1UP Reviews Alan Wake
"B" "solid shooting married to an even-odder-than-usual story"
1up.com impressions
UGO review Rhythm Heaven Fever
A - Charming, bizarre and hilarious; you'll laugh your way through most levels because of the ridiculous visuals and animation.
ugo.com impressions
Assasins Creed 3 Confirmed for Wii U in conference
Due out October this year on multiple platforms
1UP Reviews Syndicate
C+ "a damn good cooperative game saddled with a weak story campaign"
1up.com editorial impressions
Nintendo Courting Media Partners for New Wii U
Japanese game company looking to take page out of Xbox's strategy
The Vita's Challenge: A History of Portable Competition
Sony's new handheld must escape the long shadow cast by two decades of Nintendo's domination.
1up.com editorial
Report says Nintendo looking to make Wii U a media hub
Pachter doubts game publishers will support platform
Game Gear Virtual Console Coming to 3DS
March 14, about $3 per game (Japan).
andriasang.com news
Feature: The Decline of UK Game Retailers
The UK market has fallen over 37% since 2008.
editorial news
The Press Room Episode #102
Hands-on with Binary Domain and much, much more.
thepressroompodcast.com editorial impressions news
Michael Pachter Says Nintendo Is in Disarray
"I think they’re dead anyway because Xbox with Kinect will be priced below Wii U"
gamerlive.tv news
Final Fantasy Teatrhythm Selling Out
FF themede rhythm game is big in Japan.
andriasang.com news
RUMOR - Xenoblade available only through preorder?
We're hearing that Xenoblade Chronicles is only going to be available at GameStop for those that preorder.
Dead Space, Overstrike, TimeSplitters 4 coming to Wii U?
Rumor: Frostbite 2 has been seen running on the Wii U with very smooth results that are superior to any PS3/360 game running Frostbite 2
Asura's Wrath (D+) Review
Destined to join the ranks of Herzog Zwei, God Hand and Deadly Premonition as a mis-understood game.
1up.com impressions
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Then we get the greatest KH game ever.
If we call her a whore will she come to this site too.
Rayman Origins is FANTASTIC!!!
Wow what a platformer, it just does everything right. I think I still like DKCR more at this time but Rayman is right around there.
I think it only works if I do it.
I don't know if you guys truly realise this, but that chick is a fucking WHORE. She gives a whole new meaning to having loose lips...
I'll have to see this myself to believe. How does she breathe in that?
I don't know if I am thrilled with or disappointed in Asura's Wrath. It's 20% Panzer Dragoon, 10% God of War and 70% Anime. The 20 minutes of actual gameplay in each chapter gets me pretty pumped, but one of the cinemas gave me a heart-pounding RUSH! It's either the worst game / best anime series ever --or-- an insane Capcom game filled with stylistic gameplay and REALLY good cut-scenes. It totally IS / IS NOT worth the $60.
^ EDGE, Game Informer and Eurogamer have all given very favorable reviews of it (just listened to Game Informer's take on it). Gotta say, I'm surprised that it's getting such a positive reception. They way it had been positioned was that it was all QTE's.
Game Informer said it had a bit of a Lost and the Damned feeling to it. Are you getting that vibe at all?
What's Lost and the Damned?
Do you mean the Grand Theft Auto add-on? Never played that.
It's a gaiden for GTA4. Lots of bikers etc...
But what I meant was Shadows of the Damned (which I had the pleasure of playing in December).
OOOOO! You played Shadows of the Damned?! REVIEW PLEASE!!
No, it's not like Shadows of the Damned. It's rather difficult to describe. There's A LOT of Buddhist mythology going on in there. It's VERY serious in it's story line and dramatic scenes, but EVERYTHING is soooo over the top it's hard to take it all seriously. The gameplay segments are VERY, VERY short. Most of the time you control a targeting cursor, and not Asura himself, thus the Panzer reference... but you have counter attacks, heavy attacks, rushes and dodges anyway. Every chapter is broken down into an intro, gameplay sequence, and ending / to be continued screen just as an anime would be. You are ranked in how well you fight in each chapter, 'S' being the best I assume, so as short as each sequence is, the NEED to replay it for improvement is DEFINITELY there and POWERFUL! I must admit it TRULY is unlike anything else I've played in a long, long time...
This is going to be a huge turn off for most people --BUT-- I popped it in last night to give it a try. I played the intro chapter and a tiny bit more. It felt like I played it for about 25 minutes tops. When I went to the 'Extras' Screen after that it said Completion: 22% ! ! !
**I played for about 40 minutes more tonight and got to only 32%, so the way this is measured is somewhat baffling... but I must say again, the replayability is almost borderline obsessive in nature.**
I wanted to like Shadows of the Damned. I really did. It just didn't happen. I appreciated the dialogue but most of the game left me bored. That's why it was mentioned in my Go To Hell list.
So Leo, as far as Asura goes, of the hour and 15 minutes or so that you've played, how much of that has been actual gameplay?
Out of an hour and 15 minutes, I would say 40 minutes max. I'm exaggerating a bit...
I would say each chapter is about 20 minutes or so, but that includes cut-scenes and gameplay. During gameplay though, there will be QTE sequences where you watch and wait for prompts; I don't know if you qualify that as gameplay or not... The whole package is a painstaking work of anime-art. How much you will take away from it is ENTIRELY based on just how much you will let yourself get psyched up by the story/action. If you are the type to totally get into something, fist-pumping and roaring "YEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!" this is a good game for that.
**This is one of 'THOSE' scenes. It must be seen to be believed! I won't even try to describe it; you just have to see it for yourself somehow!**
I realize I am contradicting myself somewhat... I haven't actually watched the clock as I play, but the chapters SEEM to go by really, really quick!
Yeah I dont think I will ever play Azura's Wrath, just does nothing for me.
Leo have you played Rayman Origins?
By Azura by Azura, BY AZURA!