Monday.
Now you know how I feel, all day everyday.
Glad you're okay.
I haven't gotten too far into Fallout 4 because I'm trying to finish Dragon Age 3 first. DA3 is almost done, so this weekend will be my Fallout 4 weekend.
My turn in the hospital now. My mom is having a minor surgical procedure.
I wish her well.
Best wishes for your mom, Travo!
The entire man train at the VGPress wishes Mrs.Travo a speedy recovery. My thoughts are with you mang.
Thanks, guys!
Hope your mom does well Travo.
I tried a little bit of Fallout 3 on the Xbox One and it plays quite well. I believe it looks a little bit better.
Super Star Wars is coming to the PS4. Nice!