Wii Sports Club – first baseball/boxing screenshots
Motionplus boxing? Our Rocky dreams are coming true.
Transistor Destructoid review.
More of the same but that's not a bad thing.
destructoid.com impressions
Transistor Gameinformer review.
Weird and wonderful discovery.
gameinformer.com impressions
Transistor RockPaperShotgun review.
Transistor’s got brains, heart, and a knack for always knowing just what to say and when to say it.
rockpapershotgun.com impressions
Bringing The Last of Us to PS4 was hell, says Naughty Dog
Bringing The Last of Us to PS4 was hell, says Naughty Dog
Analyst - Time for Sony to break up
"Last year there was some hope, and now we’re seeing a capitulation of that hope"
Nintendo wins DS patent infringement lawsuit
How many more of these cases?
Harmonix founder: Activision not to blame for rhythm collapse
Not entirely
Digital Devil Saga comes to PS3 via PSN TOMORROW!
This and Transistor on PS4?!
destructoid.com news
Four different companies are trying to nab Sadness IP
Wtf! Nintendo should start advertising
More Hyrule Warriors details – 2-player mode and more
- Playable at E3 2014 next month
Wii U nearly catches PS4 in Japan
Yatta! Only 48 units separated the two consoles.
Xbox One gets external storage, real name support
And much more in new update
Microsoft considered having the Kinect built-in to the Xbox One
The making of Kinect: Designing the Xbox One's most controversial feature
Forbes review Mario Kart 8 as a 10/10
Calls it "Wii Us' Golden Bullet"
forbes.com impressions
Team Ninja Producers are working on Hyrule Warriors
Hisashi Koinuma and Yosuke Hayasahi of Team Ninja are named as producers on the project, with Nintendo's Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma in a supervisory role
Halo franchise director slams embargo breaking insiders
NeoGAF prophet CBOAT is leaking information illegally and often erroneously
Art of Balance Wii U - online talk
Four people can play at the local Wii U together against online opponents
Each game comes with 2 free download codes for friends
Nintendo France Rep says Smash Bros Wii U Will use NFC
Update: Now removed quote from interview
Vivendi Dumps More Activision Stock
Once a majority stake holder they will now own only 6%.
gamasutra.com news
Mario Kart is Racist "Glaring Ommission [of Diversity]"
Read the second to last paragraph.
pastemagazine.com editorial impressions
Giant Bomb Reviews Wolfenstein
4/5 "manages to capture the hyperviolent spirit of its predecessors"
giantbomb.com editorial impressions
IGNs top 100 games of last gen list is over.
Journey top ten, I hate the world
neogaf.com news
Hyrule Warriors North American Site Opens
The North American name for Shia is Cia
nintendo.com media
Microsoft re-trademark Phantom Dust
It was an OG Xbox game from Panzer Dragoon guy
Amazon lists Bethesda E3 2014 Dummy listings
For EBU but including 3DS this time
PR: Hyrule Warriors blends Zelda with Dynasty Warriors
Even more new pics
nintendoeverything.com media
E4 partners with Nintendo Wii U Mario Kart TV (Europe)
Mario Kart 8 players win chance to have their best races broadcast on broadcast TV
nintendoeverything.com impressions
Hyrule Warriors main programmer is a Team Ninja veteran
Hayashi explains that the staff of Team Ninja, known for their work on the Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden games, are working on Hyrule Warriors
Half-Life 3 is being worked on & Left 4 Dead 3 looks great
says Counter-Strike creator
Samsung developing virtual reality headset - report
Sony undercut by Samsung, again?
Ubisofts E3 lineup includes 3 games from last year
ACUnity, FC4, The Crew, Valiant Hearts, The Division etc
Hyrule Warriors is Aonumas plan to have Zelda titles break tradition
Part of his plans
Order by:
Recently Spotted:
Angry_Beaver (7m)
You guys who played Dark Souls, do you find it harder than Demon's Souls?
No I think Demon's was harder cause of the death penalty.
Batman will sell better than all those.
I forgot that one.
I meant to go to bed two hours ago, but you guys kept me up, but kinda cheered me up in the process too... I finally laid down, then jumped up once again because I keep on forgetting to post this:
Kirby Triple Deluxe is the "Super Mario 3D World" of the Kirby series and, once again, continues the trend of the best version of Nintendo's series being on the 3DS. It makes such creative use of the 3D effects. It has so many great ideas between the foregrounds and backgrounds. It's just sooo damn colorful and happy, that despite me going through incredibly dark times right now, it DOES.NOT.FAIL. to bring a smile to my face every time I play it! If you have a small child in your home --or-- if you just want to play an awesome example of a classic "easy to play, yet hard to master" NINTENDO game, this is it!
It's even got it's own little Smash Bros. mode going on in it! Don't be too quick to brush it off, either! You'd be surprised how many moves the different forms of Kirby have to them now! They are almost all Smash Bros. characters unto themselves! Check it out!
I've heard that a ton about the game, may have to check it out.
Glad we could cheer you up leo, that was fun. Had a great time chatting with all you guys tonight.
Thinking about cancelling Watch Dogs on PS4 and getting it on my PC.
It's the internet. Whoever shouts racist or sexist first is clearly in the right. What struck me about this one was the utter bullshit of the guy caliming that he just could not enjoy himself as he played it, what with all this racism going on.
I finished up Dragon's Crown last week, and what a bunch of horseshit that brouhaha was (the whole this-game-is-sexist thing). I played as an amazon, a strong female characther that was a true hero to all aruond her. She was admired for her strength, honor and bravery. When she walked into a room it was not like, "A woman can't be a hero, get outta here".
How she appeared did not affect her character or my opinion of her (nor the opinions of the characters in the game). In fact, wouldn;t it be sexist to assume that because she was attractive she should not be a hero?
They said the PS4 version and PC version are the same, at least that is what Ubi said.
Yeah that was a week too early I think (coud have kept the hype hot). I like it when companies release a game from embargo a week ahead, it's universally a good sign of it's quality.
Day of is still iffy IMO. If they knew it was "Last of Us Mario Kart" great then they would be priming the pump by releasing the embargo in advance.
The Amazon, like everyone in Dragon's Crown, was grotesquely ugly. But I always find it bizarre that Japan gets so much flack as being sexist in this context, when Japanese heroines are usually heroines with no qualifier; unlike Western ones who are generally still subservient or overtly physically weaker than their male counterparts, even if they're wearing a hijab instead of a bikini; even if they're written for women: because it's not sexist and doesn't perpetuate cultural sexism by overtly emphasising the differences in prescribed cultural taste and demanding that the differences be even further exaggerated through this discourse, and the subsequent manipulation of the discourse's subject and consumers...
You are right, in fact Tom she was grotesque (in the truest form of the word). As were the so-called "sexy" characters.
Ex-ACT-ly. Nail on the head. Even the "toned-down" Lara Croft (I loved the game Raven, this is not about the game) was still the developers saying, "Hey? Hey? See, Woman. Strong Woman Character. Huh-Huh? See What we did there? We made a strong female character. That's FE-male for all you ladies out there, Aren't we liberated?" Read same for Chloe in Uncharted 2.
White western men are just too self-aware of their own prejudices to not be prejudiced. (yes, yes, I get what I just said also).
Hey Fz, I am at the Euclid is wrong level where someone just became a big statue. How close to the end fo Paop y Yo am I?
No idea.
Hyrule Warriors could have been a Tecmo developed (Real) Zelda title.
I read that differently from how you do. I read the emphasis on the "that I can’t make".
Smash Bros, Mario Kart, X, DKC TP I guess.
No, they said Xb1 and PS4 is like PC on "High" settings, PC has tiers above "high", it has ultra and probably something below that too.
It says they started making a game like a traditional Zelda, then realised they couldn't do as good, then Aonuma pushed them to make it more like Warriors.
I re-read it. I still don't think that is the reading. If read kindly it could be, "Nintendo could not handle the workload of making all their franchises into HD so asked us for some ideas. They realized our concept of Zelda was shit aand said, "Well maybe you can make this a Warriors game?" We said, "Ye$ plea$e!".
No, if you read the earlier articles yesterday or before you'll see that the Warriors games have had about 5 or so crossover games and this seems to be the latest. Team Ninja's work on Other M probably sweetened the deal.
"At first, we went in the direction of wanting to make something that could follow the way The Legend of Zelda is played.”
To me this reads like they started off, conceptually wanting to make a zelda game in the traditional way Zelda is played, i.e puzzles, dungeons, open fields etc Then they realised they couldn't make that as they weren't good enough:
“Even if we could imitate the surface of it, it’s not something we could actually make."
So they decided it would be easier to make a Warriors style game:
"In the end, we realized that it would be best to make a Warriors title that has elements from The Legend of Zelda series."