~~Kinect Sports Rivals review round-up
Mostly 6/10 to 7
computerandvideogames.com impressions
~~Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel heading to Last gen/PC
This year, retailer claims
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. Trademarked by Nintendo
(Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace)
EA SPORTS UFC Gameplay Series - Bruce Lee Reveal
Yes, use a dead man for your game
~~No more DLC for Sonic Lost World
Current DLC is free, funded by Nintendo
~~This week's European downloads - April 10
Batman, Kirby, Wario, Hobbit and more
The Examiner reviews Disneys' Magical World
4 out of 5 - "Is “Disney Magical World” the new “Animal Crossing”? Although we weren’t quite sure after our initial playthrough, we are now- this game is fun."
examiner.com impressions
Nintendo Life reviews Disneys' Magical World
8/10 - "Disney fans are sure to love interacting with their favourite characters and exploring their worlds, and those who enjoy life simulators will get a kick out of the variety in gameplay"
nintendolife.com impressions
Zelda/Pokemon Monopoly sets bumped up to August
Zelda puzzle also on the way
~~Super Mario 3D World devs – next Mario title in the works
Could use the GamePad more, Double Cherry and Cat Mario origins
The Crew suffers from internet woes
It kicks you to the title screen whenever you lose your internet connection
The Crew's microtransactions let you buy performance parts
With real world cash
~~The Crew preview - A step in the wrong direction?
Is Ubisoft sabotaging The Crew with its monetisation model?
videogamer.com impressions
~~ Sony releases "the ultimate balance update"
for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Sega UK suffers redundancies
Hit London office as Sonic and mobile departments are restructured
New The Evil Within Trailer! Tons of new locations!
08/29/14 on everything but Wii U.
youtube.com media
Footage leaks of canned Star Wars Darth Maul game
Was a Nintendo Exclusive, then multiplatform
eurogamer.net media
List of Games at PAX East 2014
There's 4 Wii U games!! That brings the number of U games coming this year from 8 to 12!!
Transistor will be out May 20th for PS4 and PC
Next game from the creators of Bastion!
kotaku.com news
Tomodachi Life Direct 4.10.14
Nintendo had a Tomodachi Life Direct today
youtube.com news
Atlus Announces Citizens of Earth for PC, PS4, Vita, 3DS, and Wii U.
Play the the Vice President. Recruit citizens. Save the World!
youtube.com news
The Evil Within demo impressions
PAX demo shows two areas and a boss fight
bostonbastardbrigade.com impressions
Ubisoft rep confirms Fall Watchdogs Wii U target date
It's happening?
~~Infamous: Second Son sells 1 million in 9 days
That's 1 million bored people
Pinball Arcade dev: PS3 'stomps' the Wii U in terms of power
Calls it Wii 1.5 - UPDATE: guy mistook PS4 for PS3
Nintendo Pimps Tomodachi Life
Live a Life You Never Imagined in a Hilarious and Unpredictable New World from Nintendo
Cancelled: Darth Maul game for Nintendo platforms
Nintendo would not meet financial demands to make it a 'first party project'
Game Under Podcast Ep 46
Infamous: Second Son, MGS:2 Hrs, Broken Age and more...
gameunder.net editorial impressions media news
Yoshida: Japanese developers: Do what you do best
Make smartphone games and sumo wrestle
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Recently Spotted:
Azu97 (7m)
Mayflash Nintendo GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii/Wii U
It allows you to plug in a GCN contoller into a Wii Remote.
I just watched the Smash Bros. Direct. And holy fuck I'm looking forward to this.
Getting the wii and smash going is turning into mission impossible. I had to plug in the wii, sync the wiimotes, but then realized the sensor bar was not working cause I hooked that up to the wii U. Drag that cable to the wii, then realized there is no smash bros, memory cause I transfered it over. Tried to turn on the wiiU but pad is dead from no power cause I left it unplugged when I havent used it for months. Plug that in, turn it on... system update. AGGHHHHH
Finally starts but I need to go to the wii menu to check the save data but I cant get to the wii menu without pointing the wii mote at the screen which I cant cause the sensor bar is now attached to the wii, so I switch the back. Finally enter the wii menu, find the smash data and A CANT FUCKING MOVE IT.
Im going to go cry now.
I wish I could get excited for Smash, but I've never really cared much for the series.
I wasn't a big Smash Bros. fan until I started playing it with friends with my copy of Brawl. Fun for people who are good and notso good alike.
That Ninja Pokemon was the final evolved form of Froakie he is a 6th Generation Pokemon.
I decide to play Smash with the damn wii motes on Wii U and my wiimote batteries are almost dead. *cries*
Ooooh... thank you. At any rate I won't be using him.
Oh and if I were a Metroid fan, that Ripley boss tease would have totally done it for me. That was just so well done.
On another site I go to most people are pissed off at that because it means Ridley isn't playable.
The Ultimate Warrior died.
I heard he was on WWE last night.
Wow. Pretty sad news. He was just inducted in the Hall of Fame before Wrestlemania 30 this past Sunday and was on Monday Night Raw. Only 54.
R.I.P. Warrior
You're not looking hard enough. It's like a sports game with a fixed zoomed out camera, at that distance you don't notice the difference especially as the artstyle is the same. At E3 I saw a video where Sakurai was commentating and the camera zoomed in closer to Mario, everything about him looked much better than the Wii game, the animation, the model, the aliasing the lighting. That said, Mario Kart does look awesome, Nintendoland also. If you don't think Smash Bros Wii U looks good, go compare its screens to Playstation All Stars on PS3 - it's tons better, technically and artistically.
I played maybe 2 hours of Brawl then sold it. Eh.
The point is, does it look better enough to warrant a new purchase? Smash games tend to feel very similar to one and other, more so then mario kart. A large chunk of the roster stays the same, a large portion of the stages and items remain... Brawl was all about being bigger and bolder then Melee, but do we really need a Smash that's even bigger and bolder? Diminishing returns, says I. The only reason I can see me picking this up is the fact that it'll be in HD. Other than that, my friends and I can still very much enjoy Brawl, as we could 5 years ago, and as we will be able to another 5 years down the road.
Sure I agree with you, I had enough of Smash 2 hours into Brawl and sold it, you don't need to sell me on this viewpoint. But I feel this way about alooooooooooot of sequels to other games too.
Purely on the graphics, just as an aside, they nicked a lot of backgrounds from Wii game codes, Skyward Sword, SMG etc so those are obvious. They didn't rebuild them in those instances. Close up, as I said the quality of the characters and animation is on a whole other level compared to Brawl but you need to see the game zoomed, in HQ. Zoomed way out for 4 players on different sides of the arena wont show you shit.
People said Pikmin 3 was just Pikmin 2 in HD, that was wrong. They said DKCTP just looked like a wii game but users grabbed U screens showed it to be a lot better too, to a lesser extent. Mario 3DWorld was also criticised early on until it got a lot better looking.
Canned - was a Nintendo exclusive then multiplatform. Lucas tried to change it to a buddy cop game midway through development, this guy destroys games.
The difference being that all the games you list there relie on leveldesign for their gameplay, whereas Smash's stages aren't detrimental to the gameplay. DKCTP is a different game from DKCR, despite what anyone might think about the quality of the graphics. A large chunck of Smash will be identical or at least eerily similar to Brawl if you leave the graphics out of the equation.
There are a few Brawl comparison pics here:
View them fullscreen and remember the Wii U pics released aren't in HD and this is from the old build. Usually it's only when gamers are playing and posting their own HD screens that we see the quality of the visuals. That was certainly the case for Pikmin 3, SM3DW and DKC TP. Copy/pasting Wii 1 game backgrounds isn't going to help the game though. I can see Other M, SMG and Zelda Wii 1 background environments. Namco is making this, not Nintendo. I don't know why Sakurai keeps dissolving his studio teams after a game.
Some Playstation Battle Royale PS3 screens for comparison:
Full screen: