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Mobiclip is a Research and Development center specialized in the field of highly optimized software technologies.
Nintendo Gamer review Monster Hunter tri G 3DS
85% because no online mode impressions
MTV review Rhythm Heaven Fever
It's absolutely worth checking out, especially if you can feel the beat. Even if you can't, like most rhythm games, Fever is still pretty fun to just sit back and enjoy. impressions
Rhythm Heaven Fever VGTribune review
"an experience that should not be missed. And, at an MSRP of $30, there's absolutely no excuse to not pick this one up." impressions
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The Press Room Episode #101
Re-Mastered. Recorded with Foolz & Homer 09/2011. editorial impressions media news
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Its a new that's pretty sweet.
I played the MGS demo. Vader is wrong.
RE Revelations allows you to aim first person and it works fine, it's just the giant ass sniper ADS that is a problem. The MGS demo goes 2D whenever you aim first person and it sucks ass. It looks awkward and it fucks with your eyes going from 3D to 2D, to 3D again and it looks plain ugly.
BTW the demo is ASS, they expect you to aim with the face buttons?
I know the circle pad pro can enhance some games but it's a fricking pre-requisite for this game. What bonehead didn't think of gyro aiming, or stick aiming and button movement? Or even allowing you to use the touch screen to move the camera like RE does?
The 3D effect is cool and makes you really feel there, but the areas in the demo..... eh. Sorry MGS lovers, maybe 4 is a huge leap but this seems the same as MGS 1 and 2, very restrictive, very awkward. Maybe the story saves these games because the gameplay is a little old hat. Even back when it released.
Don't hate me.
No surprises here!
Hmm, really?
*Does an experiment with an bottle
*Looks at bottle with both eyes. 3d mode enabled
*Closes on eye. 2d mode enabled
*Opens both eyes. 3D mode enabled
*Keeps closing and opening one eye
Nope not getting my eyes fucked.
P.S. how does RE deal with aiming while not using a sniper? Is it a cursor or laser sight?
No the story sucks balls too. MGS fans are like the Twilight fans of videogaming, just nod your head, smile and walk away.
That's fuckin' awesome.
Oh god, MGS3 is godly, not everyone is going to like it so whatever.
GG I never play RE in first person (and how dare you play in FPS! Its RE!
). I dont get how sniper aiming would be an issue and the gun which would have the same effect not have an issue. I think with FPS aiming in RE you still have the red dot in the background with the enemies so it works fine. In MGS3 much like the sniper rifle the cursor is in the 3D effect away from the background messing up the shot. And I see no issue with it switching to 2D and back.
That Goldeneye vid is fuckin' awesome.
RE Revelations just has the first person view like Doom 1 with the gun at the front. It's fine, there is a laser pointer but it works fine. The sniper sight covers the whole screen in a giant ass sight.
Vader, I play revelations in third person, but I have played in first person a lot to try it out and its pretty cool.
That MGS3 demo, what they hell are they thinking? Digital button aiming? I mean WTF!
Yeah it was really stupid. There is no other way to do it though without the circle plus, and many will never want to play with gyro but they have to include it for those that will at least.
The gun in the front doesnt matter, all you follow is the dot and as long as that dot is on the same plane as the enemies it is ok. What happens with the sniper rifle is that the dot is in front and the enemies in back. Do this experiment with the sniper, close one eye and see where the dot lines up, then switch eyes and see where the dot lines up. it will be two different spots, the true point where the shot will fire is in the middle.
Aren't you supposed to be doing an experiment of your own?
One that involves trees and eye patches?
Early days but it could become pretty cool.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
You forgot safety goggles.
I kinda tried that. It's fucked up.
I knew you would say that. Getting a bit predictable there Foolz.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileLink please.
But that would require him having been wrong at some point.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileLike most weekends this year so far, I've played one and only one game. It being:
If I had to rank this game right now, I would give it SSS. 'Cuz it's Sooo Stupidly Satisfying!
...and now for the disturbing stat of the week: Game came out Tuesday. I didn't really start it on that day because I was still tinkering around with FFXIII-2. I pretty much started it on Wednesday. It is now Sunday. Over the span of 4 days, I have put 26 hours into the game... More than ONE FULL DAY in just four days... 25% of my time in the last 4 days has been spent playing Amalur! I cannot tell you the last time I did that!
I still have only done a handful of the actual story Quests. I've been spending a butt-load of time on ONE faction (out of 6) and random side quests!
I am starting to worry/wonder if I am going to be ABLE to finish this game before Mass Effect and Street Fighter X Tekken hit...!
...and that's just over TWO WEEKS away!
Okay. That's what I've been doing? What about you Denizens of Destiny?
I've put in a lot of time playing Peace Walker with strangers. Just one or two more battles to go till I finish the main quest. It's not quite as good as it's console counterparts, but I'm having a blast playing with others.
I also started Batman Arkham Asylum on Friday and finished today....Damn, that game is so good. I think my nephew became a Batman fan this weekend after watching me play. He loved watching Batman's varied moves in combat.