~~Kinect Sports Rivals review round-up
Mostly 6/10 to 7
computerandvideogames.com impressions
~~Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel heading to Last gen/PC
This year, retailer claims
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. Trademarked by Nintendo
(Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace)
EA SPORTS UFC Gameplay Series - Bruce Lee Reveal
Yes, use a dead man for your game
~~No more DLC for Sonic Lost World
Current DLC is free, funded by Nintendo
~~This week's European downloads - April 10
Batman, Kirby, Wario, Hobbit and more
The Examiner reviews Disneys' Magical World
4 out of 5 - "Is “Disney Magical World” the new “Animal Crossing”? Although we weren’t quite sure after our initial playthrough, we are now- this game is fun."
examiner.com impressions
Nintendo Life reviews Disneys' Magical World
8/10 - "Disney fans are sure to love interacting with their favourite characters and exploring their worlds, and those who enjoy life simulators will get a kick out of the variety in gameplay"
nintendolife.com impressions
Zelda/Pokemon Monopoly sets bumped up to August
Zelda puzzle also on the way
~~Super Mario 3D World devs – next Mario title in the works
Could use the GamePad more, Double Cherry and Cat Mario origins
The Crew suffers from internet woes
It kicks you to the title screen whenever you lose your internet connection
The Crew's microtransactions let you buy performance parts
With real world cash
~~The Crew preview - A step in the wrong direction?
Is Ubisoft sabotaging The Crew with its monetisation model?
videogamer.com impressions
~~ Sony releases "the ultimate balance update"
for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Sega UK suffers redundancies
Hit London office as Sonic and mobile departments are restructured
New The Evil Within Trailer! Tons of new locations!
08/29/14 on everything but Wii U.
youtube.com media
Footage leaks of canned Star Wars Darth Maul game
Was a Nintendo Exclusive, then multiplatform
eurogamer.net media
List of Games at PAX East 2014
There's 4 Wii U games!! That brings the number of U games coming this year from 8 to 12!!
Transistor will be out May 20th for PS4 and PC
Next game from the creators of Bastion!
kotaku.com news
Tomodachi Life Direct 4.10.14
Nintendo had a Tomodachi Life Direct today
youtube.com news
Atlus Announces Citizens of Earth for PC, PS4, Vita, 3DS, and Wii U.
Play the the Vice President. Recruit citizens. Save the World!
youtube.com news
The Evil Within demo impressions
PAX demo shows two areas and a boss fight
bostonbastardbrigade.com impressions
Ubisoft rep confirms Fall Watchdogs Wii U target date
It's happening?
~~Infamous: Second Son sells 1 million in 9 days
That's 1 million bored people
Pinball Arcade dev: PS3 'stomps' the Wii U in terms of power
Calls it Wii 1.5 - UPDATE: guy mistook PS4 for PS3
Nintendo Pimps Tomodachi Life
Live a Life You Never Imagined in a Hilarious and Unpredictable New World from Nintendo
Cancelled: Darth Maul game for Nintendo platforms
Nintendo would not meet financial demands to make it a 'first party project'
Game Under Podcast Ep 46
Infamous: Second Son, MGS:2 Hrs, Broken Age and more...
gameunder.net editorial impressions media news
Yoshida: Japanese developers: Do what you do best
Make smartphone games and sumo wrestle
Order by:
Fuck the judge's daughter.
But that would get him even more jury duty! Or shot, so that's one way out of it, I guess.
I served once and enjoyed it. Then I got a summons almost every year after that. I tell them I'm a teacher and they respond that they will send me another notice during the summer. I never hear from them during the summer.
Act like a rational, ethical individual during the interview process and they'll send you packing.
You have to go but if you don;t want to serve on a jury there are ways.
Don't play the racist card. And don't try to me smart with the Judge. Most Judges are smarter than the average person and have many years of experience with reading people. So if you try to play the religio or race card they will scold the fuck out of you and threaten you with contempt of court.
The best way to get off a jury is to get the prosecution to dis-bar you frmo the jury.
So you get up there, answer all the questons honestly. Say you are capable of being an impartial jurist. be the perfect constitution-abiding citizen.
Then when one of the lawyers ask if there is any reason you could not serve as a jurist, just tell them that you don't trust police testimony. That you consider most police officers to be dishonest and that that you feel they will lie under oath to protect each other. But you would rule impartially and that would not bias you. Before you go in bing search "Police abuse" in the county you are serving and familiarize yourself with a recent case. Then name drop that case.
The prosecution will release you.
The important thing is to stick to the claim that you would be an impartial jurist and happy to serve.
Or this. She does have great tits.
I would have loved to be on a jury in the US. But I never got pass the selection process.
Police abuse? Mine was just a simple lawsuit against the Department of Transportation.
I've only gotten to the waiting room, never got selected.
In this case you just learn from watching the selection process before you go up and hope for a break so you can google crimes within the department of transportation. If you indicate in any way you are informed and read the paper you will be released by the prosecution.
Prosecution wants uninformed dolts.
Defense wants people who read the papers and have an opinion. Like Foolz said, if you show you know anything about what is going on the prosecution will cut you.
Foolz and I am about to record. What's your 10-20?
In 30 seconds Foolz and I are going to record me going through the last two weeks of gaming news (that I have not yet read).
Should be up tomorrow hopefully.
Lets give it a try
Success! Thanks for having me on.
Here are some MGS videos I took, showcases the gameplay a bit Aspro
A speed run of one of the missions
A crazy kill everyone run
An S rank no kill, no alert run.
Well thanks for all the info Aspro...lol
I have something else that maybe I can use. A guy I work with (who I can't stand) hit a girl with his car a few months ago and fled the scene. They caught him later, but the case hasn't been brought up yet. Maybe I can bring up the fact that I work with a guy who has a case pending?
Also, what if I go in screaming the lyrics to Megadeth's "The System Has Failed"?
Dawn breaks evenly today
On the truth and the lie
All rise, court's in session
We're hanging someone high
Justice means nothing today
Now that the courts are for sale
Pick a crime from the menu, pick a sentence and defend you
And pick up the down payment called bail
The system's for sale!
Kick the chair, the rope is tight
Just like one quick wrench, the tooth is out
Friend or foe, I gotta hang 'em dead
Or they'll come back around
Kick it!
The court's wrong when it keeps track
Of victories and defeats
The press that never rests just waits
For somebody's soul they can eat
Justice means nothing today
Now that the jury's for sale
Guilty or not, the verdict's a lie
You're going to jail
The system has failed!
GC and Wii had support
LOL. In the courtroom 'read' Playboy non stop and keep clearing your throat at inappropiate moments.
Robio Fun Fact #092341 - I'm on a special list that prevents me from ever being called for jury duty again. More than that, I'd prefer not to say.
PM me.
I must know.