Hobby Consolas reviews The Wonderful 101
92% "Exquisite gameplay, overflowing with personality, right to the final screen of the end credits."
hobbyconsolas.com impressions
Nowgamer reviews The Wonderful 101
9/10 - "Deep and rewarding combat, entertaining characters and plenty of hours of gameplay"
nowgamer.com impressions
The Telegraph reviews The Wonderful 101
5 out of 5 - "One of the boldest and most original visions on any system this year"
telegraph.co.uk impressions
Nintendo Insider reviews The Wonderful 101- 92%
"For such undoubted quality, PlatinumGames sheer talent in the genre remains unquestionable."
nintendo-insider.com impressions
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moved to September
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I'd be sad to see Xbox go. Their hardware has always put me off (though apart from leads my original Xbox has done pretty well over the years) but the industry is always more interesting when there are at least three companies making consoles. Two gets way too back and forth and boring.
Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101 t-shirts hit Club Nintendo
Okay what the fuck NOA??? These shirt are fucking epic. But what's the only new thing that NOA has offered up in months? A Pikmin tote bag. Who the hell has used a tote bag for anything since 1984? I have over 700 points just sitting there and what the hell am I supposed to buy? An Epic Yarn patch set? Fuck!
I don't really care either way. I'd be sad to see Nintendo go just because I think its good to have at least one pure gaming company in the mix...whether Nintendo or SEGA. Having one less console saves me money though. Give me Halo and Gears and Fable on the PC. Sell Rareware to somebody else.
I always thought of the 32 bit era as just being between two consoles, as SEGA was so far out of it that they really didn't matter. It was Sony and Nintendo, and I was fine with that. In fact I think Nintendo is a better company for gamers when they only have to contend with one giant corporation instead of two. They both had their niche, and you knew everything you wanted was on one or the other.
I wonder if the Director's Cut will be a free upgrade on the PC, or if they will charge owners for it? There has been games recently that have had director's cuts versions on the PC where, if you already owned the game, they wouldn't charge you for the upgrade. Since I already own the game, I'm not sure how much I'd be willing to pay for it again.
I agree the industry has been better off 3 players in the marketplace. And Microsoft has been good for the industry (X-Box Live, the marketplace, mandatory harddrive). But if I were a Microsoft investor I'd probably have to ask the same questions. You've got a product line that's been a huge focus for over a decade, but not making money and given the state of the industry isn't likely to do much better than it is now... I'd need convincing as to why you need to keep it going. Having a "cool product" doesn't pay my stock dividends.
Though I'm also a little confused. I thought the Xbox division had been in the black for the past couple years.
None of those things are really a big deal anymore though. Everyone is doing the same thing, basically. I'd argue that over the past few years Microsoft has done a lot less to improve things, and a lot more to nickle & dime the shit out of everyone and just generally lead things down a bad path for the consumer.
BTW....Metal Gear Rising is a blast. Can't believe how much I am liking it. Even though its a total action game, it totally fits in perfectly with the Metal Gear universe. Best game I have played from Platinum Games.
They're not a big deal anymore, but they did it first and they helped push the direction of the industry. My point is they've been good for the industry (even if I'd never actually touch one of their consoles) and I think they can continue to be good for it. I'd argue between all of the stuff I've mentioned and the acheivement systems they've done more for gaming in the past decade that Sony has.
I honestly don't care if MS leaves the console industry or not, but I'm sure Nintendo and Sony would be happier if they did.
It has, but that division has lost billions, so it would take many years of profit to break even. They also spent 100 million to slightly redesign their almost-perfect 360 controller. So now I have to wonder how much they have spent designing the entire Xbone console? One billion? Two billion? Just crazy.
This is true.....its funny though, because they basically just kind of copied SEGA with the online idea and just pumped a shitload of money into it. Marketplace was basically a natural extension of that, but with all the dlc bullshit its as much a curse as it is a blessing. I do think Sony seems to be more on a good path NOW, than Microsoft does. IMO they showed their true colors at the Xbone reveal, and they aren't pretty. Granted they've backtracked on this stuff, but the fact remains they WANT to do it.
Over the past 5 years I don't think Microsoft or Sony have done much to brag about overall. But Sony has at least improved some things on their end to the point where they seem like they are making good choices again.
2 billion just to come up with a system comparable to a decent current PC? That IS crazy!
I still like the Xbox 1 controllers more than 360. 360 had better back/start button placement and better black/white bumper placement....but the Xbox 1 controllers were WAAAY more durable, had better analog sticks, and a better D-pad. Triggers and face buttons were exactly the same or close to it.
Full description of Witcher 3 gamescom demo
Its like they listened to all my issues on Witcher 2 and fixed them. This game will be so amazing. Edge hold me.
I liked the S-controller, but the 360 pad destroys it in both comfort and functionality. The d-pad is worse on the 360, I'll give you that. As far as durability, I never had any problems with my 360 controllers.