Level-5 Vision 2015 set for April 7: Yo-Kai Watch 3
Fantasy Life 2, “next generation cross media project,” more
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robio (5m)
try Spotify free mode it's not bad.
I'm pretty depressed at the moment, I feel unsupported by my parents regarding my brother. My father wont say a single word on the subject and my mother has resumed normal relations. Dads even dropping late night bombs on me when I see him, asking me to send cards to my sister in law (even when she's the one who stirred up shit between my bro and me and she cut me off from the family emails about the kids) and asking when I'm going to see the nephews even when my brother explicity said I'm not welcome to see them or go to his house.
Considering his behaviour, he should be firmly told off, for what is clearly morally wrong. Instead he’s gotten away with it again, because he has kids and my parents are afraid of being cut off from them. I think he should be isolated, that is the only way he's going to learn once and for all what is and what isn’t acceptable behaviour. I'm not even talking about forever, but even a couple of months or half the year? Not even that? Not even a week for my Dad?
Instead I’m the one who's being isolated, not allowed to see my nephews etc.
I would just continue to not talk to him. Your parents can do whatever they want, as can you. When someone mentions YOU reaching out to HIM, tell them simply when he learns how to not be a dickhead I will talk to him, and leave it at that. Talk to your nephews if you can. Either by phone or in person. If your brother has a problem with it, too bad. You're not hurting anyone. Let him be a baby and just ignore it...its all you can do.
Apparently Revis signed with the Jets...lol
Well the Pats defense won't be as good this year, that's for sure.
Official Xenoblade Chronicles X News and playthrough thread updated
I guess it's just magnified this week because his third kid was born so everyone is buzzing around him like sycophants. Even though my mother has been on the verge of ending all contact with him on several occasions because of his douchbag-ery, she still sees him because of the grandkids, no matter what. I've listened to her complaints about him for so many years now and in the end she does nothing and still does shit for him. So it was all talk, where for me when I say I'm not going to see him for the rest of my life -unless he can be a normal person- I mean it.
As I said to her, if the end result of all your talk is that nothing changes, then he's not going to get the message and once again he's gotten away with it. Hence why I feel like I have no support. They weren't there when he was being a dickhead growing up and now they know about it, they still wont do anything about it. If they had actually done some parenting to tell him what is right and wrong he never would have grown into someone who thinks it's okay to be a cunt to people with no consequences.
The reason I am so moralistic is because I clearly saw what was wrong every day of my life, from him.
It wouldn't matter so much but I keep getting back chatter from them which reminds me of his very aggravating existence, when I don't really need or want to be reminded of.
Dads pissing me off, he won't say a fucking thing to rock the boat then drops occaional late night bombs when he knows there is no room for conversation. I feel like punching him in the face when he does that.
Its tough for parents...you want to love your kids no matter what so they will deal with much more than anyone else will to maintain a relationship. Siblings are different and in the end, not much different than friends. Just like friends, sometimes the relationship can sour and you'll be done. Unlike friends, though, you have parents caught in the middle trying to tie you together. All you can really do is let them know you are done with the subject until further notice.
Yeah sorry to hear that GG. I really don't have any advice to offer but Edge's sounds good. Hope things improve soon and hang in there.
I wish I could travel back in time and tell my 4 year old self "Your brother will always be a dick and never change, just ignore him and tell him to fuck off".
Would have saved me decades of bullshit. You know once as kids he made a huge mess in the house and was bricking it before mum got home, when I said he could clean it up by himself he took a pair of scissors and slashed open the back of my hand. Another time he was so jealous of me getting the last slice of pizza he dragged the plate out of my hand so it fell on the floor. Imagine that kind of shit on a daily basis.
Edge has the best advice. Move on for your sanity's sake.
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M | Reviews
GameSided 6/10
Destructoid 6.5/10
We Got This Covered 3.5/5
IGN 7.9/10
Game Informer 8/10
GamesRadar 4/5
Game Revolution 4.0/5
GameTrailers 8.0/10
Nintendo Life 8/10
Shacknews 8/10
TechnologyTell "B" (On a scale of A to F)
USgamer 4/5
Toronto Sun 4.5/5
TechnoBuffalo "Absolute buy if waiting between turns didn't feel like a hindrance in the demo"
GameXplain "Loved it to death"
Nintendo World Report "Score pending"
Well, well. Would you look at that. Uncharted 4 gets delayed.
Where's your god now?
Taking over directing duties since the others left.
I think now is a good time to sell my PS4.
GameStop actually has a pretty good buyback sale for consoles this week.
The most extraordinary thing happened to me today. Somewhere I read that today was going to be the day when the embargo ended for the Code Name Steam reviews. I was clicking on different sites throughout the morning waiting for the updates, thinking to myself "Nintendo's next big franchise hit is almost here. I can't wait to see how high the scores are that it gets!" I waited. I clicked. I clicked and waited... then I saw the GameSpot review. 4 out of 10. I thought to myself "Yeah. That's typical GS these day" and continued to look for more scores. Some were OK. Some were bad. As I read through them a thought came to mind: "I should really be more upset right now." My opinion seemed to be way out of line with the norm.
I searched way down deep to the bottom of my soul and found...
There wasn't single part of me that cared about the low scores. Normally I would be offended. Normally I would think about cancelling my preorder. I would get bummed that not a lot of other people liked what I did. Nope. Nothing. Nada.
I played the demo. I enjoyed the graphics. I enjoyed the on point sound effects. I loved the deep, tension-building strategy... and this was after being a HUGE doubter of the game when I saw it first announced!
It just so happens it's a smart game, and there's a lot of dumb reviewers out there! Seeing their opinions of the game didn't dampen my anticipation for it in the least! I actually browsed a couple of the bad reviews and the most common complaint was the enemy-turn wait-time.
It dawned on me that we live in an age where tapping jewels and swiping from left to right are major gameplay components for the average player. You get immediate high scores, you get lots of sparkles, explosions and Las Vegas style chimes, bells and whistles. There's no challenge. It's all about style and flash over substance. There's no depth. It's all instant gratification for the ADD crowd. Of course that audience wouldn't like a game where you couldn't immediately know what your enemy was doing, or even be able to see them. It actually requires a bit of imagination and thought.
I realized I have nothing in common with gamers these days...
...and I really don't care! An Intelligent Systems strategy game comes out this Friday, It's a bit different than Advance Wars or Fire Emblem, but that's OK. They are the best at what they do. Even if I am the only person in the world to love the game, so be it! This is one of the first times where I can honestly say "Reviews don't matter" and finally "get" what that means. A game that I like didn't get the highest scores on the planet. It will probably hurt sales. Maybe there won't be a sequel. Maybe this won't be the start of a new series afterall. In the end, that's OK. I'll still enjoy the HELL out of the game regardless! Even if the modern age of gaming is a lot more stupid than it's ever been **Thanks, Mobile!** there will ALWAYS be games to play. There will always be games that eschew the "norm" and that's where you will find me!
I thought you never gave a shit about reviews. I always love it when I find that diamond in the rough. I remember enjoying Chibi Robo though most reviewers didn't really care for it.
Though I should've listened to reviews when it came to Wii Music.
All Titanfall DLC is free right including any season pass type stuff, on 360 you have to DL each DLC on PC and xbox 1 just get the now free season pass not sure how long.
I haven't gave a shit about reviews since GregK left Gamespot. I enjoy lots of games that "reviewers" scoff at. Fuck 'em.
I sold my 360 last year so no go for me.