You Won’t Have To Wait Five Years For Another Zelda
“Sorry, I’ll think of something that can happen in three years!” news
Kinect 2 so accurate it can lip read
Read this *silently mouths mother*******
Mario Kart 7 Nintendo Life review - 9/10
"this seventh release in the beloved series really shines with its masterful track selection and impressive online package. " impressions
Mario Kart 7 (9.0) Amazing! Review
With a handful of incredible innovations added to the formula, especially in the online department, MK7 easily earns its place alongside its predecessors. impressions
Kojima: Snake Eater 3D has been made from scratch
Kojima said that the 3DS title is, believe it or not, a remake that has been made from scratch
Japan chart: Skyward Sword debuts at number one
Metal Gear Solid HD at five, 3DS dominates hardware.
Eurogamer Rumour: Fumito Ueda leaves Sony
Will leave for good once the Last Guardian is finished according to Eurogamer news
EDGE mag reviews Mario Kart 7
9/10 "the most rewarding racing experience since that beloved SNES original. " impressions
Videogamer review Mario Kart 7
9/10 - " the very least, the finest Mario Kart since the original. For some, it might be even more than that." impressions
Gamesradar review Mario Kart 7
10/10 " Sadly, it raises the bar so high for almost everything else, most 3DS games don't even look like they belong on the same system. " impressions
Shinobi 3DS Cubed 3 review - 7/10
"a compelling old-school gameplay structure, a rewarding sense of achievement and a difficulty level bordering on the psychopathic" impressions
Fractured Soul: Dark Void (Nintendo 3DS) preview
Fans of action, platformers, puzzle, and even old-school shoot-'em-ups may find something special when Fractured Soul arrives. impressions
Dark Souls is fair, Call of Duty isn't
PSM3 demands harder games that don't make a mockery of skill and effort
Eurogamer review Infinity Blade 2
Infinity Blade 2 is still a game about high stakes combat and bloody perseverance. Still a game about fast and smart fight scenes bolstered by a personalised assortment of weapons and shiny hats.
Gamespot Cave Story 3D review
It's not possible to recommend this version of Cave Story over all others, but it is a worthy, good-looking adaptation of a wonderful game all the same impressions
RUMOR - Wii U specs roughly match up with Xbox 360
This information comes from a supposed Japanese dev that is working on porting a PS3 game to Wii U.
Rare: What's next interview
Always innovate, enhance and improve. We intentionally pushed Kinect way beyond the technology
Club Nintendo Europe: Get 3D Classics: Kid Icarus Free
By Registering Two 3DS Game
Indie Developers Look to Steam For Success, Not XBLA
Plus Team Meat takes another shot at Microsoft news
From Dust Sells Over 500K Copies on PSN and XBLA Combined
Big Win For Digital Distribution news
Someone already figured out how to Snake in Mario Kart 7
Probably not a game breaker like on the DS, but wow that was fast! media
Joystiq Fortune Street Review: 5/10
"The game-breakingly slow pace of a game took its toll" impressions
IGN Fortune Street Review: 7/10
"If you love lengthy board games, it might be worth your investment" impressions
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition Coming Soon
The new MK and all the DLC in one handy dandy disc news
Xenoblade's U.S Release A Victory For Fans
It's the kind of game that fills a conspicuous hole in the generation: the revolutionary Japanese RPG that answers the complaints of audiences tired of what's wrong with the genre. editorial
1up review Fishing Resort
"you'll still have to give a darn about fishing games in the first place" impressions
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So I should get it? Of course you will say yes. I go on a trip tomorrow, maybe nice to have.
I used the word 'Christmas' to describe the game. That should be a tell-tale sign of it's quality!
I heard from some guy that a bruised rib hurts a lot more than a fractured one, so you can take some solace from that. But I am confused were the brother just horsing around?
No, they were definitely fighting, but (I think) brothers wouldn't quite hurt one another as much as someone who was "fag bashing" someone else. It just looked pretty bad to me at the time. After all the confusion settled, the brother who was on the ground didn't even appear to be phased all that much. It was all very much a misunderstanding. One of them could have pressed charges against me. I could have pressed charges against them. I definitely came out the worse for wear from all of this but when all was said and done, I think they were more worried about MY condition than whatever they were all arguing over in the first place.
If it looked like it was assault you were in the right. Next time just soccer kick the dude in the face and deal with the consequences later. Or better yet just buy some peper spray or something, you can break up the fights without hurting yourself. Or take a judo class, so you don't loose your footing.
Thanks for the advice, but hopefully this is something I won't encounter all too often!
Guess who has Mario Kart 7! I'll play with you Leo tomorrow.
I got MGS collection and HAlo anniversary with some awesome price matching the B2G1 free deal at best buy.
Sorry? Wuzzat?!
^Don't be afraid homie!
Instant Fatality.
You got it all wrong...
Fire Hydrant
Instant Fatality!
That is the Leo now, but with some Judo classes you will turn into a badass.
Putin does Judo, Fedor does Judo. Judo = badass. And Judo tossing someone on a pavement is instant fatality
Just a quick public service announcement for those who don't own the latest iPhone or iPad. See this game here?
Basically, the game is unfuckingplayable. Half the time, it flat out refuses to boot - it takes a good MINUTE for me to start the game, and when I can finally play? CRASH TO HOME. Oh, and there's also a fun glitch where the game decides to DELETE YOUR SAVE DATA. For no good reason too, it's just so random. Then there are the times where the game, once you've finally done enough satanic rituals for it to actually boot, the game still wants to crash or find ways to be utterly broken. And this is with the latest update that proclaims to fix some of the more pressing issues.
Which is a shame, because when it all works? The game's actually quite fun. Sure, there aren't that many enemy types (at least, in my experience), but the core combat is rad. And it looks really nice.
Oh, and it also has a Spike Video Game Awards ring. As in a ring you can equip and looks totally different from every other ring in the game. Observe:
How much is the MGS collection? $40? Maybe I can take advantage of TRU's buy one, get one half off.
Wow. I'd still go with the noble angle.
My ribs disagree...
...but Thanks!
I've spent the whole weekend walking up and down the streets. Got my new TV yesterday but so far I haven't had the chance of trying out some games in it.
I'm on a temporary Zelda hiatus, Thanks to my injury, so no Skyward Sword for me this weekend! Instead I played:
Saints Row 2
Saints Row the Third
What about you non-fractured gentlemen?
** PS: If you've ever been curious what I look like in crotchless pants, go to Vader's 360 topic! **
Me: Skyward Sword, Goldeneye 007 Reloaded, and Bayonetta.
Ouch. Hope you heal up quickly there Leo.
Anyways I've been playing mostly Halo CE Anniversary. Just recently finished my first play through of the campaign. It was so cool being able to switch graphics on the fly and checking out how much they improved it. Started a very small amount in both Skyrim and Arkham City, both games look amazing. Played some Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Seems like a very nice update. Also played the first level of Super Mario 3D Land and it looks to be a very solid addition to the Mario franchise.