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[] Destructoid's Top Ten Games of PAX Prime There's a Wii U game on there!! phantom_leo
[] Mighty No. 9 feels great... ...but the core concepts take some getting used to. impressions media phantom_leo
[] RE Revelations 2 info and teaser trailer. Return of the beard? media Dvader
[] Resident Evil Remastered trailer.  What is it? media Dvader
[] XB1 price slashed to £309 in the UK Including Sunset Overdrive gamingeek
Deus Ex Continuity Bible aspro
[] Mighty #9 Beta Open Within 24 Hrs aspro
New Y's Game PS4 and Vita exclusive. news aspro
[] Metro Collection Tops UK Charts This week's only other new entry into the top 40 is EA Sports' Madden NFL 15. news aspro
[] Metal Slime PS4 Console bukkake. news aspro
Zelda on Sale news aspro
Disgaea 5 Announced for PS4 news aspro
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[] Thousands of developers sign plea for tolerance in gaming community Citizens of Mt. Pious Unite! news aspro
[] Gabriel Knight Interview news aspro
[] Ea Flagellation Hour They go back to NBA. media news aspro
[] Persona 5 Trailer media news aspro
[] Infamous PS4 Flash Sale $40. Nah, maybe for $2.99 on Steam, thanks. news aspro
[] Mincraft XB1 Dated Friday, 5th September news aspro
[] Bayonetta 2 Nintendo Direct on 9/4 at 6pm EST Sexy time on thrusday! news Dvader
[] Square Enix still contemplating DQ7's localization Make up your damned minds already!! news robio
[] Bayonetta 2 epic trailer!!! WOWOWOWOWOW!! editorial media Dvader
[] Never Alone may have Stolen the Show at PAX impressions media phantom_leo
[] Legal Battle between Sega and Gearbox starting to get fun. Ad campaign leaked "cause you can't go wrong with a badass shooter" news Dvader
[] Nintendo Having A Mario Sale Not bad, but you likely already have them. news aspro
[] Destiny Will Have Free Upgrade for Last-Gen Buyers Will strangle current gen sales, but a classy move. news aspro
Square Opening New RPG Dev House Yay! (Pleasenotmobile, pleasenotmobile). news aspro
Free Game with XB1 Any game. Pretty good deal. news aspro
[] Samsung Oculus Colaboration Could be the cheapest way to roll out VR. news aspro
[] Japanese Commercial for Smash Bros for 3DS news Nintyfan17
[] Bungie Warns Destiny Day-One Reviews Might Not Tell the Whole Story "We've created something we’re proud of." -- Uh-oh. impressions news phantom_leo
[] Donkey Kong World Record Score Broken news aspro
[] Eurogamer Turns 15 Brings out their Halo review. (8/10) editorial impressions aspro
[] Resident Evil Revelation 2 details and screens. Claire, Barry's daughter, Coop, stealth elements, 1080p 60FPS. media Dvader
[] Ars Reviews Sims 4 "Everywhere you look, you'll see a place where DLC or an expansion pack would fit a little too perfectly" impressions aspro
[] US Government Slaps Google For Defrauding Children A tiny amount, but at least someone is finally thinking about the children! news aspro
[] Phil Fogg Remembers XBL Launch Hardware Quiet everyone, an old man is talking! editorial aspro
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Tue, 02 Sep 2014 23:41:18
Archangel3371 said:

Xbox One is the only true answer. Nyaa

Uhhhhh, what was the question again?

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Tue, 02 Sep 2014 23:44:49

Oh and if it's not too late to weigh in on the Resident Evil vs. Nintendo thing, all you have to do is put the blame on the Wii U version of Revelations. It completely and utterly tanked. You can probably make an arguement that a lot of the Wii U owners already played it on the 3DS, but it was still a ridiculously small number. That didn't fill Capcom with much confidence, and it's not an unfair decision for them to stay away on the sequel. 3DS probably should have seen some love though.

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 00:17:30

Square Enix still contemplating DQ7's localization

When the hell did S-E become a sororiety tease? Maybe we'll do it. No we won't. Well maybe if you really want it....


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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 00:50:52
SteelAttack said:

The PC side waits for you GG. It is time.

We have such sights to show you...

LOL This.

GG, you know how much you enjoy Animal Crossing? Well, on PC there's this game call The Sims 4. It's just like AC, only there's waaaaaay more cool stuff to do and fun stuff to collect!

The VG Press

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:15:37

I am amazed at how many of us are PC gamers now.   Even Vader dabbles in the dark arts now and again. Nah,  it's cool that we all have different avenues for gaming.

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:29:32

“What part of suck my dick don't you understand? Do you want me to post a picture of a dick?!”

Yes please!

“Your view and views like this are reliant on people who think the Wii U sucks and is shit to begin with. I don't share this view, so I never agree with people who seem to think Wii U sucks and deserves to die in hell, because EVERYBODY COULD SEE IT YEARS AGO BEFORE IT WAS EVER RELEASED bullshit. Wii was also a lot weaker and still got support, publishers are still making versions of "Next gen" games for weaker systems like the PS3 and 360 so the weaker argument is bullshit in many cases too. Hell Ubisoft will even go out of their way to make past generation Assasins Creed.”

When I say the Wii U sucks, I say it sucks from a publisher’s perspective. Tablet was stupid (I said something like this at the time, sorry); forcing people to pay so much money for something few developers are going to use, that doesn’t provide users with something unique like motion controls did (everyone has a tablet; sticking a screen on a controller isn’t impressive to laypeople like motion control was). This is going to put publishers off; Nintendo is to blame for that.

Motion controls would have put publishers off, if the Wii didn’t sell through the roof because its awesome gimmick appeared unique. And let’s not pretend that the Wii wasn’t shitted on with crappy ports and the like, too. This cursory support was only because they couldn’t ignore the Wii due to its obscene sales. They can ignore the Wii U because it has sold like shit (at least, that’s the impression everyone has). Nintendo is the root cause of this. Is the publisher reaction obnoxious? Yes. But it’s still Nintendo’s fault.

And before you try and place my views with people I don’t agree with, I love that the Wii U has a tablet and is different. I think it’s a great console; in fact, it’s the only current generation console I have any interest in.

“Capcoms recent RE decisions are repugnant and a blatant kick in the nuts to the people who bought those games in the first place and I'm a little tired of people here acting like I'm the only one to think so and giving me the weird stink eye. I'm not in the minority to this. Here are some other opinions from around the web:”

How did I act like that? I think this reaction is silly and melodramatic. All those people are being silly as well. You are all silly and melodramatic. Nyaa

“I'm being given the choice of nothing.

In the past there were alternatives, if you couldn't port Dead Space there was Dead Space extraction. THQ decided to make De Blob, EA made Boom Blox, Ubisoft made Red Steel, hell even Capcom made Zack and Wiki. Now.... there are no alternatives from these big companies. It's utterly boring.”

But they’re not making those sort of games for any console. So you’re only missing out on the dudebro AAA games you hate.

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:30:17

They wanted to make Revelations 2 a powerhouse in graphics, if it was last gen... but still the game they wanted to make could not be done on 3DS. They are not making a portable game. A 3DS version was never a possibility. Wii U sure, but why waste the time. Capcom released the first one on the other consoles to prepare for this.

Complaining that Revlations 2 is not coming to 3DS is like complaining RE6 is not on 3DS. It is a poor choice to keep the subtitle, its moronic to spin it off, it makes no sense.

Edited: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:33:27
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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:39:38
Dvader said:

They wanted to make Revelations 2 a powerhouse in graphics, if it was last gen... but still the game they wanted to make could not be done on 3DS. They are not making a portable game. A 3DS version was never a possibility. Wii U sure, but why waste the time. Capcom released the first one on the other consoles to prepare for this.

Complaining that Revlations 2 is not coming to 3DS is like complaining RE6 is not on 3DS. It is a poor choice to keep the subtitle, its moronic to spin it off, it makes no sense.

They kept the subtitle because Resident Evil + number is getting very close to being a negative association . Nyaa

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 02:14:33

"Troll teh forums" is an option in The Sims 4 for evil characters, lol.

Edit: Well, that was quick. Within one in-game day, one of my Sims managed to burn herself to death making a grilled cheese sandwich. It was a little disturbing to watch, actually. I like this game. Happy

Note to self: Buy smoke detector for all future Sims.

Edited: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 04:00:26

The VG Press

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:03:45
robio said:

Bukkake be damned, I love this!!!  Are PS4's region free?

Yes. PS4 is region free.

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:08:37
robio said:
He doesn't need a PC. He needs a tablet. Its a nice easy transition between the Wii U and a tablet. And there's plenty of support from Square-Enix! Plus mobile is going to be our overlords one day anyway so learn to love it now.

...boy I seem to have lost weight ever since my soul was removed.

Eat more soul food.

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:09:39
robio said:
Archangel3371 said:

Xbox One is the only true answer. Nyaa

Uhhhhh, what was the question again?

I believe the question was, "Which console is punching itself in the balls every five minutes?"

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 10:47:57
robio said:

3DS probably should have seen some love though.

There's no probably for me, that version sold the most and was the original format. Anyway talking about the RE decisions in seclusion is totally missing the point. These latest RE decisions including RE-REmake are just the latest in a long line of kicks in the nuts to U owners and Nintendo gamers in general. I'm sorry but I'm not going to rollover and do what these companies want. Vader posted a list of 2015 gaming highlights and I crossed out most of it, how can I be excited for games that aren't even going release on a platform I own?

As I said before if I do get another system I will buy the excusives new, anything multiplatform I will pick up used. I don't really care if anyone understands or agrees with me, it's not your decision.

Ravenprose said:
SteelAttack said:

The PC side waits for you GG. It is time.

We have such sights to show you...

LOL This.

GG, you know how much you enjoy Animal Crossing? Well, on PC there's this game call The Sims 4. It's just like AC, only there's waaaaaay more cool stuff to do and fun stuff to collect!

My laptop/hybrid can't even run games to 360 standards.

Dvader said:

It is a poor choice to keep the subtitle, its moronic to spin it off, it makes no sense.


Foolz, as promised here is a picture of a dick:


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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 11:06:07
edgecrusher said:

GG...think about it this way. If you think Capcom is fucking Nintendo by not releasing REmake on the Wii U, how do you think Playstation fans felt when they made a remake of a PS1 game exclusive to the Gamecube in the first place? For 10 years?

To quote myself:

Talking about the RE decisions in seclusion is totally missing the point. These latest RE decisions including RE-REmake are just the latest in a long line of kicks in the nuts to U owners and Nintendo gamers in general. These RE related announcements are just the straw that broke the camels back. As a consumer I feel like the industry has turned their back on me and expects me to jump through financial hoops to play their game - both literally and metaphorically. And as a stuborn wilful old git I'm not going to support them, just as they haven't supported me.

Dvader said:

Welcome to 2001 GG. How do you think every single PS owner felt when THEIR RESIDENT EVIL franchise went to the kiddie machine Gamecube. Payback is a bitch. Nyaa

See above reply^

And I never expected RE7 to be on Wii U for instance. But a Gamecube exclusive ported to everything under the sun except Nintendo platforms is a blatant middle finger. Especially when you can self publish on the eshop. RE-Revelations 2 skipping 3DS just compounds the insult. Capcom previously lauded sales of MH3 on Wii U calling it a smash hit. Revelations sold best on 3DS by far.

I disagree with Robio on U sales of Revelations I know the reason I didn't buy it on U is because I already owned it on 3DS and there is a bulk of people who didn't get it either. Reading around the internet too, it seems the 360 version sold badly too.

I only care about 2 Capcom properties and now they seem to be screwing up one of them. Phoenix Wright FTW.

Maybe I'm just getting too stubborn and too cranky in my old age. But probably the only reason I'm even playing games right now is because of offscreen play. I have reams of unplayed 360 games. I like being able to play my console whenever I like, not having to schedule play for when other people aren't using the TV, or secluding myself in a separate room. Even with a new console I can't see myself playing it much without offscreen play. I wont even return to finish off Wii games like SSword and Xenoblade.

Archangel3371 said:

Xbox One is the only true answer. Nyaa

Penis picture for you too!

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 11:26:56




Edited: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 11:27:43

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:07:35
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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:10:09
Edited: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:11:30


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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:52:05
gamingeek said:

Yeah I don't buy it. S-E has has a decent script already available to them from the original version. If they wanted to do it , even cheaply, they already could have. This is just them jerking Western fans around in hopes we buy their mobile versions.... and sadly I'm almost ready to get a copy of DQ8 for my tablet.

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:53:47
aspro said:
robio said:

Bukkake be damned, I love this!!!  Are PS4's region free?

Yes. PS4 is region free.

Sweet... if this doesn't run more than an extra $100 over the regular prices I may very well scoop it up.

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Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:01:17

I was looking for a new back massager and amazon recommended this:

Scorpions Tail 7.5" Prostate Massager - 10 Function, Black

Product Details

wtf, scorpians tail? LOL

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