Penny-Arcade calls Wii U Off TV play A Gift from God
For any man with a family
Gamestop corporate announces Succesful Wii U Launch
And lower store traffic news
Nyko announce Power Pak for Wii U
The triple capacity battery provides up to 3x the playtime on a single charge news
VGLeaks: PlayStation 4 "Orbis" Roadmap
4 cores, Higher Clock than X720/Durango
Fire Emblem: Awakening 1up impressions
" at the very least we can agree that XCOM owes a debt to Fire Emblem" impressions
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It's not great. You are correct. And for a beloved franchise that prints money it should be great. The 3DS (an me as a Pokemon lover) deserve more.
Homey, didn't you just get a new PC less than a year ago?!
UC3 or 2? I am up for it right now.
No I never did its been since July 2005! So what do you think of this one?
Small hard drive options...
I have a 1 terra external already, I will probably go with the 1 terra upgrade too. How does it look otherwise? I think it looks pretty good for the price.
Looks good to me, but I'm a bit behind so don't take my word for it. I think Edge should be more up to date than me. You could also try the GS hardware forum if you dare.
I would pay the extra $70 for the better video card Bear, a 660 will run most games for you on medium, the original card that comes with it is not very good.
Besides the card the system looks good from what I seen.
7850 rates better than a 660 check out futuremark and see.Even if the 660 is a little better they both rate very high, I don't want to spend an extra $70- on a card would rather get a bigger better HD. Saying the 7850 is not very good is a huge falsehood though.
check it out few hundred points different both 5 star ratings, where do you get its not very good from GME?
I finally started playing Zelda: Skyward Sword tonight.
Not very far in, so can't say much other than I'm not blown away yet. The controls are ass...for a game that is supposed to have revolutionary control, it feels outdated other than swinging a sword. And I never did like the wii remote for adventure games like this, not having a 2nd stick for camera control just annoys me. Not impressed graphically either. I prefer the Wind Waker style over this. WW looked sharp, this game looks washed out like Okami.
I hope Wii U Zelda doesn't use these controls like Aunuma said it would. Use the Gamepad, PLEASE!
You ARE kotaku.
Amazing... I haven't even re-activated my Gamefly account and I'm already pissed off at them. For the past several months they've emailed me at least once a week with a special offer to reactivate my account at a discount. For whatever reason though, ever since I decided to restart I haven't gotten a thing from them. All the old email offers they've sent me have since expired as well. How hard is it for a man to save 20% I ask you??
By the way is anyone having difficulty getting into the Non-gaming Discussion Forums? Everytime I click into that link I either go nowhere or I get a very funky view of the GGweekly page.
I took the TV into account, and its not that...its just the engine. Googled a bunch of stuff on it, and many others say the same thing. It looks great in spots, then total shit in others. The controls don't do it for me. Again, most traditional games to me, like Zelda, always feel ike they have forced in motion controls. It works, yeah. But at the end of the day, having to bend my wrist in half to get the same reaction I could have gotten out of a button press, is annoying. Especially for how much this game was hyped up to be the great prover of the Wii Remote once and for all. It doesn't.
The adventure itself is starting to pick up now.