GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Super Monkey Ball Heading to Vita Finally Sony fans can get in on this epic series news robio
[] Gamestop Now Accepting iOS Devices For Trade-in Get rid of that iPad and get a used PSP! news robio
[] Gamestop Making Android Tablet For Gamers Gaming on Android is saved! news robio
[] Syndicate is coming back. a FPS. news SteelAttack
[] Hard Reset Arstechnica review. impressions SteelAttack
[] Shantae: Risky's Revenge Heading to iOS Optimzing the game to work with touchscreen controls too news robio
[] Uncharted 3 Promotion With Subway Enjoy a Sandwich and a DLC code news robio
[] There will be at Least 6 Blizzard Releases In The Next 3 Yea Not 6 games, 6 RELEASES. news robio
[] PC Gamer's Tropico 4 Review - 72/100 "It’s hard to shake the feeling that the devs are running out of ideas" impressions robio
[] Secondary Market cost Heavy Rain 1 million customers Sure, let's let them believe that news robio
[] Analysis: 3DS' Post-Price Cut Prospects In The U.S. Where does it go from here? editorial gamingeek
[] God of War Collection II launch trailer gamingeek
[] Sony's TGS 2011 press conference Worldwide times here gamingeek
[] Tekken Prime 3DS trailer Ono vs Harada - this is some weird shit media gamingeek
[] BF3 on 360 comes on two discs Here's why gamingeek
[] Gamestop slashes PSMove controller prices Accessory not doing well? gamingeek
[] Iwata Conference videos in English Dev interviews and more media gamingeek
[] MGS 3DS HQ footage gamingeek
[] 20 Super Mario 3DLand screens: view on 3DS For real 3D pics media gamingeek
[] Marvelous working hard to release Senran Kagura I'm sure they are hard gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter Tri G debut trailer gamingeek
[] Spirit Photo screens: From the Fatal Frame guys gamingeek
[] Sonic Generations 3DS pics gamingeek
[] Tekken Prime Edition 3DS pics gamingeek
[] Nintendo 3DS Conference - Everything in one place Mario Tennis, Fire Emblem, Circle Pad add-on... gamingeek
[] Metal Gear Solid 3DS - Fresh gameplay, screens gamingeek
[] Animal Crossing 3DS trailer shows customisation media gamingeek
[] Capcom, Square shares drop after 3DS announcements news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer preview Lollipop Chainsaw Grasshopper Manufacture's games have always had abstract, manic personalities. Lollipop Chainsaw is no exception, though this time there's something a little different about it. impressions gamingeek
[] Nintendo Shares Drop 5% on Pre-TGS Announcements This is why analysts are awesome news gamingeek
Nintendo teams with Production I.G, Studio 4C  Animation studios for Kid Icarus shorts news gamingeek
3DS Slide pad not even shown at Conference But details here nonetheless gamingeek
Monster Hunter 4 trailer gamingeek
[] Luigi's Mansion 2 screens gamingeek
[] Paper Mario 3DS screens gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 3G direct feed pics Better than Tri graphics? media gamingeek
[] Even More pics from Tri Ace's 3DS RPG media gamingeek
[] Square's new 3DS RPG: Bravery Default Screens here media gamingeek
[] Gorgeous screens for the delayed Kid Icarus Q1 2012 media gamingeek
[] Misty Pink 3DS announced So no revision - yet news gamingeek
[] Skyrim video presentation gamingeek
[] Mario Tennis 3DS announced: First trailer media gamingeek
[] CVG Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar Review gamingeek
Monster Hunter 3G Higher quality scans media gamingeek
[] 3DS Tales of the Abyss Import review from CVG Pointless review since they can't understand Japanese impressions gamingeek
[] Why Second Sight deserves a second look editorial gamingeek
[] Ninja Gaiden 3 bow and arrow pics gamingeek
[] Wii U specific Sonic in the works? gamingeek
Namco tease new Tales game gamingeek
[] Aonuma drops Zelda Wii U and 3DS hints gamingeek
[] Hot Blooded Tough Guy Kunio-Kun Special 3DS  - more screens media gamingeek
Heroes of Ruin 3DS hands on at Totalvideogames By playing it safe, n-Space may be missing an opportunity here, and if there's one thing worse than failure, it's mediocrity. impressions gamingeek
[] NPD August: Behind the numbers analysis editorial gamingeek
[] Gameinformer Zelda preview details Lots of spoilers impressions gamingeek
[] Fire Emblem, Mario 3DS, Animal Crossing screens media gamingeek
[] Relive the Awesome Nintendo Conference Material media news Agnates
[] Greatest video game footage of all time. GOTF. media news Dvader
[] Tekken Prime Edition 3DS screens gamingeek
[] Dragons Dogma: F***load of screens gamingeek
Tales of Innocence R is a "Reimagining" gamingeek
Layton VS Ace Attorney First Screens news gamingeek
[] Rare's about being "hugely successful" In other words, less Killer Instinct, Banjo-Kazooie and Perfect Dark, and more Kinect Sports gamingeek
[] TGS: Ninja Gaiden 3 trailer gamingeek
[] Dead or Alive 5 Debut trailer gamingeek
[] Ninja Gaiden Sigma PSVita coming gamingeek
[] Apple ban satirical iOS game Phone Story Phone Story made a game out of the apparently exploitative smartphone production industry. news gamingeek
[] Dead or Alive 5 shown at TGS gamingeek
[] Streetfighter vs Tekken trailers gamingeek
[] Gameinformer Skyward Sword Scans impressions news gamingeek
[] FALSE ALARM: Nintendo Stock DID NOT Drop after Conference Alarmists and their False Alarms. Lol! news phantom_leo
[] Saints Row 3 TRON level video media gamingeek
[] Marvelous And Level 5 RPGs In Development For Vita And Shin Megami Tensei news gamingeek
[] Codemasters closing Bodycount studio gamingeek
Vita Battery Life details 3-5 hours IF you use headphones and turn off the wireless gamingeek
Sony reveal Vita release details Launch Lineup and price here gamingeek
Sony TGS press conference round up Not much interesting and mostly slide photos gamingeek
Square making  Lords of Apocalypse Vita An action RPG news gamingeek
Kojima: MGS2 and 3 headed to Vita as collection LOL 3DS version double screwed gamingeek
Suda's Kinect game gets new name gamingeek
[] Army Corps Vita like Overlord? Pics here media gamingeek
[] Vita gets Tales of Innocence R A version of the 2007 DS game? gamingeek
[] Dynasty Warriors Next coming to vita gamingeek
[] Everything you wanted to know about Mexican gamers And Russians and Brazillians too gamingeek
Gamepro review Xenoblade 5 stars out of 5 "It's not just the best RPG of this generation, but one of the best games I've ever played." impressions gamingeek
Activision: 3DS Pad Accessory is a great move "It does make the hardware more relevant and compatible to the style of games we make." news gamingeek
Iwata - no more 3DS price drops, 'robust' Wii lineup No smartphone games and more gamingeek
[] 3DS screens: Icarus, Kart, Luigi, Paper, Tennis And More media gamingeek
[] Camelot is developing Mario Tennis 3DS gamingeek
[] Radiant Silvergun (9.0) Amazing! Review For Bugsie: The SEGA Saturn cult favorite remains incredible 13 years later. impressions phantom_leo
[] Sony quizzed on Monster Hunter 4 3DS Says to ask Capcom that question gamingeek
Ragnarok Odyssey Screens and Trailer A Vita title which looks pretty cool media gamingeek
[] Kimura not involved with New King's Story? But interested in seeing what they do with it gamingeek
[] Soul Calibur 5 TGS trailer gamingeek
[] Uncharted video TGS video gamingeek
[] Sumioni Vita Screenshots & Images Okami-ish art style media gamingeek
[] Eurogamer hands on 3DS circle pad add on So, how does it feel? Well, rather nice actually. impressions gamingeek
[] Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD footage gamingeek
[] First look at PS Vita game boxes and carts news gamingeek
Sony Disses Capcom's Yoshinori Ono Ono Proceeds to Diss Namco Bandai gamingeek
Kingdom Hearts 3DS 1up preview Brings The World Ends With You Into the Family impressions gamingeek
[] Bigger Better Ninja Gaiden 3 screens gamingeek
[] Arkham City Dev walkthrough gamingeek
[] Anarchy Reigns TGS trailer gamingeek
[] Treasure is making Guardian Heroes 2 gamingeek
[] Battlefield 3 Night Mission gameplay media gamingeek
[] Lords of Apocalypse Vita trailer gamingeek
[] Tales of Innocence R Vita trailer gamingeek
[] New Little Kings Story Vita trailer gamingeek
[] Y's Vita trailer gamingeek
[] Asphalt vita video gamingeek
[] Army Corps Vita art and images gamingeek
[] Final Fantasy Type-0 : trailer TGS gamingeek
[] Ridge Racer Vita scans gamingeek
[] Final Fantasy 13-2 TGS trailer gamingeek
[] Rayman Origins TGS trailer gamingeek
[] First Kinect Project Draco images media gamingeek
[] Ninokuni gameplay video gamingeek
[] More Ninja Gaiden 3 screens gamingeek
TGS: Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: The Inside Story Capcom and Level-5 producers discuss the crossover title's gameplay and difficult development backdrop. gamingeek
[] TGS Dead or Alive 5 and Ninja Gaiden 3 detials Ryu takes to the streets of London - to deal with rioters? gamingeek
[] Direct feed RE Revelations TGS trailer It's the big boobed woman again media gamingeek
[] Destructoid hands on Tekken Prime 3DS "It's coming to the 3DS as well and holy crap it looks gorgeous, even in 3D!" impressions gamingeek
1up: Mario 3D Land Marries Nostalgia With Cool 3D Effects At this stage, Super Mario 3D Land looks likely to deliver on Nintendo's bold promise of combining 3D and 2D Mario history into a fun adventure gamingeek
[] River City Ransom 3DS impressions In fact, it’d be difficult to distinguishes the game from its NES counter-part if it weren’t for the 3D perspective that separates the characters from the backdrops. impressions gamingeek
[] Joystiq up close impressions of the 3DS pad attachment the Slidepad is bulky and, for sure, kind of silly looking, but it also makes the portable feel more substantial in terms of control. impressions gamingeek
[] Zelda Four Swords NWR impressions gamingeek
[] Gears or War 3 5 Star Review It's a joy to play, and the game's expanded set of multiplayer options will give you plenty of things to keep you busy for a good, long time. impressions phantom_leo
[] Gears of War 3 100% Review Gears of War 3 does it with respect and grace, and even subtlety, for a fantastic experience from start to finish. impressions phantom_leo
[] Tokyo Game Show Shook by Small Earthquake news phantom_leo
[] Gears of War 3 (8.0) Review Even the Fat Bastard at Destructoid likes it... sorta... impressions phantom_leo
Gears of War 3 (A-) Review Epic's new opus is the over the top, curb stomping orgy of action and gore you expected, with dozens of features you didn't. impressions phantom_leo
[] Gears of War 3 (9.0) Amazing! Review Epic's epic epic ends epically. impressions phantom_leo
[] Gears of War 3 (9.5) Editor's Choice Review Gears of War 3 concludes an excellent trilogy with engrossing cooperative play, taut competitive action, and a masterful campaign. impressions phantom_leo
Gravity Daze for Vita trailer WOAH! media Dvader
[] DmC TGS trailer media news Dvader
[] Second Vita conference live stream. Vita streams PS3 games and can be used as a PS3 controller. news Dvader
[] Dead Island: The Kotaku Review Zombie-Game Lovers ONLY need apply! impressions phantom_leo
Lucasarts recruiting for an Aerial Combat title New Rogue Squadron on its way? news gamingeek
[] Kotaku claim the Resident Evil 6 video is legit Video here - not much worth watching media news gamingeek
[] DOA 5 Pre-Alpha gameplay gamingeek
[] New Kings Story Vita gameplay video gamingeek
[] The 3DS Failure is a Portent of Disaster for Vita Says Gamesindustry editorial gamingeek
1up Play Battlefield 3's Single-player Campaign "a solid mix of varied combat, great aesthetics, and a realistic-yet-not-boring script" gamingeek
Ni No Kuni is Still Totally Beautiful, Still Totally Simple As before, it's still a very simple RPG, clearly aimed at a mass audience gamingeek
Sony Boss Talks Vita Sales Targets  And Competition with 3DS and Smartphones gamingeek
Lollipop Chainsaw pics gamingeek
[] Portal is now free on Steam gamingeek
[] Project Draco is an XBLA 2012 title gamingeek
[] Ninja Gaiden Sigma Vita pics What do you think? media gamingeek
[] TGS Ridge Racer Vita video gamingeek
[] Tales of Innocence Vita pics Looks well below Vita graphics media gamingeek
[] Amazing looking RE Revelations screens media gamingeek
[] 17 Battlefield 3 pics gamingeek
[] 24 Soul Calibur V pics gamingeek
1up hands on Project Draco This is totally Panzer Dragoon Kinect. impressions gamingeek
[] Play as Itagaki in Saints Row the 3rd For serious gamingeek
[] Square Enix's Lord of Apocalypse Vita pics A Vita game tha looks like a PSP game media gamingeek
[] Lollipop Chainsaw TGS trailer gamingeek
[] Gravity Daze screens gamingeek
[] Tales of Heroes confirmed for PSP A Dynasty Warriors-style action game. gamingeek
[] PS Vita Resistance demo video gamingeek
[] Dragon Quest 10 Wii trailer Over 4 and a half minutes media gamingeek
[] Metro Last Light screens gamingeek
[] Tales of the Abyss trailers media gamingeek
[] IGN: TGS: Kingdom Hearts 3D Preview "fans of the critically-acclaimed series are going to be thrilled" gamingeek
[] IGN: Bravely Default Flying Fairy Is Gorgeous " the game is outright the most stunning thing I've seen on the 3DS thus far" impressions gamingeek
[] IGN: Tales of the Abyss: Reborn in 3D "this port does great justice to the original. The improvements are small but go a long way in perfecting the game as a whole" gamingeek
[] IGN: The 3DS Slide Pad Expansion Isn't Ridiculous Light and comfortable gamingeek
[] 3 more Layton vs Wright screens gamingeek
[] MGS Snake Eater Kotaku TGS preview "It looks great. Even with the 3D effects on, it looks great. Don't let static screenshots fool you" impressions media gamingeek
1up: Beyond the Labyrinth is Beautiful But Puts the "Crawl" in "Dungeon-Crawler. gamingeek
[] Resident Evil 6 TEASER!!!!!! (FAKE?) Or not... media Dvader
[] TGS: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is the BEST THING EVER! Wait?! Is someone raving over a 3DS game?! impressions media phantom_leo
[] Preview: Sine Mora The Shmup to End all Shmups? impressions phantom_leo
[] Destructoid's Favorite Games of TGS! Rhythm, Peace, Sine and 13-2. impressions phantom_leo
[] Ninja Gaiden 3 TGS gameplay demo video gamingeek
[] Skyward Sword - 'using MotionPlus' video Gameinformer gamingeek
Pictures: A Rare look inside Rare gamingeek
[] Inafune fought to keep Mega Man Legends 3 alive but Capcom cock blocked his efforts news gamingeek
Go Vacation: More footage media gamingeek
Heroes of Ruin 3DS screens gamingeek
[] Crytek 'very happy' with Wii U dev kit performance Specs are 'very good' gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter Tri G Videos show... ...2nd Analog is not needed! media phantom_leo
[] Kirby: Mass Attack (9.5) Review One part Kirby, Two parts Pikmin? impressions phantom_leo
[] Hands On: Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure Elite Beat Agents meets Professor Layton! impressions media phantom_leo
[] Kirby: Mass Attack (8.5) Review Why do I keep reading that as Mass Effect? Would be cool though! impressions phantom_leo
[] Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 (8.5) Great! Review ROBE-EE-OH ! ! ! impressions phantom_leo
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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 13:48:26

Alone again.

Gamesindustry: The Failure of the 3DS Isn't a Boon to Sony, It's a Portent of Disaster

You wouldn't expect PlayStation Vita to have a lot to prove. It's the successor to a console which has sold 70 million units in spite of stiff competition from one of the biggest gaming success stories of the past two decades, the Nintendo DS, and it arrives on the market less then a year after Nintendo botched the launch of the DS' own successor. It's high-spec, reasonably priced and lavished with all the hardware design expertise Sony can bring to bear. What's not to love?

In spite of all that, there's an inescapable note of pessimism in a great many of the discussions I've had about the Vita. More than once - more often than not, in fact - the question of whether the system could be an outright flop is raised, which seems almost ludicrously bleak when you consider the quality of the console and the support being mustered for it.

Yet it's not actually a ludicrous question, because the reality is that the Vita is launching at a time when the handheld market as a whole just doesn't look all that healthy. Nintendo made some shocking mis-steps with the 3DS, certainly, but its mistakes weren't fundamental enough to justify the critical and commercial battering the machine received in its first three months on the market. That can only be understood in a wider context - a context in which most consumers who might have thought about a dedicated handheld own a smartphone, a tablet or an iPod Touch, and can't justify the expense of another device that only does games (and horrendously expensive games, at that).

When you turn the picture around and look at it that way, the failure of the 3DS isn't a boon to Sony - it's a portent of disaster. Yes, it would have caused sleepless nights for the firm's bosses if the 3DS had a stunning launch and was selling like hotcakes around the world, but that might actually have been preferable to the situation as it stands, with the 3DS heavily discounted (making the Vita look uncomfortably expensive, a factor which could have significantly influenced Capcom's decision to push its upcoming Monster Hunter games on the 3DS instead) and the industry questioning the relevance of the whole dedicated handheld sector.

Sony, to its credit, is not taking the situation lightly. Everything it revealed about the Vita this week at Tokyo Game Show felt like an attempt to distance itself from Nintendo's mistakes, and to ensure that it could never be accused of repeating them. Some of those things were straightforward, like the massive launch line-up of software - patently designed to fend off the extremely damaging (and not entirely fair) accusation that the 3DS doesn't have any games. Others are much more fundamental strategic differences.

Primary among those differences is Sony's tentative attempt to embrace the mobile market that threatens to engulf the dedicated handheld market. Two key pieces[/b] of information in that regard were forthcoming this week. One is that the Vita will be supported by reasonably priced pay-as-you-go 3G data plans in Japan (which is quite a big deal, since that kind of plan essentially doesn't exist in that market at the moment - it's less exciting for Europeans who have been used to that sort of thing since the launch of the iPad, obviously). The other is that Vita is now officially considered to be a target platform of PlayStation Suite.

That second piece of information was something that many of us had assumed for some time, but which had never quite been confirmed or explained. This week, Sony set things straight - Vita will, indeed, be running games which are created for PS Suite Android devices. What this means is that developers will be able to (relatively) easily create games to run across Vita, Xperia Play and Sony Tablet devices, as well as any other Android devices which decide to support the PlayStation Suite software and app store.

This is important for a few reasons. Firstly, it represents an embracing of the app store distribution model and business model which Sony's rivals - chiefly Nintendo - have thus far shied away from. Rather than betting against the app store model, Sony wants to have a foot in both camps - almost certainly a wiser decision than trying to throw its lot in completely with either the Nintendo camp or the Apple camp.

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, this gives near-instant critical mass to PS Suite. While most commentators agree that Suite is an important and positive direction for Sony, there has been a lot of concern over just how the platform was ever going to reach the point of actually being relevant to the market. Sony's tablet devices and the Xperia Play don't make up a substantial enough chunk of the market for developers to be interested, after all - but add Vita to the equation and suddenly it's a much more attractive prospect, not only to developers, but also consequently to other hardware manufacturers who may have previously baulked at the requirements for PS Suite to run on their systems.

In practical terms, what this means in the short term is that Sony has opened up the potential for low-cost, iOS-style gaming hits to be available on the Vita. Many questions remain to be asked, however, not least of which is what the company is going to do with regard to pricing (previous efforts at bringing iOS titles to established game consoles have generally involved ridiculous price-hikes) and how open it will be to the concept of freemium games. Yet the point still stands that Sony, unlike Nintendo, is taking important steps into the market that threatens to kill handhelds.

This is very positive for Sony, but it doesn't quite allay fears about the future of the Vita. The reality of the situation remains - this is a dedicated gaming device in a world that doesn't seem to have any huge requirement for dedicated gaming devices any more, and while you and I will probably buy one because we love some of the more traditional gaming genres and control mechanisms enabled by Vita, one can't help but wonder how much of the wider market feels that way.

What Vita needs to prove - and hasn't shown just yet - is that it's a device that justifies being carried in my pocket alongside my Android or iOS phone, offering major functionality and possibilities above and beyond what the phone can do. In part, I fear that Sony's thinking may still be rooted too firmly in Japan, where older "featurephones" still dominate and iPhone-style smartphones are only now seriously taking root - giving the Vita a major window of opportunity. In the West, the company certainly has its work cut out for it. Vita will almost certainly be a success, but to be a success on the scale that Sony - and the industry - wants to see, it must go a lot further to prove itself to a market which, right now, is already very happy with what's in its pocket.

Basically the same old "I can play $1 games on my iPhone" thing again.

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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 15:22:24

Yeah, it's all pretty stupid until we have a convergence device that employs all the characteristics of both handhelds and smartphones. For that to happen I think it will take a first party collaboration like for Sony to finally make a serious effort, not like the Xperia Play shit. Like make the Vita successor also their main new range of smartphones, not divide them in any way, or for Nintend to collaborate with Samsung or Apple or someone, lol...

For now, that smartphone and handheld games vaguely resemble the same activity (in some cases they're one and the same, yes, but that's the exception rather than the rule, and there are even less cases where this doesn't refer to ancient or bomba ports of titles that were only possible due to traditional systems to begin with and would never have been produced if iOS was their only market) and there's certain overlap in the audiences doesn't mean it's the same market and enough to replace it. Not all the experiences millions of people enjoy and buy can be created with a garage developer's budget and therefor be profitable for $1 or even $10 since it's a rarity for a game to have Angry Birds' widespread success.

I love quirky, unique, or just awesome cheap indie games too but I probably wouldn't have been the fanatic gamer I am today if it wasn't for much higher budget productions, and by that I don't only mean AAA games but also small niche products since even those tend to be far above the average iOS developer's reach, unless they're copying an existing concept like Gameloft or they have the passion and ingenuity of people like Notch.

I mean, price variables exist in almost any market, from entertainment to that of basic needs (such as food), nobody claims the cheapest option (bread? vegetables?) is enough to replace everything everywhere for everyone, why are they constantly claiming it for video games? Especially when handleds like 3DS are hardly luxuriously out of reach, after a couple years or so worth of price cuts, for a large part of any given population (yes, there are many, many poorer people who also can't aford these but they have bigger issues to worry about than games and they aren't exactly Apple's customer base either, I wager they're more likely to buy an older generation handheld and discounted games, if anything at all).


facts said:
Nintendo has made more off of Pokemon on the DS than the entire App Store has made in its lifetime, a large chunk of which is from the games that released a few months ago. NSMB DS has pulled in 700 million dollars, more then 10 times what Angry Birds has made, despite Angry Birds being slightly less common then water. And the DS itself hasn't seen significant hardware slowing in the last few years. The only reason people seem to make this argument is because of the less then amazing 3DS launch.
Worldwide revenue from all four major app stores is expected to be around $4 billion in 2011.
Nintendo's revenue from last financial year, which was quite poor for them, was around $12 billion.

So, yeah, can we stop the stupid please? Let's concetrate on real issues like how publishers need to be more open about having different price ranges rather than offer things like OoT and Steel Diver at the same price point, which happens with the majority of big publishers rather than just Nintendo, or how they need to improve their online stores and other things like that, regardless of what freaking Angry Birds costs.

Edited: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 17:02:54
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 16:18:41
gamingeek said:

Also, I haven't played MGS3, is this seriously a character in it?

Is there any reason or excuse given for the outfit?

Yes, she is one of the main characters in the game....basically plays a similar role to Merryl from MGS1. That pic is a bit exxaggerated, her tits don't pop out THAT much. Its not like the RE chick or anything. But,

Edited: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 16:19:07


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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 17:08:44
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 17:50:55

WTH is wrong with you GG, its Eva.

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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 17:55:36

GG forget what Kotaku said about RE6 teaser, its fake. From Biohaze:

It's completely fake. The subtitles were done using an online service (either Google Translate or some other service) according to Japanese speakers, and the song in the background was taken from this:

Faaaaaaaaail. .__.

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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 18:03:00

Ok Move for LBP2 is AWESOME. I cant wait to get further, crazy platforming where you are moving the platforms as you are jumping around, why the hell aren't there a million Wii games that do this???

Anyway HOW THE FUCK DO YOU CALIBRATE THIS PIECE OF SHIT!!! I am so used to pointing at something, I always knew the sensor bar is where I point and its always worked out as to where my hand rests on my arm rest it points at center screen. That allows me to do minimal wrist movement to move to all points of the screen. With the move when my hand is at rest the pointer is almost at the top and to the left of the screen. To point down I have to really aim downward. It doesnt move as smooth as the wii does it feels like I am dragging the cursor rather than pointing with it. I was pointing at my window and the cursor was still not at the edge of the screen. LBP2 has a simple calibration where you point at the eye and it calibrates but it never helps. I have tried to point at different stuff while calibrating and it has moved my center point a bit closer to where I want it but never perfect. This is annoying

EDIT: I just turned on the wii to quickly get a feel for it again and its night and day. The wii is super responsive and the cursor moves at lighting speed compared to the move, I can reach all corners of the screen by moving my wrist a few cms.  

Edited: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 18:04:08
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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 18:10:58
Dvader said:

Ok Move for LBP2 is AWESOME. I cant wait to get further, crazy platforming where you are moving the platforms as you are jumping around, why the hell aren't there a million Wii games that do this???

Why aren't you buying the one that already does that?

Edited: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 18:11:24
The VG Press
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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 18:34:45
Iga_Bobovic said:

Why aren't you buying the one that already does that?

What? Nyxquest? I have it, on a phone!

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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 22:06:26
Dvader said:

Ok Move for LBP2 is AWESOME. I cant wait to get further, crazy platforming where you are moving the platforms as you are jumping around, why the hell aren't there a million Wii games that do this???

Anyway HOW THE FUCK DO YOU CALIBRATE THIS PIECE OF SHIT!!! I am so used to pointing at something, I always knew the sensor bar is where I point and its always worked out as to where my hand rests on my arm rest it points at center screen. That allows me to do minimal wrist movement to move to all points of the screen. With the move when my hand is at rest the pointer is almost at the top and to the left of the screen. To point down I have to really aim downward. It doesnt move as smooth as the wii does it feels like I am dragging the cursor rather than pointing with it. I was pointing at my window and the cursor was still not at the edge of the screen. LBP2 has a simple calibration where you point at the eye and it calibrates but it never helps. I have tried to point at different stuff while calibrating and it has moved my center point a bit closer to where I want it but never perfect. This is annoying

EDIT: I just turned on the wii to quickly get a feel for it again and its night and day. The wii is super responsive and the cursor moves at lighting speed compared to the move, I can reach all corners of the screen by moving my wrist a few cms.  

Do you put the camera under your TV?

I put the Wii sensor bar on top of my TV, as it seems to be much more comfortable aiming the Wii controller that way. But the Move is opposite for me, I had to put it UNDER my TV for it to be comfortable. It wasn't difficult to calibrate for me, but I don't remember exactly what I had to do. I think there's calibration options in the PS3 system menu?

You really need to play RE5 with Move man...the game is sooo much more enjoyable. I still haven't played the Little Big Planet games...just can't get around to them. lol


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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 22:33:37
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Why aren't you buying the one that already does that?

What? Nyxquest? I have it, on a phone!

If you do not buy those games on the Wii, then why are you asking for it?

The VG Press
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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 22:40:36

London, awesome.

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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 23:03:08
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Sat, 17 Sep 2011 03:28:55

Carrot top is in RE?

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Sat, 17 Sep 2011 09:48:07
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Sat, 17 Sep 2011 10:06:54
gamingeek said:

Also, I haven't played MGS3, is this seriously a character in it?

Is there any reason or excuse given for the outfit?

That's a character in it, and plays a pretty huge role. And fanservice, duh.

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Sat, 17 Sep 2011 15:13:50

Every day I warm up to the 3DS a bit more and more.

Yesterday I picked up one of the most creative collections out there:

Bit.Trip Saga has 6 Complete/Completely Creative games on it. The simple geometric shapes and colorful effects seem to standout and shine on the 3DS! Grab a pair of headphones and your Stylus and you will be immersed 'til your battery runs out! Got Starfox 64 3D also, and while it is good and benefits from 3D in a subtle way, it's still familiar... too familiar! (Pun intended.) Had to pick up Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars again. Between Disgaea and Devil Survivor: Overclocked, I am craving lots o' strategy lately, and now that they fixed the "Black Screen of Death" issue...

...but besides the retail games. It's always nice to open the 3DS and discover new 3D videos or be greeted by Original Gameboy games from your youth that you re-discover and find out they have aged very, VERY well! (Gargoyles Quest I am looking at you!)

With the divide in the market, thanks to the Slide Pad add-on and Gamer's/Website's typical over-the-top, stupidly dramatic OVER-reaction to IT... I'm fearing the worst for the system. Heavy hitters WERE announced (Monster Hunters)... but I don't believe it will be enough to sustain the system. Having just purchased another (Red!) one, I hope I am wrong, but I am believing otherwise!

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Sat, 17 Sep 2011 15:16:16

Hmm. After seeing how TriG works on 3DS I'm even more certain I'll have no need for the add on thing.

With how small the 3DS is it doesn't even seem awkward to reach into the touch screen with your thumb.

Not as ideal as a CCPro or something, but not something I imagine will give me any kind of trouble. Cool.

And if you skip around you can see some of the customisation. You can put all sorts of things on the touch screen, alter their size, add item shortcuts, remove elements and add other functions in their place, you can even transfer the HUD elements like the health gauges on the touch screen instead, leaving the top 3D screen clutterless. You can probably even remove the d-pad and add something else there if you have the add on.

Edited: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 15:18:05
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Sat, 17 Sep 2011 15:17:33

Is it coincidence that Radiant Silvergun has been released and Bugsie has fallen off the face of the Earth?

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Sat, 17 Sep 2011 15:30:26

People buy additional controllers all the time and think nothing of it. Nintendo announces an add-on and the world implodes. I think with the Wii and the DS, new game players got the impression that Nintendo could do no wrong, and when they saw the add-on, they were suddenly shocked, as if it were an admission of an "error" on Nintendo's part. There wasn't such an outcry when they released a new Classic Controller or Wii-Motion +...

Buying a peripheral (as much as I hate extra clutter) is not THAT big a deal. I just hope games don't make it mandatory, as THAT split in the market WILL dilute and confuse things...

To get it into people's hands they are going to HAVE TO release it along a big-named title or package it WITH one to lure people into owning it...

I am convinced that Kid Icarus will be that title. I am 100% positive that delays on that game have been due to issues CONTROLLING the game (as was the case from early previews last year). Controlling Pit and aiming the reticle with the touch screen ALWAYS looked awkward. Either that or Metroid Prime Hunters 3D will be announced. Nothing screams DUAL-STICK like an FPS and Metroid (Hunters) still has more of a well known name than Icarus.

Edited: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 15:56:41
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