GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] EA Doubles Down on Frostbite 2 Forms studio just for they engine. Will they license it out? news aspro
[] Assassin's Creed 3 Confirmed for Wii U Press release is worded strangely though. news aspro
Etrian Odyssey 4 Trailer 3DS media news aspro
Halo 4 Interview Halo 4 is getting perks. editorial news aspro
[] Top Ten UK Charts (Last Week) SSX, FIFA, Mario Party 9, Uncharted... news aspro
Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Site Opens Just a teaser for now. news aspro
[] All Darksiders 2 Pre-Orders Upgraded Limited Edition for everyone. news aspro
[] Forza Horizon Announced New company Playground Games handling development. news aspro
Steel Battalion Kinect Dated Now with 40 less buttons. news aspro
[] Free Motorstorm RC for Vita Limited time Good news for all of VG press eary adopters news _Bear
[] Prototype Steambox spotted Runs Portal 2 FAST gamingeek
[] Valve console could have modular controller Patent alert! gamingeek
[] Mass Effect 3, Street Fighter X Tekken premiere Check out this weeks other releases gamingeek
[] Fable The Journey - 5 pics gamingeek
[] DOA 5 OXM video preview gamingeek
[] Amazon confirm God of War 4 gamingeek
[] More Fable Heroes shots gamingeek
[] Fable Heroes images and release date gamingeek
[] Halo 4 In-Game Screens "100% untouched" media news aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews SF X Tekken 9/10 "A fierce, passionate marriage" editorial impressions aspro
[] Fable Heros Heading to XBLA Looks... well, see for yourself. news aspro
[] MMOFPS Dust 514 Will Be Free To Play PSN, playable on Vita and PS3. news aspro
[] First X-Com gameplay footage And dev feature. media Dvader
[] Loads of New Games are Coming to the 3DS eShop Punch-Out, Wario Land, Kid Icarus (GB) to name a few! news phantom_leo
[] Unit 13 Vita Eurogamer review 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Havok Physics & Animation Tech to Wii U gamingeek
[] Wii U Project CARS images and videos gamingeek
[] Gay Shepard shows games are finally growing up Gay male relationships in Mass Effect 3 may incense some, but means games are maturing editorial gamingeek
[] Kid Icarus Uprising review - 91% in ONM A remarkably beautiful game. It's stunning to behold, in fact, a visual masterpiece on 3DS that routinely surprises with impressive, expansive and detailed sprawling landscapes impressions gamingeek
NGamer hands on with the new Wii RPG Instead of button-mashing clichés, Pandora’s Tower champions strategic finesse. gamingeek
[] Halo 4’s new trailer dissected The most tantalizing screens and quotes media gamingeek
[] Adidas sues THQ for $10m THQ is being sued by Adidas for $10 million after it failed to bring keep-fit title MiCoach to market gamingeek
[] Assassin's Creed III to look next-gen on current gen Ubisoft to 'not lie' gamingeek
[] Ono defends on-disc Street Fighter X Tekken DLC Capsuck Ripcom you off gamingeek
1up: Is Halo 4 Trying Too Hard to Be Call of Duty? 1UP got a glimpse of developer 343 Industries' new vision for the Halo franchise. gamingeek
[] Sony Santa Monica making Datura A pig, in a magical forest? gamingeek
[] Making Halo 4 video gamingeek
[] Fable Heroes: First trailer gamingeek
[] Dead or Alive 5 images Looks like a Dreamcast game media gamingeek
[] New Star Wars Kinect trailer  Godamn I had the perfect headline but it was offensive media gamingeek
[] Resident Evil ORC Nemesis images gamingeek
Spong reviews The Last Story 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Nano Assault impressions gamingeek
Scribblenauts Wii U incoming? gamingeek
[] Looking back on Endless Ocean 2 video Game of the Forever gamingeek
Ken Levine, Warren Spector working on Wii U titles Says Nintendo Gamer gamingeek
[] Molyneux: Is Call of Duty all this industry really is? 'There must be more than Call of Duty' gamingeek
[] IGN Reviews Mass Effect 3 9.5/10 "Mass Effect 3 isn’t the best game ever made. But it’ll certainly be in the conversation for a very long time to come." editorial impressions aspro
[] Assassin's Creed USA Has Online Co-op Yes, that's what I'm calling it from now on. news aspro
1Up Reviews Mass Effect 3 "A" "great blend of shooting-and-talking that the first game strived for". editorial impressions aspro
[] PC Gamer Reviews Mass Effect 3 93/100 "Mass Effect 3 tries for the best... and works". editorial impressions aspro
[] Gamespot Reviews Mass Effect 3 9/10 "a poignant and memorable role-playing action game in its own right". editorial impressions aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews Mass Effect 3 10/10 "there are flaws, but taken as a whole this is arguably the first truly modern blockbuster". editorial impressions aspro
[] Giantbomb's Review of Mass Effect 3 4/5 "a little disappointed about the way this trilogy closes out". editorial impressions aspro
[] Silicon Knights Open to Eternal Darkness 2 Or is it an insanity effect? gamingeek
[] GDC: Wii U reaction mixed, analyst says Nintendo is screwed "Good ambition on Nintendo's part, but, well... it's Nintendo, everyone says it's on Nintendo for the thing to succeed. Same as it ever was. It's almost all on them." gamingeek
[] New iPad revealed: Retina display The new iPad will have more pixels than a 50 inch HD TV, which generally has a resolution of 1920x1080. news gamingeek
[] Molyneux leaving Lionhead Studios 15 years after he founded the studio, Peter Molyneux has left Lionhead Studios and his role as creative director of Microsoft Studios Europe gamingeek
[] Is this what PS4 and Xbox 3 games will look like? Latest issue of PSM3 shows off tech rumoured to be powering Sony's next gen console gamingeek
GDC: Unreal Engine 4 Planned for Wii U GDC: Epic to show UE4 demo behind closed doors? gamingeek
[] Datura PS3 is a PS Move SEN game "Finding yourself in a mysterious forest, you will navigate your way through the game by controlling your character's hand using Playstation Move technology." gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review I Am Alive 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Metacritic removes Mass Effect 3 user reviews The aggregation site has been flooded with negative reviews for BioWare's latest effort, with many users apparently signing up for the sole purpose of slating the game. impressions gamingeek
[] Medal of Honor: Warfighter Preview gamingeek
[] I Am Alive EDGE mag review 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] MOH Warfighter trailer, screens Wii U version announced media news gamingeek
[] Shinen starts Wii U development Jett Rocket HD? gamingeek
[] Spector revealing Epic project on March 27th Mickey? gamingeek
[] Project Zero 2 Wii coming to Austrailia Fair dinkum gamingeek
[] Wada working on portable title Grasshopper 3DS game continues gamingeek
[] Thruspace 3DS media Aweome action puzzler gamingeek
[] Valve Denies Steam Console Rumors Thousands of forum threads around the internet end news robio
[] Witcher 2 dev: Next gen is about more than graphics gamingeek
[] Sony on Move: Great tech, probably not so great games UK boss digs himself a hole gamingeek
[] Capcom's Kawata kinda agrees with Inafune Says more Resident Evil offshoots on the way gamingeek
[] UE4 not shown to the public was not Epic's decision Someone else imposed an NDA... gamingeek
[] Cryengine 3 GDC 2012 trailers: a showcase Next Gen graphics showcase begins at 2min 50sec media gamingeek
[] New iPad is more powerful than PS3 gamingeek
[] Eurogamer hands on Lollipop Chainsaw While Lollipop Chainsaw may not be Suda's most refreshing work, it has a schlocky 80s charm to it, but combat feel scrappy impressions gamingeek
[] Gabe Newell worth $1.5 billion dollars Yet cannot avoid Hulk Hogan sex tape gamingeek
[] Vita continues to lack traction in Japan Sales of Sony’s PlayStation Vita in Japan barely scraped above 10,000 units last week as both Nintendo’s 3DS and its predecessor the PSP outsold it once again. gamingeek
[] Arkham City, Skyrim tech to power Wii U games gamingeek
[] Pretty Far Cry 3 art gamingeek
[] PSMove ships 10.5 million Gabe Ahn, Sony's field developer support engineer, did not provide a specific sell-through number, however gamingeek
[] Sorcery PSMove images gamingeek
[] New Dragons Dogma trailer gamingeek
[] Inafune - Japanese game devs are acting close-minded "I am seeing some of those folks are beginning to run out of steam. They are in a situation where they realize that perhaps my prediction was true." gamingeek
[] Super Mario 3D Land features that didn't make the cut "Pro Skater Mario" that has Mario riding a koopa shell down a half pipe and more gamingeek
[] Epic - Consoles need bleeding-edge tech  Or Apple will beat them gamingeek
[] Bastion and Portal 2 Clean Up at the GDC Awards Also: Fuck You, Skyrim! news phantom_leo
[] Epic: UE4 unveil this year, Samaritan on 1 card Graphics tech progressing faster than they anticipated news gamingeek
[] Quantum Dream unveil new tech: KARA gamingeek
[] Hobo sneaks into GDC, grabs an interview with Suda51 Yes, he actually sat down to do a 10 minute interview with Suda. news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Reviews Snake Eater 3D 7/10 "a lacklustre port of a fantastic game" editorial impressions aspro
[] Deus Ex Developer Apologizes for Boss Battles "Next time we’re gonna think about it more". news aspro
[] Gabe Newell, One of Richest Men in Gaming Baller, shot-caller. news aspro
[] Heavy Rain Big Shot in Charge of Rainbow Six Whu? news aspro
Inafune Channels Charlie Sheen Winning. news aspro
Force Feedback Sticks in Next Gen? University project hopes so, but lets be realistic. news aspro
[] Lulzsec Founder "Turns State" Drops the dime on his fellow hackers. news aspro
[] Blizzard Giving Away Level 80 to Lapsed Players Way to restore credibilty? Sell out. news aspro
[] Addidas Sues THQ for $10 Million Dollars Well then. news aspro
[] CD Projekt Red Abandoning DRM "DRM does not protect your game" news aspro
[] Retailer GAME Has Two Weeks to Turn-Around GAME over? news aspro
[] Over Half US Houseoholds Have Current Gen Console America, the beautiful. news aspro
[] Mass Effect 3 *Ships* 3.5 Million That's pretty much all there is to the story. news aspro
[] Ubisoft Toronto to announce triple A game Splinter Cell? news gamingeek
[] Dark Souls sequel confirmed Glutton for Punishment? gamingeek
[] MCV Exclusive: No Disc Drive for Nextbox Hurgh?! news gamingeek
[] Tales of Graces F: Long trailer gamingeek
[] Cliffy B used to be called Nintendo Boy Life sucked back then. gamingeek
[] Wada - Harvest Moon almost didn't happen And Robio was almost never born gamingeek
[] Tony Hawk is Still Defending Ride "...the critics never really gave it a chance". news aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews Microsoft Flight 6/10 "the purists will hate" editorial impressions aspro
[] Deadly Premonition Getting Upgraded PS3 Version Naturally. news aspro
[] February NPD's Super depressing #1. news aspro
[] An Industry-Exclusive Look Into Next-Gen Systems Wii U edition gamingeek
[] Heroes of Ruin: An immensely promising RPG impressions gamingeek
[] EA registers Full Contact Bingo THIS IS NOT A JOKE gamingeek
[] Ninja Gaiden London Footage I wonder if this is anything like Lon...*clicks* It's just like the riots! media gamingeek
1up Editorial: Nextbox with no disc drive? editorial gamingeek
Now Kirby 3DS boxart shows up DK and now Kirby? gamingeek
[] Nintendo to 'Dreamcast themselves' with Wii U Says Pachter gamingeek
[] US Retail Releases Week of March 11 Journey, FIFA Street, Silent Hill, Yazuka: Dead Souls... news aspro
[] Mass Effect Dev Defends Day One DLC "Stop thinking you're a producer and telling us when and where we should be building our content". news aspro
[] Mad Dog McCree Coming to 3DS Darn tootin'. news aspro
[] Bethesda and Notch Settle Over "Scrolls" Name Scrolls will keep name, no payment to Bethesda. news aspro
[] Street Fighter X Tekken 9/10 EDGE mag review phantom_leo
[] Hitman Preview "a comfortingly professional job" editorial impressions aspro
[] One of Infinity Ward Founders Claims Tossed Out Fraudulent-inducement claim dismissed. news aspro
[] South Carolina Lt Govenor Resigns Over Playstation Used campaign funds for Playstation 3 and other items. news aspro
[] Triple-A trend is a cancerous growth Says Assasins Creed creative director gamingeek
[] Battlefield Evolved appears in retail list Along with The Dark Knight Rises gamingeek
[] Asura's Wrath 5/10 EDGE mag review gamingeek
[] BF3 dev wants 8gb RAM for next gen "Two gigabytes would not be enough" gamingeek
[] Yakuza - God Bless America DLC trailer gamingeek
[] Sony: US Vita met with overwhelming enthusiasm But fails to provide sales figures gamingeek
[] Diablo 3 PVP Cut "PvP would just be punishing to everyone who’s waiting" news aspro
[] Ralph Baer Interview Know your history. news aspro
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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 12:55:31
phantom_leo said:

His sex tape or the topic?!  GASP

The former.

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 14:59:18
Dvader said:

No. No one can finish that quick and it is clearly trolls. Plus the game is amazing, you have to be a crazy person not to like it. Nyaa



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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 16:22:02
Edited: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 16:23:06
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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 16:31:17
_Bear said:

Jessica Nigri, did that hot Pikachu outfit.

Damn this thread is old.

Jessica Nigri: Making Pokemon sexy one costume at a time

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 16:33:11

I'd grant her the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of cupping my balls.

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 16:46:29

Hey Edge, another example of a story ignoring Wii U tech, but that's not what is interesting.

CVG said:

Epic Games hopes to publicly show off its next-generation Unreal Engine 4 technology - which will likely power games on the next PlayStation and Xbox consoles - later this year.

That's what the studio told assembled press at GDC yesterday, adding that the decision to put its UE4 demo behind closed doors - and viewing developers under non-disclosure agreement - at the conference "wasn't our decision".

It's previously been said that the next-gen Unreal Engine will require ten times the power of Xbox 360 to run.

On the subject of next-generation hardware, Epic VP Mark Rein told CVG he expects new consoles to "blow us all away," but added that the Unreal Engine studio is "constantly pushing" platform holders to prep more advanced hardware.

"There's no end in sight for what we can do with unlimited technology. So we're always going to be pushing and I'm sure we'll be pushing for more than is possible to give," he said.

Yesterday PSM3 and Xbox World, in conjunction with Codemasters' lead artist Mike Smith and Dead End Thrills techmaster Duncan Harris, posted screenshots of what PS4 and Xbox 720 games could look like.

So, another company made Epic keep UE4 behind closed doors due to a Non Disclosure Agreement. Very interesting, a hardware manurfacturer either console or PC card maker?

Also it was rumoured that Epic made the Wii U Garden tech demo, I think Mark Rein later confirmed that they helped Nintendo with some of the tech demos. And we heard earlier that UE4 was in development for next gen platforms including Wii U.

With E3 around the corner, I think the NDA was to keep something back for an E3 reveal for one of the big 3 console makers.

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 17:01:05
gamingeek said:
_Bear said:

Jessica Nigri, did that hot Pikachu outfit.

Damn this thread is old.

Jessica Nigri: Making Pokemon sexy one costume at a time

It may be old butt that is one fine ass!

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 17:13:40

Tech needs to be cutting edge or consoles will lose to Apple? WTF does Apple do? Apple has nothing to do with the gaming market, this is some moronic boogeyman they created. No one is losing shit to apple.

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 17:29:16

Stallone: "I don’t think Rambo likes Mexicans."

Run Steel!!!

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 17:40:07
_Bear said:

I've never met Jessica since she's west coast and frankly way too young for me to want to talk to anyway. Supposedly she's a nice girl but dumber than a sack of bricks. Then again she's smart enough to be one of the new "cosplay celebs" so that must count for something.

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 19:21:08
_Bear said:

It may be old butt that is one fine ass!

That is one fine ass indeed.


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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 19:22:17
Awwww. I want to see the UE4 tech demo. Sad


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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 19:31:03

Give the Newegg some credit, they got me my replacement ME3 in one day! It's here, it's not Madden this time and the UPS guy took Maden back to deliver to them. Gonna play ME 3 YEAH!!!!

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 19:35:18
Dvader said:

Stallone: "I don’t think Rambo likes Mexicans."

Run Steel!!!

Meh. Mexicans don't like Rambo either. LOL

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 20:00:52
robio said:

I've never met Jessica since she's west coast and frankly way too young for me to want to talk to anyway. Supposedly she's a nice girl but dumber than a sack of bricks.

Sounds like a perfect girl. Nyaa

This is Epics Unreal 3 promo video from GDC
Edited: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 20:07:19

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 20:04:38

EXPERTS DEBATE: Analysts debate the Wii U's future success - Wii U is Dead on Arrival, a piece of crap

A piece of crap!

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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 20:18:30

Nvidia Kepler wins "handily" against Radeon 7900

I read this paragraph and have no idea how this Nvidia card won or didn't win.


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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 20:25:37
gamingeek said:
_Bear said:

Jessica Nigri, did that hot Pikachu outfit.

Damn this thread is old.

Jessica Nigri: Making Pokemon sexy one costume at a time

Where did my face go? All I see is a starfish...


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Thu, 08 Mar 2012 20:28:40

Mark Rein thinks that the console industry should and will, stick to the razor blade model.

""The only way they're going to go away is if they don't stay true to what they are. The console gaming experience is about delivering something that's way out past the bleeding edge and subsidising it through the software royalty model - just like Apple does with the phones. It's not that much different."

He added: "That's the console gaming model, and if you don't do that - if you don't stretch just far enough, you don't just have enough of a difference to make people want to take the leap with you... it all falls down.

"Now, I don't think that's going to happen - I think the console guys are going to blow us all away. But as you say, we're on them."

Also from Totilio at Kotaku:

"The state of things is represented by Epic Games' 2012 version of their show-off session. Every year at GDC, the company's top marketing guy Mark Rein shows a roomful of reporters Epic's latest Unreal graphics tech and talks about how wonderful a toolset it is for game developers big and small to use to make attractive games. But this year, Rein wouldn't show us Epic's best tech. The company's demonstration for Epic's Unreal Engine 4 was for non-press—just for life-signing-away game makers. UE4 is meant to help make games for gaming consoles none of us owns today. Shielded from that, the press got to see another iteration of last year's dazzling "Samaritan" demo for Unreal Engine 3, a better-looking-than-anything-we-have-now Blade-Runner-style sequence that both shows where Epic thinks next-gen gaming should go but is capable of running on today's engine. The point, Rein explained to me, is that, if you were making a game for next-gen systems that you'd also want running on current systems, you would still go with UE3 and try for Samaritan-level sizzle in the next-gen versions of the game. But if you were going purely next-gen, you'd go with UE4. But forget the gens, because Rein was up there showing Unreal Tournament III running in Flash in a web browser, a la Farmville. And he's saying Epic wants to get Samaritan running in that. Somehow. And that is where gaming is going."

Also from Gametrailers:

""We're doing [Unreal Engine 4] and I don't think anybody else is doing anything as incredible as that," Rein boasted. A developer who had seen Epic's UE4 demo was sitting nearby, eavesdropping. He vigorously nodded his head in agreement.

"Right? You've seen it?" Rein asked him. That developer gave us his non-verbal impression of Unreal Engine 4 by offering us an eyes-glazed-over, jaw-dropped look.

"UE 4? Look out. Game changer," Rein boasted. "I've said enough.""

Edited: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 20:29:57

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Fri, 09 Mar 2012 03:14:58

Nom nom nom...

Edited: Fri, 09 Mar 2012 03:20:08


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