EA Shutting Down a Lot of Multiplayer Servers
Sports games from 2011, Sims 2 and more.
www.ea.com news
Trine 2: Director's Cut review 90%
Brilliant physics puzzles that force you to think on your feet, fun co-op and a huge, gorgeous quest, Trine 2 is eShop gold.
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3.5/5 "...a classic..."
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PC Gamer Reviews Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
77/100 Not as good as the mods you can get for free.
pcgamer.com impressions
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I smell a Nintendo Direct a'brewin'.
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The review we've all been waiting for.
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Nintendo exec showed Super Mario 64 with briefcase chained to his arm
To Pilotwings 64 team
Have a Violent Video Game? Get $25.
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2013: The State of the Games Industry
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Té_Rojo (41s)
Did you guys get past sequence 3? I didn't see that coming! I'm very much looking forward to seeing how this story plays out. story wise, this is pretty much on par with AC2. I'm expecting some crazy shit to happen...hopefully.
I'm gonna have to agree with GG on the controls. They are horrid at times. I've failed one mission about five times cause I simply had trouble staying hidden in a well. I would leap in then immediately leap out, even when pressing the button once. For the life of me, I still can't figure out how to shoot properly and the camera has screwed me up more times than I can count. I've started a section where I had to chase someone and the camera started out in the OPPOSITE direction. Wtf?
Despite these issues, I'm still enjoying my playthrough very much. I actually think it controls better now that Connor is in the picture. Tre climbing is sublime at times.
Controls are a little weird, but imo all the Ass Creed games have had slight control issues, its not really anything surprising or new. The only combat controls that ever feel right in these games are the hand to hand controls...the projectile weapons are always horrible. On another note, I love the sea battles. Really well done. Reminds me of Skies of Arcadia Legends.
The controls feel worse than ac2 and they were already convoluted there. This is their 5th game right? I think they should have refined things by now. If this game had smooth, logical, easier controls it would be soooo much more enjoyable.
Also the plot in ac2 was immediately arresting and invested you in the character. Not so here. Everything feels not quite there, not quite polished enough. And the cutscenes interupting everything is annoying.
Gaseous Snake!!!!
I'm downloading Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One from PSN+. This got me thinking, which Ratchet game is considered to be the best one in series? I haven't played any of them.
SEGA is kinda beatting the farm on it (their western farm at least), so hope it comes though.
Good question. I've only got the first one and have not played it yet.
Cant go wrong with 2 or 3. Crack in Time for the PS3 is just as good as those. My favorite is 2 with ACIT right behind it.
I'm really hoping the new Aliens game is good too, I want it to be. Coop bitches woop woop
Hey Vader, I thought I heard Lebron cry tonight! Bulls Victory @ South Beach!
For you it was a monumental victory against the defending champs, the highlight of the basketball year. For us it was friday.
I don't know, the game is just not any fun, it bores me to tears!
I played the DMC demo. Never played a DMC game before. Are they all this awkward to control?
I haven't played the demo, but yes. From my experience with DMC 1 and 3 they're basically button mashers with funky controls for people who play it fancy.
I think this game looks better on the upad screen overall. Less detailed, less colour but more coherent, less flaws and jaggies noticeable too. You don't get that great texture next to crap texture look, it looks more even. The shadows are less jarring too. Wish you could tune the colour saturation on the upad screen.
Shame you have to sacrifice detail for less flaws.
Graphics whore.