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Instead of button-mashing clichés, Pandora’s Tower champions strategic finesse.
1up: Is Halo 4 Trying Too Hard to Be Call of Duty?
1UP got a glimpse of developer 343 Industries' new vision for the Halo franchise.
1Up Reviews Mass Effect 3
"A" "great blend of shooting-and-talking that the first game strived for". editorial impressions
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robio (8s)
*lurks in the shadows* man i haven't been on this site in a year or two i have to wonder if anyone even rememebers my madness
Donkey Kong 3D? I wonder if Nintendo would make a DKC for the 3DS or a remake of the original DK in 3D?
I'm also game for Smash Bros. 3d since I had a blast playing the Wii version online.
Welcome back, Mr....uh, who are you again?
Fuck yeah know what I like.
Does anyone know if Skyrim ever got a proper patch for the PS3? I'm pondering a new purchase and giving some thought to dusting off the PS3 and getting something for it.
It should've been fixed so far since Feb 10 when the 1.04 Patch was released. I haven't played Skyrim since I platinumed it in December. So I need to try it again.
Good to know. I haven't seen a whole of lot post patch bitching since then, so it may be safe to assume that Bethesda finally got it right. I would like to hear from someone who experienced the problem beforehand though to be sure.
Almost forgot to mention that I broke down and got a Gamefly account again. I had one a couple years ago and it left a fairly bad taste in my mouth. They took too long to get games to you, in some cases over a week and a half. So unless you had the plan for 2 games out at once, you were left with large gaps of time with nothing to play. On the other hand though, I never really felt I was getting my money's worth when I had 2 games out at once since I barely had the time to play one.
However I think they've finally have it right, now that they've taken a cue from PSN and Netflix. They offer a select number of PC games for free to members, and there's actually some good stuff here: Assassin's Creed, Stranger's Wrath, Saint's Row 2, the Sam & Max games... Again, nothing I'm dying to play but stuff I'd try out since it's free. Anyway we'll see how it goes this time. If they're a little speedier on the delivery and they rotate the free PC games from time to time this might actually be worth the price of admission this time around.
We never had the problems in my household, so can't really say. I patched it ahain last night so there is a new one available.
Welcome back, Eggy!
Hey Eggy.
cool people rememered me *happy dances*
We can do that. It's pretty easy!
How could we forget?
Pics from my Mass Effect 2 playthrough. Even though I'm dying to play 3, I'm having a great time replaying 2 again...
I'm sure it's just me, but I'm having a tough getting into Mass Effect 3 so far. It just feels kind of Blah. I hope it gets better for me...
I think it's because the Vita is so much fun Mass Effect 3 does not compare LOL
Wii port I reckon.
Extended gameplay footage, showing Classic Bosses in their new forms and the Eggplant and Tempura (?) Wizards!