GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Walmart to honor $249 360 with Kinect error. Now Vader can buy it and get his Star Wars Kinect on! travo
[] Forza 4 achievement list outed. Kinect needed for 100%. Nooooooooooooo. news SteelAttack
[] Skyrim fits on ONE 360 disc. What sorcery is this? news SteelAttack
[] Warp hands-on impressions. Blowing stuff up from the inside. impressions SteelAttack
[] Dark Souls interview. Melancholic interview. news SteelAttack
[] Gears of War 3 Season Pass dated and priced. For Archie. news SteelAttack
[] Skyward Sword Gold Controller bundle announced. CD with Orchestral music. news SteelAttack
[] New Max Payne screens. No bum. Slightly constipated. media SteelAttack
[] Halo 4 begins the Reclaimer Trilogy. Focus on John and Cortana. news SteelAttack
[] Mass Effect 3: Brand new beginning for the series. Shepard's last mission. news SteelAttack
[] Aliens: Infestation dated in NA. October 2011. news SteelAttack
[] Skyrim preview. The other Scrolls game. impressions SteelAttack
[] New Scrolls trailer. The one that's not from Bethesda. media SteelAttack
[] Quantum Conundrum at PAX. DL game from Portal designer. impressions news SteelAttack
[] The Journey to 60 FPS: GoW Origins on PS3. impressions SteelAttack
[] Hawken teaser trailer. media SteelAttack
[] Are there any good Facebook games? No. editorial SteelAttack
[] Paradox confirms development of Warlock: Master of the Arcan TBS game in Majesty setting. news SteelAttack
[] Modern Warfare 3 will use Steamworks. news SteelAttack
[] "Mortal Kombat Vitality" Announced on PSN MK game for Vita? Wait and see. news robio
Playstation Home Being Redesigned For Fall Launch The 8 people who use it are very excited news robio
[] GoW: Ghost of Sparta demo heading to PSN next week Demo of the 5 hr game to last 3 minutes news robio
Tetris: Axis Heading to 3DS The Hudson game to be published by Nintendo news robio
Runescape Coming to Consoles? Could an MMO unite the 3 consoles? news robio
Professor Layton Dated and Bonus Game Included Professor Layton’s London Life™ news robio
[] Batman: Arkham City will be GFWL. news SteelAttack
[] Rollercoaster Tycoon 3DS revealed. Umm... yay? news SteelAttack
[] EA: Our games won't be Origin exclusives.  Talks about Steam issue. news SteelAttack
[] Notch: Why Minecraft isn't on Steam.  Shuns platform limitations. news SteelAttack
[] UK Top 40: Deus Ex kicks Zumba out of 1st place. GG am sad. news SteelAttack
[] Hard Reset coming Sept 13th. Specs revealed. news SteelAttack
[] Mass Effect 3: Flame-top fem Shep won sogood.gif news SteelAttack
[] Iwata: Wii U will appeal to the core audience.  I'm sick of categorization. Core, casual, bleh. SteelAttack
[] Gran Turismo 5 1.11 patch released.  Maybe this time they finally added fun. SteelAttack
[] The Haunted: Hell's Reach PC bound in October. XBLA in 2012. news SteelAttack
[] Witcher 2 sales near 1 million. Retail version favored over digital. news SteelAttack
[] Ultima 1, 2 and 3 available on GoG. 5.99 the pack with all three, along with other goodies. news SteelAttack
[] Radiant Silvergun XBLA dated.  For Leo. news SteelAttack
[] Inside the world of Pro StarCraft players. news SteelAttack
[] What Battlefield 3 needs to steam from MW3. And viceversa. news SteelAttack
God of War Origins A- Review What the HELL did IGN do to 1UP's Reviews?! impressions phantom_leo
[] God of War Origins (9.0) AMAZING! Review impressions phantom_leo
[] 5 Disappointing Things in the First Hours of Dead Island Pre-Order Cancelled! impressions phantom_leo
[] Deadly Premonition Special Edition, Sequel and Prequel? For Aspro. :( news phantom_leo
[] Preview: Black Knight Sword "Interactive Kamishibai" -- a Japanese paper drama from Grasshopper Manufacture. impressions media phantom_leo
[] Battleblock Theater is Battlebloody Brilliant Next game from The Behemoth, makers of Castle Crashers. GOTS at PAX? impressions phantom_leo
[] WayForward + GearBox Releasing Aliens: Infestation Soon! 2D Exploration hits the DS October 11th. Destructoid editors excited! news phantom_leo
[] Is the New X-Com Game a Shooter? Be sure to click thru to the full Preview in the article too! Interesting stuff! impressions news phantom_leo
[] The Next Professor Layton Game Comes with a 100-hour RPG a BONUS! From the makers of Mother 3! Coming Oct. 17th in the US! news phantom_leo
[] Sega's Upcoming iOS game - Brick People Sega's putting serious thought into an iOS gamme media news robio
New Images for Rocket Slime 3DS This one's for Aspro, may he rest in peace impressions robio
Capcom Launches Operation Raccoon City Hype Site news robio
Arcade Classic Elevator Action Heading to PSN And it actually looks good! news robio
[] EU PS store update Aug 31st. SteelAttack
[] Sony Entertainment Network announced.  Rebrand of its DD services. news SteelAttack
[] Kamiya trolled the internet. No Bayonetta 2 announcement. news SteelAttack
[] Red Orchestra 2 beta goes live. news SteelAttack
[] New Onechanbara game for 360. :3 news SteelAttack
[] An update on the Space Pirates and Zombies review. Arstechnica apologizes. impressions SteelAttack
[] The Art of Pinball. Designing the virtual Ms. Splosion Man table. news SteelAttack
[] Yakuza Black Panther 2 art and screens How many of these games can they make? media gamingeek
[] Yakuza Creator Forms Dedicated Studio, Reveals Yakuza 5 So it wasn't the Yakuza of the end gamingeek
[] Gamesradar hands on Aliens Infestation DS Developer WayForward is using Metroid’s explorative gameplay as the template for Aliens: Infestation... impressions gamingeek
[] Battlefield 3 Eurogamer preview Another polished, surprisingly low-key spectacle; a violent assault pocked with little dashes of scripting and wrapped in gorgeous dynamic lighting and atmospheric sound. impressions gamingeek
Xenoblade is sold out across the UK Out of stock virtually everywhere news gamingeek
Namco x Tecmo Crossover Is For PlayStation 3 news gamingeek
Retailers offers you a Super Mario room With large, removable Mario bros wall decals news gamingeek
[] Bodycount reviews mark it as Dead on Arrival It's a stinker - avoid impressions gamingeek
[] Sony launching HMD device £480 for a 3D capable 720p visor you wear news gamingeek
[] Driver Renegade 3D trailer gamingeek
Fatal Frame Team working on 3DS game news gamingeek
[] Disgaea 4 Premium Box...unboxed.  I'm honestly jealous. Damn you first worlders. news SteelAttack
[] BlazBlue team developing a Persona 4 fighting game. news SteelAttack
[] Black Panther: New Yakuza Chapter gets a sequel. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? news SteelAttack
[] Jurassic Park preview. I don't even know what I'm posting anymore, lol. Why don't you take a look at my enormous penis instead? impressions news SteelAttack
[] Guild Wars 2 has player made PvP servers. news SteelAttack
[] The reason you won't get to shoot civilians in BF3. Abridged: People suck. news SteelAttack
[] Nintendo 3DS Ambassadors! Behold the FINAL FIVE NES Rewards! news phantom_leo
[] Aliens: Infestation is Metroid with Xenomorphs Where's that splooge gif? news phantom_leo
[] Radiant Silvergun on XBLA on September 14th! "NOOOOO!" says the guy with his copy up on ebay! news phantom_leo
[] The 10 game trailers that rocked PAX Prime.  Or so they say. media SteelAttack
[] Activision unveils NASCAR Unleashed. No EU plans, though. SteelAttack
[] Longer unlock tree for Battlefield 3. news SteelAttack
[] Final Red Dead Redemption DLC dated. Myths and Mavericks. SteelAttack
[] 3 million new PSN users since security breach. Sony confident in leaving the worst behind. news SteelAttack
[] Gears of War 3 "Dust to Dust" trailer. media SteelAttack
[] 2K Czech lays off 40.  Mafia II developer. news SteelAttack
Sony TGS lineup. news SteelAttack
Capcom's TGS lineup.  Dragon's Dogma and RE Revelations playable. news SteelAttack
Two RE Chronicles games bundled. Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles. For Wii. In Japan. news SteelAttack
SEGA TGS screenshots. media SteelAttack
SEGA TGS lineup.  For Vader. And nobody else. NOBODY. news SteelAttack
[] Pac-Man arrives to 3DS Virtual Console. This week. news SteelAttack
[] New SF X Tekken teaser. media SteelAttack
[] Lead WarCraft dev says PC is re-emerging. As a platform. news SteelAttack
[] 3DS tops Japanese charts for third week in a row. news SteelAttack
[] Monster Hunter 3 Freedom HD surpasses 250K weekly sales in J PS3 title. news SteelAttack
[] Project Whitecard CEO talks NASA MMO. Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond. news SteelAttack
[] Team Bondi placed into administration. L.A. Noire developer. news SteelAttack
[] A realistic hour with Skyrim. impressions SteelAttack
[] SF3: Third Strike DLC announced. Costume packs, music packs and commentated replays. news SteelAttack
[] Ultima IV free on GoG. QUEST OF THE AVATAR! news SteelAttack
[] Arstechnica Bodycount's scathing review. This is a situation where the press needs to act as a rolled up newspaper, smacking everyone involved with this game on the nose and yelling "NO!" impressions SteelAttack
[] Bethesda discusses squashing bugs. Hmmm? news SteelAttack
[] 18 unnanounced Vita games at TGS. news SteelAttack
[] Playstation tablets date, price, tech and specs. news SteelAttack
[] Playstation Vita playable at EG Expo. Why aren't you going, GG? news SteelAttack
[] UK will get Batman: Arkham City Robin DLC. Through preorders at Game and Gamestation. news SteelAttack
[] Star Trek Online going free to play this year. Aiming for bigger potential in US, China markets. news SteelAttack
[] Nintendo eShop update 01/09/11 1950s Lawn Mower Kids. news SteelAttack
[] Driver dev defends Ubi DRM, online pass. Piracy levels "utterly unbelievable". news SteelAttack
[] New Kunio-Kun Title to be shown at TGS for the 3DS aka the series that birthed River City Ransom! PLEASE be a BRAWLER! news phantom_leo
[] Preview: Dark Souls  October is really NOT that far away! impressions media phantom_leo
[] Destructoid's Top Ten Games of PAX Prime Aliens, Battleblock Theater, Skulls of the Shogun and other Heavy Hitters! phantom_leo
[] How to Download the Free 3DS Ambassador Games AVAILABLE NOW! YES, NOW! news phantom_leo
[] BloodRayne: Betrayal (9.0) AMAZING! Review (Speculation) BloodRayne: Betrayal was most certainly meant to be a Castlevania game, one that never got approved. impressions phantom_leo
[] Aliens Infestation dated and new trailer media gamingeek
[] Black Ops map pack sales hit 18 million. news SteelAttack
[] Wanna get in the AC: Revelations MP beta? Need to be a PSN PLus member and a UPlay account linked to your PSN ID. news SteelAttack
[] EA: Call of Duty has had it "too easy".  EA says Activision hasn't had any real competition for years. news SteelAttack
[] Majority of XBL subs bought at retail.  Says marketing manager at MS. news SteelAttack
[] Black Rock studio officially closes doors.  Split/Second dev. news SteelAttack
[] Batman: Arkham City achievements revealed.  SPOILERS. Click at own risk. news SteelAttack
[] Killzone 3 patch 1.12 detailed. Weapons, multiplayer matches and interface overhauled. news SteelAttack
[] New BF3 trailer shows off Physical Warfare pack. news SteelAttack
[] Gears of War trailers offer unearned emotion. And misplaced music. media SteelAttack
Details from Fatal Frame makers 3DS title Game is a co-production involving both Nintendo and Keisuke Kikuchi’s studio at Tecmo news gamingeek
[] First screens from Fatal Frame makers 3DS title gamingeek
[] Slippy Toad could have been even more annoying Turns out that Slippy Toad originally said ribbit after speaking. How annoying would that have been? news gamingeek
Team Bondi put into administration news gamingeek
[] Sony, Spike TV partner to find the real Nathan Drake If you're 21 or over, a resident of the US, and legally allowed to operate a vehicle, you're halfway qualified gamingeek
[] Sony's Head Mounted display in pictures Sony claims the experience is in scale to watching a 750-inch screen from a distance of 20 metres. gamingeek
Is This the Dragon Quest X Official Site? news gamingeek
No More HeroesWill Make You Think Your PS3 Is Broken 1up review: "Finicky Move support and an inexcusable frame rate will send you running back to the Wii." impressions gamingeek
Nintendo 3DS new product announcement conference To be streamed online Sept 13th news gamingeek
[] Gamekyo review Xenoblade 10/10 "A jewel, quite simply." impressions gamingeek
[] ONM reviews Driver Renegade 3D "A fantastic game cut far too short to be worth full price. Sadly, don't bother." impressions gamingeek
[] CVG review Starfox 3DS 8.4 score Moments of brilliance, moments of frustration, and masses of replay value. They don't make them like this any more - they remake them. impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Starfox 3DS 8/10 - It's another carefully crafted package in the manner of Ocarina 3D, then impressions gamingeek
[] Go Vacation final trailer media gamingeek
[] IGN: Sonic Generations 3DS Ain't No Compromise "The game looks great, and not just for a handheld. Visuals are crisp and vivid. But underneath, it's the classic side-scrolling Sonic that we all know and some love," impressions gamingeek
[] Driver 3DS: The first 30 minutes Looks better than the wii version media gamingeek
[] The Sunday Papers news SteelAttack
[] Dead Island (8.0) Great Review Crap Review from a Crap Reviewer. Dead Island is NOT Fallout 3 with Zombies. impressions phantom_leo
[] Dragon Quest X almost definitely unveiled September 5 Monday, folks news gamingeek
[] Modern Warfare 3: Proper gameplay video, screens media gamingeek
[] Sony attacks Xbox 360 content policy Microsoft is "protecting inferior technology" news gamingeek
[] Onechanbarra 360 images media gamingeek
[] Latest BF3 trailer gamingeek
1up Feature: The most prolific voice actors It covers actors who do videogames and animation gamingeek
[] Nintendo Connection Tour 2011 announced For Austrailia news gamingeek
[] Survivor Producer searches for the King of Nerds Do you have a shot thy Majesty? gamingeek
[] IGN: What Zelda Can Learn From Skyrim editorial gamingeek
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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 19:27:34
I'm playing Deus Ex HR. Just picked it up yesterday and have only played a very small amount but it seems very cool and I can tell I'm going to love this game.


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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 19:57:14
SteelAttack said:
edgecrusher said:

Steel, how come when I try to make a Steamcard like yours, it tells me my steamID does not exist?

Dunno. I had the same issue when trying to make it, it eventually worked somehow. Are you using the ID on your public profile?


Yeah...and I also tried my account name...neither does anything.

I would also like to change my account name on steam but it doesn't seem like they let you.


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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 20:00:42

What are you going to change it to? Embracerof Cock?

That would be much more appropriate.

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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 20:30:23



Here's me playing Deus Ex 3!

I finally figured out how to take screenshots via Steam....the whole problem was that you have to ENABLE the Steam in-game community to take pics, get achievements, etc....I did not know this. I thought enabling that would just notify you when friends sign in and out, like on Xbox. Fucking pumped that I can do this now.

That's Deus Ex 3 running on a Saffire 6950 2gig Radeon card, with Directx 11 and maxed out settings.


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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 20:42:02
edgecrusher said:

That's Deus Ex 3 running on a Saffire 6950 2gig Radeon card, with Directx 11 and maxed out settings.

It looks exactly the same on Xbox. cheeky

The VG Press

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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 20:47:34
Ravenprose said:
edgecrusher said:

That's Deus Ex 3 running on a Saffire 6950 2gig Radeon card, with Directx 11 and maxed out settings.

It looks exactly the same on Xbox. cheeky

I'm sure it looks pretty close. The pics actually don't do justice to the game though....there's alot going on still images don't show.


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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 23:03:21
Dvader said:

Holy shit DQ10 in two days. I am actually excited. Wonder what it will look like. You guys think it will be cell shaded just like DQ8? Or will they dare do traditional models, which normally look bad on the wii. It better be cell shaded.

Whatever it is I hope they top Xenoblade and The Last Story otherwise there's really no excuse for Square considering the budget difference they're bound to have and the expertise Square is capable of when they really try to push a system (even the first DS)... At least it shouldn't look worse than The Crystal Bearers, but hopefully it's a good game past that. Also, I'm not sure it's gonna be DQX shown yet, maybe it will be some new spin off? If they show DQX extensively it will lessen the impact of having the (before hearing of this event) very first footage bundled with Dragon Quest Collection which releases in a week or so there (and we'll see thanks to YouTube anyway) so I fear they're doing the event for something else, but I guess that's not very likely as less than mainline titles wouldn't get an event of their own or get very special attention, but still...

Edited: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 23:17:44
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 00:59:38

*This Game Completion Post is Dedicated to Aspro.*

"I Love You Brother, and I'm Sure Gonna Miss Ya."

...and the Credits Roll on inFAMOUS 2.

Edited: Sun, 04 Sep 2011 01:37:57
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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:10:05

How was Infamous 2 Leo? I couldn't even bring myself to play the first one. I fucking hated Zeke within 2 seconds of knowing him. LOL

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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:15:30

I never playe it, but several people said that his character changed for the better.

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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:23:03

It was good. Not as great or impactful as the first, but I have no regrets playing it. There were a lot more flaws than I expected in a Sony Published title in 2011. Their standards have seemingly gone up lately, but it had a few things wrong with it anyway.


(1) It really didn't do anything dramatically new.

(2) The morality system is as lame as ever.

(3) The camera got in the way this time.

(4) Sucker Punch's "We'll predict where you want to go for you and have Cole stick to everything in the environment" gameplay structure got in the way MAJORLY this time. As the game went on, the areas Cole went thru got busier and busier and I found myself doing things I DID NOT want to do again and again and again. I would try to jump off of something and I would jump to another ledge, lamppost, pipe, etc. I would try to evade attacks, would jump out of the way of danger, but the game would decide to cling to something instead and I would die. and die. and die.

(5) You already started out "Super" and didn't evolve much. You got new powers, yes, but nothing stand out. Nothing that was as inspiring as the first time you got a power in the first game.

(6) No one gives a crap about User Created Content in this game.


...even after saying all that, I still recommend it and part 1 anyway. As PS3 exclusives go, they are still two of the must plays, but I was left with the lingering feeling of missed potential.

Edit: Zeke was tolerable. I never like the buffoon type of characters in games, tv shows, movies, etc... but the bromance between Cole and Zeke was genuinely touching at times.

Edited: Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:26:50
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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:32:24

(7) I read this somewhere in one of the reviews, but didn't get it until today. Cole doesn't seem very "Super" at times because of his limited mobility. Sure he can grind on wires and train tracks, yes he can climb, but travel is cumbersome for MOST of the game. Super Heroes usually fly or have super speed or something extra-ordinary about them. You don't see a lot of them jogging down the street at a normal, human pace. More than 3/4 of the way thru the game they FINALLY give Cole something to improve the way he gets around... and it is cool... kinda... but, man oh man... once you DO get it, you think to yourself: "Why the FUCK did I have to slog thru most of the game in such a slow, plodding way, when something like THIS was eventually available?!" I'm not gonna spoil it, but, again, it felt like a missed opportunity.

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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:34:48

Travo. I am done with The Hunger Games series and am looking for something else. Got any suggestions? Nothing too heavy. Fiction maybe. I am kinda mentally burnt out at the moment and want something enjoyable, exciting, but not too heady... Anything?

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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 03:08:11

I had to go to the expert, Mrs. Travo, the librarian.  For books like The Hunger Games, she recommended the Matched series by Allie Condie.  Similar premise where a society of people is oppressed by the government, even deciding who they are in love with, where they work, when they die.  It's supposed to be a trilogy with the second book coming out in the fall.  There's also Scott Westerfierld's Uglies series, another group of books set in a dystopian world.  

There is another series by Pittacus Lore called I am Number Four.  You've probably heard of the movie which came out earlier this year.  It's more action oriented book with aliens who appear human and bearing certain gifts/abilities to help them.  The aliens are being hunted by another alien species with continuous action throughout.

She's given me more books, if needed, much more.

BTW, what did you think of the ending to the Hunger Games?

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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 03:19:28
edgecrusher said:

I'm sure it looks pretty close. The pics actually don't do justice to the game though....there's alot going on still images don't show.

Yeah, maybe cause it's just that other screenshots I've seen are official ones, but they don't look all that flash for some reason.

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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 03:50:12


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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 05:53:01
phantom_leo said:

*This Game Completion Post is Dedicated to Aspro.*

"I Love You Brother, and I'm Sure Gonna Miss Ya."

...and the Credits Roll on inFAMOUS 2.

Tis a great ending, no? Just finished it up last week. Dug it so much more than the first.

That's also mostly because you can use the UGC to help you get through the environment so much quicker than before.

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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 15:03:24

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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 15:58:44
travo said:

I had to go to the expert, Mrs. Travo, the librarian.  For books like The Hunger Games, she recommended the Matched series by Allie Condie.  Similar premise where a society of people is oppressed by the government, even deciding who they are in love with, where they work, when they die.  It's supposed to be a trilogy with the second book coming out in the fall.  There's also Scott Westerfierld's Uglies series, another group of books set in a dystopian world.  

There is another series by Pittacus Lore called I am Number Four.  You've probably heard of the movie which came out earlier this year.  It's more action oriented book with aliens who appear human and bearing certain gifts/abilities to help them.  The aliens are being hunted by another alien species with continuous action throughout.

She's given me more books, if needed, much more.

BTW, what did you think of the ending to the Hunger Games?

First off... Your wife is a hot librarian?! DAMN!  GASP

I dunno WHAT I am looking for. I liked the Hunger Games but I look mainly for those books that are stand-out, that are good, fast reads and are very descriptive in their narration. Ever read The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson? It looks like a love story, and it is for the most part, but EVERYONE I recommended this book to LOVED it! I also really enjoyed The Shadow of the Wind recently.

I don't want to let too much time lapse before starting my next book, but I really don't know what I am in the mood for.

The ending to The Hunger games. If there was one thing that series prided itself on, it was unpredictable turns. I'm still mulling it over; I'll have to get back to you on that one.

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Sun, 04 Sep 2011 16:16:02

I liked the ending, but from what I understand, a lot of readers did not.  I do wish Katniss had taken a more active role in taking down the Capitol, but as far as who she ended up with... I couldn't see it any other way.  I do feel sad for Peeta, since I have a low tolerance for torure scenes or any hint of torture.

And yes, my wife is a high school librarian, er...I mean media specialist.  This is her second year at the high school.  Before that, she worked for seven years in the public library system.  She truly has a job that she loves.

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