Flappy Bird Developer Considering Making It Available Again
Developer found his big boy pants
siliconbeat.com news
Chimpanzees Can Play Video Games Better Than Kindergarteners
I could have told them that 2 years ago.
insidescience.org news
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Yeah, but that's because we turn back the boats.
Not that it would come as a huge shock, but thus far I'm enjoying the Last of Us. It has been a good reminder that I suck ass at stealth combat games though. I am improving though. I've yet to manage to kill everyone via stealth tactics, but in the last scenario I killed 3 of the guards before the others saw me. Right now my main hope is that I'm able to improve at a faster rate than the difficulty level increases. Or at least I improve enough so that when health kits aren't quite as plentiful I won't be totally screwed.
The Last Of Us is great shit. Its just perfectly paced and polished, even if its not the most original game.
EDF 2025 crashed post-credits and doesn't list the final level as completed. It also means I didn't get a trophy. Oh, what tragedy has befallen me!
How in the hell do you have a game like this and never try it? That's like never trying FF7....
I got my Saturn analog controller yesterday and it blows my mind. It is basically a Dreamcast controller but 4 years earlier for the Saturn. Not only that, but its actually BETTER than the Dreamcast controller that followed it, because it has more buttons and has better triggers, of which this had to have been the original trigger controller? Kind of amazed how great it is.
So the Saturn had a much better analog controller than the N64, and also the great digital pad which is probably the best ever. The system itself is really nice, maybe not quite as powerful as the others in terms of 3D but it feels and looks really well built, even today. I now see why people who had the console loved it and swore by it so much...it really is great. Makes me sad it didn't do better than it did. Such a waste.
So, Robio, how are those Metroid Prime games? Are the chicken and waffle chips the perfect snack to go with these equally amazing games?
i like immigrants too, i don't like not being able to see my docktor 4 weeks, or pressure on schools, the nhs and other services/benefits. or rising property prices and high youth unemployment. finally saw my doc 2day, ordered blood tests, pain is spreading to legs now too. he said 11 months of diarrehea might affect how much folic acide and vit B12 was absorbed so could lead to this. or it could be vit D deficiency, which i did have a few yrs ago when tested.
Hopefully they get you the right meds and you can be on your way to feeling better.
bouht some chondroitin sulphate and glucosamine supplements, supposed 2 help build collagen and cartiledge. not cheap. they're ripping old peeps off
I also need to know what I should have to drink as well.
ah knack was a ps4 pack in, in japan, which accounts for its unusually high sales there' the game not the console
I don't like the Metroid Prime games, but I won't knock the quality of them. I'm aware they're good and all that crap. First-person anything and I very rarely get along. So I'd recommend a fancy snack to go along with the game that I also don't like. How about those dried Wasabi Peas?
And to drink. . . Wild Irish Rose.
I didn't expect the Wii U to be outpacing the PS4 in Japan; though I figured they would be selling the same amount since consoles are basically dead in Japan.
Yup pretty bad for PS4 in Japan.
Azure Striker Gunvolt Reaches North America This Summer
This is an awesome bit of news. Though it is a little early to say, the 3DS release list wasn't looking overly impressive this year, especially compared to 2013 when it had one of the strongest single year line-ups a single console has ever had. If ASG ends up being as good as the early info suggests and kind of like a Mega Man Zero successor that'll go a long way into helping out.
1. Call of Duty: Ghosts (360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, PC)
2. The Lego Movie Videogame (360, PS3, 3DS, Wii U, Xbox One, PS4, Vita)
3. NBA 2K14 (360, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, PC)
4. Thief (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3)
5. Grand Theft Auto V (360, PS3)
6. Battlefield 4 PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3, PC)
7. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (360, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Wii U, PC)
8. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, 360)
9. Minecraft (360)
10. Bravely Default (3DS)
-Bravely Default: Over 200K physical + digital
-Donkey Kong Wii U: 130K physical + digital
-Pokemon X/Y: 130K physical + digital, 3.4M LTD
PS4: 256,000 / 0.9 = 284.4K
Xbox One: 256K
Wii U: Nearly 82.5K
;">LTD in America:
;">PS4: ~2.56 million
;">Wii U: ~2.23 million
;">Xbone: ~2.22 million
Holy shit snacks, Bravely Default broke into the top 10?? That's awesome. Pretty decent sales for DK:TF.
The Lego Movie Videogame surprised me, but it really shouldn't have. It was the number one movie for three weeks in a row. Something that popular has to translate into cross-over sales.
And Minecraft. . . always there. If you told me a game like this was going to become the next big thing I would have kicked you in the nuts and called you a mindless idiot.
Bravely Default did fantastic. Outlook looks good for the future.