GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Okami HD Play Video media aspro
[] Steam Launches Way for Indies to Be Voted Onto Steam "Steam Greenlight" news aspro
[] Release Trailer for Dyad media news aspro
RE6 has Over 4 Hours of Cutscenes I hope they are skippable. news aspro
[] Nintendo to Unify Online Stores (Unconfirmed) According to one of their customer service reps. news aspro
[] Dead Amalur MMO Trailer Emerges media news aspro
[] Phantasy Star Online 2 Confirmed for West SEGA will release in 2013. news aspro
Last Week's UK Charts LEGO Batman 2 still on top. news aspro
[] Activision Leeds' First Game to be Pitfall They are going to make the COD handhelds. news aspro
[] NFC: The miracle technology at the heart of Wii U Wii U: WTF is NFC? gamingeek
[] Gearbox: Brothers in Arms Furious 4 'has evolved' gamingeek
[] Eurogamer preview Wario Wii U 'So it turns out that Nintendo has a bunch of decent games for the Wii U. They just chose not to show people all of them.' impressions gamingeek
[] New US Retail Releases Week of July 8, 2012 Frogger Hyper, NCAA Football, Zuma's Revenge, Quantum Conundrum... news aspro
RE6 First Commercial Japanese. media news aspro
[] Giant Bomb Reviews Skyrim: Dawnguard 4/5 "a broad array of quality new content that smoothly integrates into the game". impressions aspro
[] Black Ops 2 Villain Shown Off in Trailer Looks like 2012 Mel Gibson. media aspro
[] 'Leviathan' DLC for Mass Effect 3 Outed Voice actor does it again. news aspro
[] Angry Birds Triology Formally Announced 3DS, XBLA and PSN. news aspro
[] Marvel Heroes Hands-On Impressions "seems to be a promising game to a Marvel and action RPG fan like mysel". impressions aspro
[] Engadget Reviews 3DS XL "bigger is better, but it's still not quite enough" impressions aspro
[] Penny Arcade Begging on Kickstarter Because begging is better than selling out? news aspro
[] Ouya Android Console Launches on Kickstarter Breaks Kickstarter record. news aspro
[] PEGI (UK ESRB) Becomes Law This Month Removes need for review by the film classification folks. impressions news aspro
[] Namco Not Sure About Including Tekken in SSB They totally will. news aspro
[] PES 2013 Footage Shows New Models Other new details in story. media news aspro
[] Japan needs to make games like Hollywood makes movies Says Mikami gamingeek
[] EA Boss worried about his job security' says Pachter Publishing boss Riccitiello 'thought new consoles would arrive by 2011' gamingeek
[] Miyamoto chases ideas and cuts through bull**** Says Starfox dev gamingeek
[] Biggest mistake ever made prolonging this generation Says Square Enix tech director gamingeek
[] Harada would quit before OK'ing character DLC for Tekken Quit, then work for Capcom gamingeek
[] Watch Dogs' next-generation design gamingeek
[] Tales of Xillia images gamingeek
[] Ninokuni images gamingeek
[] RE6 Mercenaries mode images gamingeek
[] NWR Review Fatal Frame 2 Wii 8.5 - 'The visual differences from the PS2 version are immediately apparent. The Wii version looks gorgeous running in 16:9 widescreen, with updated character models and completely rebuilt scenery.' impressions news gamingeek
[] SuperBot admits PS All Stars borrows from Smash Bros 'but our goal is not solely replicate the Smash Brother’s experience' gamingeek
[] Two Tribes excited by Wii U's online  'We're going in with the expectation that Nintendo will be able to match or even surpass the other platforms this time around' gamingeek
[] Outrageous Chinese console rip offs OMG a Japanese Famicon called the Sony PS3? Yes. gamingeek
[] Swimsuit models pose with the 3DS XL Hard bodies on show gamingeek
[] Indies Zero's creation was partly because of Nintendo You may know them from games like Mega Man Zero, Mega Man 9 and Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy, just to name a few. gamingeek
[] Real Life Okami: Cutest dog ever EVAR! gamingeek
[] Gamespot review Fatal Frame 2 Wii 8.5 - 'The game is unrelentingly grisly to the point where you'd be hard pressed to say it's enjoyable to play, but it's incredibly gripping and genuinely frightening.' impressions gamingeek
Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure - The Musical Epic Live action youtube video gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 4: more scans gamingeek
The Sonic themed Hello Kitty Plush You know you want it gamingeek
[] Michael Fassbender, produce and star in Assassins Creed This sounds to awesome to actually happen. news Dvader
[] Irem Has Another 3DS Collection Coming R-Type II, Hammerin' Harry, Ninja Spirit and more... news aspro
[] Joystiq Reviews NCAA Football 13 3/5 "the terrible camera makes it astoundingly easy to completely whiff simple tackles..." impressions aspro
Japanese Trademark Filing Updates Ogre Battle, SEGA Chibi Kart game and more. news aspro
[] LucusArts Hiring for FPS No other details. news aspro
[] Frogger Hyper Quicklook From Giantbomb. impressions media aspro
[] Rockstar Vancouver Closing They made Max Payne 3. news aspro
[] Last Week's Japanese Charts Anarchy Reigns... doesn't. news aspro
[] THPS HD PC Announced No date yet. Heading to XBLA July 18. news aspro
[] Witcher Franchise Hits Four Million CD Projekt RED has announced. news aspro
[] Last Story Dated August 14. Soundtrack bonus at select pre-order locations. news aspro
[] Day-Z Hits 500,000 Users ARMA2 mod zombie cult favorite hits milestone. news aspro
[] Bioware: Keeping Existing Base Key to Next Generation Migrating online users seen as key to who wins next-gen. news aspro
[] Mass Effect 3 "Earth" DLC Now Confirmed (Free) Had been leaked yesterday. news aspro
[] Potential Buyers Vetted for Activision/Blizzard Microsoft, TenCent and Time/Warner. news aspro
Female Models of Yakuza 5 Selected Five were chosen from fifteen finalists. news aspro
[] Next Rocksteady Batman game to take place in 50s Silver age Batman. Many DC heroes to be included. news Dvader
Off the Wall Wednesday: Can Beating Tough Video Games Make y I'm sure we'd probably say "yes" editorial Uncl3Fac3
Shinen talk Wii U: It's Very easy to develop 4 'I think we currently only tapped 20% of its potential and our first game already looks and plays brilliant.' gamingeek
[] 343 'not currently working on Halo 2 Anniversary' gamingeek
[] Microsoft applies for scalable console patent Xbox 720 gamingeek
[] 10 Yakuza 5 screens gamingeek
[] Halo 4 will work with Surface tablet gamingeek
[] 007 Legends teaser video gamingeek
[] COD Black Ops 2: New trailer gamingeek
[] Tekken producer talks Wii U CPU speed The clock is kinda low? gamingeek
[] Gameinformer Castlevania 3DS screens gamingeek
[] Project Sora (Smash Bros.) Studio Shut Down Another one bites the dust! news phantom_leo
The Press Room Episode #121 Yoda and Aspro go over Ouya, Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, Kingdom Hearts and more... editorial impressions news aspro
[] Mass Effect: Earth DLC Leaked Was to be announced at Comicon. news aspro
[] Spector Re-Hashes Epic Mickey Lessons "I'm a little proud of making a game that polarized people." news aspro
[] Star Wars: Old Republic Now Free to Level 15 As promised at E3. news aspro
1UP Reviews Skyrim: Dawnguard A review so half-assed it has to be seen to be believed. impressions aspro
Defense Grid 2 Kickstarter Campaign Launched Need $1 million media news isntchrisl
Japanese mag reveals MGS4 TROPHY PATCH!!!! Only 4 years late! news Dvader
[] Ouya Meets Million Mark in 8 Hours Gamers put money where mouth was. news aspro
[] Penny Arcade Responds to Kickstarter Critics They'll follow you on Twitter for $500. news aspro
[] Pre-Order SHOOTMANIA Starting TODAY! OH BOY! ...wait... What's Shootmania again? news phantom_leo
NEW New Super Mario Bros. 2 Trailer media isntchrisl
[] Vita sales drop 50% in Japan gamingeek
[] Grand Theft Auto 5: new screenshots surface news gamingeek
[] Dead Space 3: 20-minute video narrated By producer Steve Papoutsis gamingeek
[] Rare working on next-gen, free-to-play? gamingeek
[] Epic happy to wait for massive leap in console power Indicates that that might not come with coming consoles? gamingeek
[] Sony rejected EyeToy Kama Sutra pitch Kaz's impotence problems to blame? gamingeek
[] Assasins Creed Liberation Vita video gamingeek
[] Tales of the Abyss 'sold unexpectedly fast and well' 'and they had to print copies of the game again three or four times' gamingeek
Canada - NSMB 2 Steelbook Preorder Bonus This actually looks cool gamingeek
[] RUMOR - Peter Moore to become EA CEO A rumor till he gets the tatoo gamingeek
ONM Editor: Loads of third party stuff coming to Wii U 'My favourite bit of E3 was finding out about all the cool third party stuff that’s coming for the Wii U, which they decided not to talk about, which was awesome. ' gamingeek
[] EA Announces Ultima Forever Cross-platform RPG. news aspro
New Medal of Honor Warfighter Multiplayer trailer It's got guns in it. media news isntchrisl
Big Games with Bad Stories editorial isntchrisl
[] Zombi U art gamingeek
[] ZombiU - Comic-Con 2012 gameplay trailers New gameplay, interface, lighting and effects improved media gamingeek
[] Yakuza 1 and 2 HD outed gamingeek
[] Resident Evil 6 footage shows Chris, Jake campaigns gamingeek
[] Assasins Creed 3 co-op confirmed gamingeek
[] Industry slump deepens as market awaits next-gen gamingeek
[] Earth Defense Forces 4 announced gamingeek
[] UE4 game Fortnite screens gamingeek
[] F1 Racing Stars trailer Chibi F1 media gamingeek
[] Wii U is definitely more powerful than 360 and PS3 Says Scribblenauts dev gamingeek
[] Mirror's Edge 2 'is on the list' - EA gamingeek
[] Epic reveals Fortnite as Unreal Engine 4 PC game But could come to consoles gamingeek
[] Beyond: Two Souls - Behind the Scenes gamingeek
[] 8 Beyond Two Souls screens gamingeek
[] 11 Ass Creed 3 pics gamingeek
[] 17 minutes of Hitman Absolution gamingeek
[] Iwata - More 3rd party Wii U game reveals in Fall Nintendo considers 2nd Circle Pad in 3DS XL gamingeek
[] Animal Crossing 3DS Video of mag scan analysis New features spotted? gamingeek
New: New Super Mario Bros screens gamingeek
[] Maxis - Women are good for business gamingeek
[] Harada  DLC stance not influenced by Cashcom See what I did there? gamingeek
[] Capcom announce Street Fighter's Fist live-action series Van..... Damme. news gamingeek
[] Nintendo Considered Second Stick for XL Iwata says not enough room. news aspro
[] Dyad (8.5) GREAT! Review Easy to understand yet exceptionally difficult to master, Dyad lulls you in and then dares you to achieve your goal of perfect ratings and Trophies. impressions phantom_leo
[] Iwata: 3DS XL Is Sold at Profit Downplays 3D in future Nintendo development. news aspro
[] Rovio Releases Amazing Alex Sophomore slump? news aspro
1UP Reviews Rhythm Theif B "...plenty of fun moments to offer...". impressions aspro
[] Clint Hocking Now At Valve Left Ubi for LucasArts, now at Valve. news aspro
[] Former XBL Enforcer Talks About Trolls and Security An entertaining read. news aspro
[] New Arma 3 Screens media news aspro
[] June NPD Sales down 29% over June 2011. news aspro
[] 3DS Hits 5 Million Sold in US news aspro
[] US Retail Releases Week of July 15, 2012 THPS HD, Wii Resident Evil ported to PS3, Mass Effect DLC... news aspro
[] Pikmin 3 HD Boss Battle Gameplay Click the cog icon for HD gamingeek
[] ZombiU HD Multiplayer footage Click the cog icon for HD media gamingeek
[] 5th Cell CEO Clarifies Wii U Power comments 'It's clearly better, whoever says it isn't is either lying or grossly misinformed.' gamingeek
[] 27 Nintendo games most in need of patching gamingeek
[] Battlefield 4 confirmed by EA? gamingeek
[] Zone of the Enders HD screens gamingeek
[] Adventurer: 360s Uncharted? Video, details gamingeek
[] Activision's Deadpool game video PS3/360 gamingeek
[] 40 minute video of Sleeping Dogs gamingeek
[] Sonic Adventure 2 HD Heading to PSN/ XBLA news aspro
[] SDCC: Deadpool Game Announced From High Moon Studios. news phantom_leo
[] Ouya will Go Down in History as Being as Big as iPhone Ya. Right. news phantom_leo
[] IGN: Comic-Con: Wii U Demos You Have to See Lots of videos on a single page media gamingeek
[] New Dragonquest X commercial gamingeek
[] Mighty Switch Force discounted through Sunday $2.99, heads up gamingeek
1up: Every Game is Hayao Miyazaki Japan's most beloved animator is also one of gaming's biggest inspirations. editorial gamingeek
[] EDGE mag: Wuhu Island: Nintendo's playground Why Nintendo’s getaway reveals more about its creators than you might expect. editorial gamingeek
[] EDGE mag: Wii U games we want to see editorial gamingeek
[] Console players want, essentially, more of the same A new survey from media research group Nielsen has revealed editorial gamingeek
[] DF: Can SmartGlass Change Gaming? gamingeek
[] RE6 mag scans gamingeek
[] Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance pics Dat mountain background media gamingeek
[] ZombiU Comicon screens and video Graphics look much improved media gamingeek
[] The Last of Us video gamingeek
[] Castlevania: Mirror of Fate - more screens Actual good looking, non-jaggy screens media gamingeek
[] Resident Evil restaurent features girls in hotpants Best restaurent outside Hooters? gamingeek
[] Offscreen ZombiU Comicon walthrough By an Ubisoft Fragdoll media gamingeek
[] Avengers Battle for Earth footage OH Ubisoft. media gamingeek
[] Assasins Creed 3 multiplayer impressions gamingeek
[] RE Damnation: Latest trailer gamingeek
[] New Little King Story Screens media aspro
[] Halo 4 360 Bundle Shown $399. news aspro
[] EA Would "Love To" Publish Amalur 2 "We thought the game was terrific. It reviewed well." impressions news aspro
DQX Commercial media aspro
[] Photos of New PS3 Emerge Brazilian model. or new Slim Slim? news aspro
[] Gears of War Judgement Headed for March Release March 19. news aspro
[] Epic Mickey 2 Coming to PC/Mac news aspro
[] No one Wants to Buy Activision/Blizzard "...other media companies don’t see a strategic fit..." news aspro
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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 00:25:57
edgecrusher said:
Dvader said:
_Bear said:

Wow I was totally wrong about this one. That is incredible.

That is insane.

How did the Saturn get over 1000 games? That can't possibly be right?

In Japan it lasted a lot longer, was supported for many more years plus many Japan only companies made games for it.

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 03:07:29

The rockstar team  that did Max Payne 3 is closing. Wow, I would not want to be a Rockstar team working on a game not named GTA, they dont last very long.

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 04:38:25
edgecrusher said:

That is insane.

How did the Saturn get over 1000 games? That can't possibly be right?

The Saturn stayed popular in Japan (sorta popular in a 3rd place kinda way) in Japan long after it was discontinued in the West. 1000 games could have possible ...assuming they're including different region versions of the same games.
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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 04:49:47
Dvader said:

The rockstar team  that did Max Payne 3 is closing. Wow, I would not want to be a Rockstar team working on a game not named GTA, they dont last very long.

Some of the Vancover mob went over to the Toronto Rockstar. Looking at the changes between GTA4 and Gay Tony I'm very interested to see how GTA5 will be influenced by the generation that has transpired since the last numbered entry.

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 07:08:32
Dvader said:

^ You have been playing a ton of that. Safe to assume you like it?

You clearly don't know me very well


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:03:17
Dvader said:

The rockstar team  that did Max Payne 3 is closing. Wow, I would not want to be a Rockstar team working on a game not named GTA, they dont last very long.

That was the Bully team!

Remember that article? They needed to sell something like 4 million at $60 to recover the developments costs? They sold 300k then it's at bargain bin prices? Now the studio is on the cutting room floor? This is bullshit. Well at least they are retaining the people. It sounds like they are mashing up the Toronto and Vancouver teams, but Toronto haven't been the lead dev on any game, so they must be sending the V guys to Toronto because logistically Toronto is better. This does not bode well for a Bully sequel.

Have you played Bully D?

Michael Fassbender, produce and star in Assassins Creed

This sounds too awesome to actually happen.

The picture made me LOL

Edited: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:17:48

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:11:42

Air Rally in Rhythm Heaven Fever is Godly.

I love it. It has the potential to be like the table tennis game in the DS game, it's fricking epic and difficult in parts too. Cannot wait for the epic levelled up version.

You can feel what this game is like to play by watching the video and tapping your finger on the desk in time to what you should be doing. Try it out.

Oh yeah there is a two player mode in this game too, it will even more epic in two player.

This game is getting much love from me at the moment. I feel that the games could be longer, like Air Rally. I think the shorter games work well on a handheld but on a home console you want something more epic. The Samurai game is very fun, slicing demons up.

Also the seesaw game didn't look fun in video but is quite awesome. When are you guys going to check out this awesome series?

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:49:01

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:57:52

Square Enix: current generation has been "way too long"

"Biggest mistake ever made," by Sony and Microsoft.

The current home console generation has stretched on far too long, causing a drain of talent to mobile platforms.

That's the view of Square Enix's top technology director, Julien Merceron, who argued that developers who tired of the current console space were pushed into developing elsewhere.

"We have Sony and Microsoft talking about this generation lasting seven, eight, nine or even 10 years and it's the biggest mistake they've ever made," Square Enix's worldwide technology director Julien Merceron told GamesIndustry.

"This generation has been way too long, and I say this because you have a lot of developers that work on a new platform, and perhaps will not succeed, so they will wait for the next generation, and will jump on that platform. You could not do that with this generation though.

"So these developers went elsewhere to see if the grass was greener. They found web browsers, they found iOS, they found other things and a lot of them won't come back to the hardware platforms. So you could look at it that thanks to Microsoft and Sony and the length of this generation, it helped the emergence of other platforms and helped them get strong before the next hardware comes out."

Console generations in future should be shorter, Merceron suggested, as companies rely less on complicated and costly hardware.

"If you start to make the entry bar really high, more studios will die, more publishers will die, there'll be less titles on platforms, etc. If you make it accessible, you give more chances to people, you'll have a better portfolio at launch.

"Now you don't need to manage longevity by complexity of programming, because your longevity is ensured by your online model. And I would suggest that maybe we don't want long generations.

"If you start to make the entry bar really high, more studios will die, more publishers will die, there'll be less titles on platforms, etc."

There you go. Higher powered consoles, bigger budgets, entry bar is really high leading to etc etc.

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 11:21:06
gamingeek said:

"If you start to make the entry bar really high, more studios will die, more publishers will die, there'll be less titles on platforms, etc."

There you go. Higher powered consoles, bigger budgets, entry bar is really high leading to etc etc.

I agree that its gone on too long and I would prefer the normal 4 to 5 year lifespan with $300 consoles over the 6 to 7 year lifespan with $400+ consoles. But I don't buy that as a reason for developers switching to mobile...that makes no sense. If they were tired of the current level of console hardware, wouldn't they just switch over to PC development? I never see anyone playing games on their phones honestly...and even if they do, its a totally different audience. If you wanna make AAA console games, you're not gonna go mobile, you're gonna go PC where you can reach the next level RIGHT NOW.


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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 11:47:50
edgecrusher said:

I agree that its gone on too long and I would prefer the normal 4 to 5 year lifespan with $300 consoles over the 6 to 7 year lifespan with $400+ consoles. But I don't buy that as a reason for developers switching to mobile...that makes no sense. If they were tired of the current level of console hardware, wouldn't they just switch over to PC development? I never see anyone playing games on their phones honestly...and even if they do, its a totally different audience. If you wanna make AAA console games, you're not gonna go mobile, you're gonna go PC where you can reach the next level RIGHT NOW.

I think they move onto whatever is new. A new toy to play with. Then if they get into a certain funk/groove in their lives and feel AAA is no longer relevant to them, the dickrot begins.

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 11:55:59

Fake Chinese consoles, see story in updates

This one blows my mind, a blue Xbox with a dualshock and........... a gun.

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 12:59:24
Played some Kid Icarus: Uprising. The game looks pretty good and the 3D effect is great but damn is it ever awkward to play. Holding the system with the one hand while simultaneously moving and shooting can really cramp your hand. Sliding the pointer around the touch screen to move the reticle around is ok but quickly sliding it to each side and quickly moving the analog slider twice in a direction to dash takes some getting used to. Man this game could have been much better if the 3DS had dual analog sliders. Sad


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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 13:25:40

Do you use that stand to play?

Japanese game studios need to adopt a Hollywood level of willingness to spend money if they are to catch up to their peers in the West.

Mikami said:

That's according to ex-Capcom producer Shinji Mikami, who revealed in PSM3's latest issue that his personal interests are leaning more towards Western developed titles.

"Japan used to have the lead in the game industry, but now it's quite clearly America," he admitted. "To be told that Japanese games suck is a bit harsh," he added, responding to the criticisms made earlier this year by Fez developer Phil Fish.

"But personally, 80% of the games I play at the moment are not Japanese. Skyrim, like that are more interesting to me right now. Japan needs to make more good games if it wants people to think otherwise."

Mikami agreed that Japan still produces high-quality games, alluding to Gravity Rush, Yakuza, Monster Hunter, Catherine and Super Mario 3D Land, but said these are few and far in between and skew too much in favour of Japanese tastes.

"Yes, there are amazing games, just not enough of them... So many are based on anime or fantasy - games that only appeal to Japanese people. Most gamers overseas aren't interested in anime," he said.

Mikami highlighted Okami, which melded Japanese mythology with a cel-shaded aesthetic and a Legend of Zelda gameplay framework, as an example of the taste discrepancy between Japanese and Western audiences.

"We made Okami at Clover. It was such a breathtaking game, yet it didn't sell. If that's the case, westerners obviously don't like that sort of game. Maybe they prefer something a little more straightforward."

He ended his sombre introspection by saying Japanese game developers need to be more like Hollywood movie studios and commit bigger budgets to create better experiences.

He also praised his former employer and Metal Gear maestro Hideo Kojima for their efforts in this department.

"Hollywood spends like 200 million dollars producing a movie, and you can make an incredible movie with that sort of money. But Japanese movie studios don't spend anything like that. The difference in [the] scale of the budgets [is] the same in games. Japan needs to make games like Hollywood makes movies. I think Capcom and Hideo Kojima's team are trying hard on that front."

"I hope Japanese developers can take this hobby that we originally propagated and once more offer something special to the world."

In his indictment of the Japanese game development scene earlier this year Keiji Inafune, another former Capcom staffer, said Japanese devs 'need to accept they've fallen behind' and start over.

Edited: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 14:11:31

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:33:44
phantom_leo said:

Tried going to that OUTSIDE place Iga is always going on about...

...tried looking for Iga while I was there, too... How big could this outside place be?

Couldn't find him anywhere, but I kept hearing about this strange Urban Legend about a Crazy Ninja Dude doing One Armed Cartwheels while Shitting all over the place...

I was actually watching a MMA fight my friend participated in. He lost though. Sad

And I actually played a game for a change. I am trying to 100% Rayman Origins. The game is not as fun when you try to go for the 100%, but I will stick with it for now!

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:15:21
Yodariquo said:

You clearly don't know me very well

So you don't like it. Better or worse than neopets?
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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:18:25
Iga_Bobovic said:

I was actually watching a MMA fight my friend participated in. He lost though. Sad

And I actually played a game for a change. I am trying to 100% Rayman Origins. The game is not as fun when you try to go for the 100%, but I will stick with it for now!

Do you train in MMA? I knew a few guys that trained for fun.

Rayman 100% is not so tough. Keep at it.
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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:23:41
Archangel3371 said:
Played some Kid Icarus: Uprising. The game looks pretty good and the 3D effect is great but damn is it ever awkward to play. Holding the system with the one hand while simultaneously moving and shooting can really cramp your hand. Sliding the pointer around the touch screen to move the reticle around is ok but quickly sliding it to each side and quickly moving the analog slider twice in a direction to dash takes some getting used to. Man this game could have been much better if the 3DS had dual analog sliders. Sad

It's has such awful controls. I hav yet to finish it partly cause it feels like work to play it

GG I have yet to play Bully. It's sitting on my shelf.
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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:38:03
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

I was actually watching a MMA fight my friend participated in. He lost though. Sad

And I actually played a game for a change. I am trying to 100% Rayman Origins. The game is not as fun when you try to go for the 100%, but I will stick with it for now!

Do you train in MMA? I knew a few guys that trained for fun.

Rayman 100% is not so tough. Keep at it.

It is not, it is a bit boring. Time trials are fun, but the gold medals not so much!

I train Ninpo, which basically means MMA + illegal moves not allowed in MMA + weapons. We do a lot of ground fighting though!

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Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:39:32
Dvader said:
Archangel3371 said:
Played some Kid Icarus: Uprising. The game looks pretty good and the 3D effect is great but damn is it ever awkward to play. Holding the system with the one hand while simultaneously moving and shooting can really cramp your hand. Sliding the pointer around the touch screen to move the reticle around is ok but quickly sliding it to each side and quickly moving the analog slider twice in a direction to dash takes some getting used to. Man this game could have been much better if the 3DS had dual analog sliders. Sad

It's has such awful controls. I hav yet to finish it partly cause it feels like work to play it

GG I have yet to play Bully. It's sitting on my shelf.

Why are the controls awful. Is it like Metroid Prime Hunters, that it causes cramp?

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