GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] UK: Second Week Black Ops sales drop 85% news gamingeek
PSN Having Huge Sale Peace Walker $19 news aspro
[] Ars technica Reviews Donkey Kong Country Returns 'Creating a game this hard that doesn't cause the player to walk away is tricky" editorial impressions aspro
[] Atlus Will Localize Radiant Historia DS game from Shin Megami group. news aspro
[] First Look: Atelier Violet PSP Main characters in Atelier keep getting younger. news aspro
[] EA: NBA Elite 11 canned because it was bad Confirms that new control scheme wasn't working. news gamingeek
NBA Jam HD version 1up review B (Wii version got A - ) gamingeek
[] Sony Guy Sort of Confirms PSP Phone Won't be branded as "Playstation" news gamingeek
[] Video: Kinect gamer doesn't move - yet comes 3rd Video shows off highly forgiving auto-steering in Joy Ride media gamingeek
[] NWR Review DKC Returns 9.5 - Gaming Gods impressions gamingeek
[] Grasshopper talks East vs West news gamingeek
[] MS: We Left Kinect's USB Unprotected on Purpose Apparently they didn't get the Pope's new edicts on protection. news aspro
[] Gamasutra Analysis: Where Do Wii Sales Go From Here? "Nintendo should consider a reduced-price line of software" editorial news aspro
[] Ars technica Reviews OnLive Streaming Console Bottom line: the game does matter. editorial impressions aspro
[] Uncharted 3 Soon To be Announced Video at VGA's, Sony event next day. news aspro
[] L.A. Noire First Look Rockstar and Team Bondi are traveling back to the 1940s with this game's setting, but one key feature is decidedly more futuristic. impressions Foolz
Pokemon B&W English Starter Names Being revealed Nov 22. news aspro
Books No Match For Violence, Says Concerned Parent Sacramento public library won't "think of the children" news aspro
Pachter: Nintendo's Online Strategy Is Hurting Wii Sales "I think everything Nintendo has done online has been bad" news aspro
PS3 Bioshock Infinite Won't Be a Cheap Port Like the other Bioshock games. news aspro
[] Gamestop: Silent Hill Shattered Memories $20 Well worth it your Hobo loving bastards news gamingeek
[] Gamesradar review Golden Sun Dark Dawn 8/10 - "it still has a ton of heart (both the lighthearted and heartwarming varieties), and doesn't take itself too seriously" impressions gamingeek
[] Ninokuni DS Japanese box and book art Looks sexy. Damned sexy. media gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey Soundtrack samples media gamingeek
[] Last Story music: Order and Chaos Like Yoda and Robio mixed together media gamingeek
[] Survey: Why Do Gamers Choose New Over Used? From avoiding scratches to supporting devs. news aspro
1up Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom Review B impressions gamingeek
Lengthy Interview with Splatterhouse Developers "The 2D parts of the new Splatterhouse are some of the most fun." news aspro
[] Kinect suffers rough start in Japan What, did someone assault the schoolgirls? news gamingeek
[] Over 50 3D games planned for PS3 Maybe now you will wear the goggles? news gamingeek
[] ONM: The best Nintendo TV adverts ever editorial gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Splatterhouse review 6/10 impressions gamingeek
[] XBL Sales Analysis October 2010 editorial news aspro
Golden Sun DS review 3.5 stars out of 5 impressions gamingeek
[] Fable 3 Patch Detailed Does it bring back the menus? news aspro
[] Epic Mickey into the archives trailer media gamingeek
Sony Says 50 3D Games In "The Works" That's 150 D's! news aspro
[] Long Interview with Lorne Lanning (Oddworld Creator) Talks at length about cancelled game. editorial news aspro
[] Witcher 2 Devs Threaten Pirates With Legal Action, Fines. But then this is also the guys that said was dead. news aspro
[] Happy 5th Birthday to the Xbox 360 Just a brief write up of the 360's history editorial robio
[] Fluidity gets release date - 12/6 for North America Great gameplay video here too news robio
[] Elder Scrolls 5 in production, 'is a direct sequel' Bethesda reportedly hard at work on Oblivion follow-up news Foolz
[] GT5 Won't Have Online Multiplayer Until you download a Day 1 patch. news aspro
[] Donkey Kong Country Returns Review 8.5 Donkey Kong's newest adventure makes traditional platforming feel fresh again, thanks to clever level design and great artistic touches. impressions Foolz
[] Rally for R18+ in Australia Zombie protests endorsed by Darth editorial Foolz
[] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Q&A Find out why it took Camelot more than seven years to come out with a follow-up to the series. editorial Foolz
[] Halo: Reach Noble Map Pack Impressions Three new Reach maps are coming to Xbox Live this month and we've got a guided tour. impressions Foolz
[] Sound Byte: Auditorium HD We talk to technical director Dain Saint at Cipher Prime about the upcoming PlayStation Network title. impressions media Foolz
[] Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Review 8.5 This fast-paced racer keeps you glued to the TV and on the edge of your seat regardless of which side of the law you're playing on. impressions Foolz
[] Pac-Man Championship Edition DX Review 9.0 Pac-Man Championship Edition DX introduces a number of terrific new elements that make it a superb update of the arcade classic. impressions Foolz
[] Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom Review 7.0 Simplistic combat and tedious backtracking don't fully diminish the pleasures of this attractive and festive fable. impressions Foolz
The Press Room Episode #81 Homer and Foolz give impressions of the latest games and comment on this week's news. editorial impressions news aspro
[] 360 Turns Five, 42 Million Sold A look back. news aspro
Nintendo Attending CES for First Time in 16 Years Interesting... news aspro
Sakaguchi Reveals Final Fantasy 9 Design Document Can you imagine what else he has? news aspro
[] Want a Gran Turismo 5 Review? Tough. Embargo in place. impressions news aspro
[] IGN: Golden Sun Dark Dawn review - 7.5 IGN: "It's good and it's still fun, but the gameplay feels dated." editorial news ASK_Story
[] Conduit 2 intro cinematic media gamingeek
Double Fine Updates Their Company FAQ - Funny Addresses Nintendo hate, and what games they can't make sequels for. news aspro
[] Gran Turismo Boss "Not Sure" if GT6 Will Be On PS3 "he laughed and shrugged" news aspro
PALGN review Epic Mickey 6.5 A wonderful love letter to Disney art and memorabilia, but a disappointing gameplay debut from Junction Point, set back by unpolished and unrefined design. impressions gamingeek
[] Ninokuni - latest Tv Spot media gamingeek
Sony Starting Label in Japan for Western Games "Western Game Buyer Selection" includes Castle Crashers for PSP. news aspro
Weekly Japanese Sales Figures PSP has another good week, BLOPS tops the charts. news aspro
Activision: COD Multiplayer Will Always Be Free "we will never, ever charge for the multiplayer." news aspro
[] PS3 Owners petition for a Black Ops refund "sub-par graphics, buggy software and less features" news gamingeek
Mark Walberg to star in Uncharted movie Oh well, there's always the Halo movie to look forward too news gamingeek
Image Epoch announce new RPGS gamingeek
Kinect lightsabre video It's star wars kid all over again media gamingeek
[] ONM magazine review Epic Mickey What score? Click to find out. impressions gamingeek
[] Sony: We misjudged Move demand news gamingeek
[] SSX set for December reveal? news gamingeek
[] Yakuza 4 video - punching lots of faces news gamingeek
[] Double Fine shows off their new PS3/360 game Stacking media gamingeek
Nintendo World 2011 - It's on! How many years has it been? news gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey commercial media gamingeek
[] Nintendo not at CES - mistaken listing news gamingeek
[] Sound Byte: Meet the Composer - Disney Epic Mickey Learn more about the man behind the music of Disney Epic Mickey. editorial Foolz
VGD Gran Turismo 5 review 8/10 "What PD have delivered is unquestionably a phenomenal achievement and will represent countless lost hours for petrolheads the world over, but the GT series is no longer the gold standard." impressions Foolz
[] Playstationlifestyle Gran Turismo 5 review 10/10 "Gran Turismo 5 is the pinnacle of the racing simulation genre. " impressions Foolz
thegamershub Gran Turismo 5 review 4/5 "the bottom line is the title has a lot to offer and is not to be missed by any PS3 owner." impressions Foolz
[] CVG Gran Turismo 5 review 8/10 "Another good, but not great, iteration of the GT formula. If you're expecting GT5's game mechanics to surprise you, then you're going to be disappointed." impressions Foolz
[] Eurogamer Gran Turismo 5 review 9/10 "Dreamed up five years ago and served up yesterday, it's an off-kilter vision of the future, a cumbersome game with odd priorities, certainly. " impressions Foolz
[] Joystic Gran Turismo 5 Review 4/5 "More than the g-forces of high speed turns or the impact of wrecking, I felt cold, hard calculations." impressions Foolz
[] IGN Gran Turismo 5 Review 8.5 Gran Turismo 5 is a 10/10 simulator wrapped up in a 5/10 game" impressions Foolz
[] Destructoid Gran Turismo 5 Review 10/10 "The level of care taken by the people at Polyphony Digital shines in every aspect of this title, and this makes for a racing game that truly has no parallel." impressions Foolz
Adam Sessler "More Creativity, Less Penis!" We are all playing giant penii that yell "Ohh look at me" editorial Dvader
[] Inazuma Eleven Coming to the West (EU at least). Level 5's Soccer RPG that's big in Japan. news aspro
[] Double Fine's Next Game Revealed "Stacking" Looks like physics game. news aspro
[] Axl Rose Sues Activision Petty man begrudges Slash's success. news aspro
K-Mart offering big bonus for Splatterhouse $30 credit towards another game news robio
EA takes a shot at Gran Turismo 5 Need For Speed Shift is clearly superior news robio
[] Gamereactor review Epic Mickey 9/10 impressions gamingeek
G4TV reviews Epic Mickey 5 out of 5 impressions gamingeek
The Guardian reviews Epic Mickey 4 stars out of 5 "Epic Mickey proves satisfyingly original, fun and absorbing – it's a pleasant, and at times interestingly twisted world in which to immerse yourself" impressions gamingeek
[] Videogamer Epic Mickey review 8/10 "Disney Epic Mickey is a fine addition to the upper echelon of the Wii's software library" impressions gamingeek
[] First GT5 Patch Will Address Online Issue Weekend patch confirmed. news aspro
Valkyria Chronicles 3 Video Introduces characters for next PSP game. media news aspro
[] GT5 users encountering problems Many players are now reporting delays of several minutes when trying to connect. news gamingeek
[] Splatterhouse The first 15 minutes Does the bleeding anus feature? media gamingeek
[] Crytek's new FPS: Warface Free to play, made by Crytek Korea news gamingeek
[] Endless Ocean 2: $16 at amazon Order nao news gamingeek
[] Giant Bomb Epic Mickey quick look video media gamingeek
1up review Epic Mickey B impressions gamingeek
[] IGN UK Epic Mickey review 8.0 impressions gamingeek
[] Sony Seeks New President to Assist CEO - Kaz Hirai? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer! news gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey CVG review 7.5 It's by Andy Robinson so I wouldn't bother reading it impressions gamingeek
[] GT5 hits 87 on Metacritic Outperformed by NFS Hot Pursuit news gamingeek
[] PC is a Generation ahead of consoles - Crytek PS3 and 360 are holding the PC back news gamingeek
[] ONM Full Epic Mickey review 8.5 "look past its shortcomings as an admittedly un-epic platformer, you'll see that Epic Mickey is a deep game with explicit replay value and immense character" impressions gamingeek
[] 10 Twisted Metal pics media gamingeek
[] Jade Empire 2 in development? news gamingeek
[] Bayonetta 2: Confirmed news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Epic Mickey 6/10 " He simply doesn't fit in this grim, post-modern dystopia, dripping with bitter-sweet nods to forgotten corners of Disney" impressions gamingeek
[] PSP Phone to launch Feb 2011 December reveal news gamingeek
[] Michael Jackson Wii launch trailer media gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Opinion: Why I hate Halo editorial gamingeek
[] Conduit 2 screens Mass Effect type characters? media gamingeek
[] Gamesradar review Epic Mickey 9/10 - "the surprises, historical reverence and inspired platforming creativity make this the Wii game of the year" impressions gamingeek
[] COD Black Ops Zero Punctuation review media gamingeek
[] Gamespot now Playing Epic Mickey media gamingeek
[] Yakuza 4 story trailer Aspro, Darth! Take notice. media Foolz
[] Octodad gameplay Game of the forever! media Foolz
[] The Sly Collection PS2 to PS3 comparison See Sly in a whole new light! The improvements are abound in the comparison of the PlayStation 2 and 3 editions. media Foolz
[] Game Trailers Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Review 9.2 do want! impressions media Foolz
[] game trailers Epic Mickey review 8.2...not bad I suppose. impressions media Foolz
[] Spot On: Social Anxiety Designers behind Civilization, Super Meat Boy, Spore, and more weigh in on the Facebook gaming phenomenon and the morality of social gaming mechanics. editorial Foolz
[] ACL sets up anti-R18+ site news Foolz
[] IGN Epic Mickey Review 8.0 impressions Ravenprose
[] Take-Two Future Is Bright Says analyst (not Pachter). news aspro
[] Washed Up Actor Blames Games for Bad Movies Billy Bob Thornton "games are people killing for fun" news aspro
[] Copyright Lawyers Sue Lawyer Who Helped Copyright Defendants Lawyers think legal defense is illegal news Ellyoda
[] Goldeneye 007 Nintendo Everything review "hands down, basically the best first-person shooter single player experience available this generation." impressions gamingeek
[] ONM: 5 games that need to be on the Virtual Console editorial gamingeek
Meristation review Epic Mickey 8.5 "If you're looking for an incredible experience and something by the like, bear in mind you'll have to be patient." impressions gamingeek
Darkzero Epic Mickey review 9/10 "Junction Point have managed to create a game that is finely balanced, well crafted and visually wonderful." impressions gamingeek
Time Extend: Resident Evil 2 editorial gamingeek
[] Brotherhood makes a killing in Europe 1m sold in less than a week news gamingeek
[] Jade Raymond making Splinter Cell 6 news gamingeek
[] Bioware: Too many games released today Gamers can't keep up news gamingeek
[] Pirate Bay Founders lose appeal - judge ups punishment They now owe $6.57 million news gamingeek
[] CVG Review NBA Jam HD 8.6 impressions gamingeek
[] Big Assasins Creed game planned for 2011 Assbro 2? news gamingeek
[] UK: Daily Mirror gets proper games section Written by the folks at Gamesmaster magazine news gamingeek
Last Story music samples Hear Nobuo Uematsu's take on Chaos and Order. media gamingeek
[] Kinect sells 26'000 in Japan news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review NBA Jam 7/10 - "should have been a stripped down downloadable game" impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Sly Trilogy 9/10 impressions gamingeek
New Bioware game set in London? Will Professor Layton show up too? news gamingeek
[] Gamekyo review DKC Returns 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Destructoid review Epic Mickey 7/10 "Epic Mickey falls short of brilliance, but because it stands on such a strong concept, it doesn't always need brilliance to remain compelling. " impressions gamingeek
[] Joystick review Golden Sun DS "Now, after years in Mario sports exile, Camelot has returned to its RPG roots with Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. All I can say is: welcome back." impressions gamingeek
[] IGNs Top 10 biggest 2010 flops editorial gamingeek
[] IGN De Blob 2 mega info dump news gamingeek
[] US PS3 Owner? Open Your Wallet Demon's Souls, 3D Dot Hero, Bayonetta under $15 at Amazon. news aspro
[] Resident Evil Announcement at VGA's? SOCOM team seem poised to announce their takeover. news aspro
How the Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Plot Was Created Heavily directed by Capcom. news aspro
[] WoW Lead System Designer Interview Talks about "Cata" - that's what the kids are calling it. news aspro
[] XBL Gold Free This Weekend Friday through Sunday Night news aspro
[] US New Releases Week of Nov 28 Golden Sun, EVE Online Expansion, Epic Mickey. news aspro
[] New Dragon Age 2 Video media aspro
Arkham City Won't Have Batmobile "There aren't any playable vehicles in the game" news aspro
December's Virtual Console Line-Up 1942, Mystic Quest and two others. news aspro
[] GTA 5 Not Until 2012 So says an analyst. news aspro
Sakaguchi's Design Files for FF9 Now in English A look into how the game was made. news aspro
1up Golden Sun DS review B impressions gamingeek
1up: The future of Call of Duty editorial gamingeek
[] Nintendo Life review Golden Sun DS 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Gameinformer- Replaying Super Star Wars editorial gamingeek
[] Why XIII is still a comic masterpiece editorial gamingeek
[]   Kinect Hacked To Play Super Mario Bros. Play SMB with your body! media news Foolz
[] Ars technica Rips Deca Sports Kinect To Shreds "This game is painful to play, and there's almost nothing to say in its favor." editorial impressions aspro
[] Kinect sells 26,000 Units In Japan Sounds pretty good, for Japan. news aspro
Duke Nukem Gets Site, Forum and Podcast It's a "fan" project to remake Reloaded using Unreal. news aspro
Sonic 4 Leaderboards Will Be Reset Cheaters ruined it for everyone. news aspro
New "Warning A Huge Podcast" - Japanese Gaming New Japanese developer tweets translated, Tactic Ogre and more. editorial impressions news aspro
Zombie Nation B+ Review Or, Why Vader Needs to Get a Working PS3 SOON! impressions phantom_leo
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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 19:41:40

What is beyond beleif is how they've managed to have a closed society, I mean, it's like 1984. Can you imagine the social anthropology you could do in that country?

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 19:47:43
aspro said:

What is beyond beleif is how they've managed to have a closed society, I mean, it's like 1984. Can you imagine the social anthropology you could do in that country?

The idealist (naive and stupid) part of me thinks that the democractic nations of the world should get their shit together and "sort out" the bad regimes around the world once and for all.

Of course it will never happen and it wouldn't work anyway. LOL (naive and stupid)

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 19:56:44

Yeah maybe we could come together like a League of Nations, no, wait, even better a "United Nations" group so that we could act in global accord on issues of peace, trade and human welfare!  Good idea.

What we really need is an Earth Defence Force EDF! EDF! EDF!


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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 20:02:43

We need the world police force. Its team would look something like the cast of the original Star Trek.


Hey, where's Sulu? Probably behind Kirk somewhere.

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 20:29:10

Cool news on Elder Scrolls sequel! I expect HUGE improvements. I thought the jump in quality from Oblivion to Fallout 3 was huge. The character models backgrounds, art, everything looked far more professional if you know what I mean.

Elder Scrolls V could be amazing!

Also, stupid question guys, but what's the difference between and Is it the same? Is like a fake website or something?


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 20:32:15
ASK_Story said:

Cool news on Elder Scrolls sequel! I expect HUGE improvements. I thought the jump in quality from Oblivion to Fallout 3 was huge. The character models backgrounds, art, everything looked far more professional if you know what I mean.

Hopefully better horse controls, a tougher horse with armour, horseback combat like Twilight Princess. Custom caves and dungeons, screw this procedural generation nonsense. Perhaps a bit more humour and more Dark Brotherhood missions plz.

K, okay. Bye.

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:05:48

Looks a bit like Sam Worthington

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:08:27

Justin Calvert (reviews boss at gamespot) was on their podcast today. He said of GT5)

= You can advance through the game without doing the licenses. The licenses add greatly to your characters XP though (XP unlocks tracks/cars).

= AI is "better than it has been" but is "not good".

= Reviewers have not had access to multiplayer either.

= Car damage "doesn't seem" to affect driving and is minor where it is. He said it will impact the formula one cars more, but he has not tried those yet.

= NASCAR is "pretty neat"

= Rally is perfunctory.

= Top Gear track is included and has a bunch of challenges.

= There are Challenge Modes that are "kind of fun" -- racing "camper vans".

Not sounding like a 10 from gamespot. He had to be kind of vague because of the embargo, so it's hard to tell where they will come down on it, but it's not a 10 on their scale judging from his reaction to the game.

Edited: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:13:06

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:15:13
aspro said:

Justin Calvert (reviews boss at gamespot) was on their podcast today. He said of GT5)

Not sounding like a 10 from gamespot. He had to be kind of vague because of the embargo, so it's hard to tell where they will come down on it, but it's not a 10 on their scale judging from his reaction to the game.

Justin Calvert is reviewing GT5? He's a good reviewer but he is kind of harsh and really critical with racing games.

At best, I expect a 9. I'd be surprised if he gives it a 8.5 though.

Edited: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:15:32


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:19:59
aspro said:

Not sounding like a 10 from gamespot. He had to be kind of vague because of the embargo, so it's hard to tell where they will come down on it, but it's not a 10 on their scale judging from his reaction to the game.

I'm curious to see what'll happen if this game doesn't get spectacular reviews. For a game that's spent as long as it has in development I've got to believe that reviewer expectations will be very high, and maybe unfairly so. Regardless though unless the games see's scores in the 8's I don't think anyone is really going to care.

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:21:54
robio said:

I'm curious to see what'll happen if this game doesn't get spectacular reviews. For a game that's spent as long as it has in development I've got to believe that reviewer expectations will be very high, and maybe unfairly so. Regardless though unless the games see's scores in the 8's I don't think anyone is really going to care.

Final Fantasy XIII comes to mind since it took so long. Can you belive FFXIII Versus is taking longer than GT5 and FFXIII!? GASP


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:40:59
ASK_Story said:
Final Fantasy XIII comes to mind since it took so long. Can you belive FFXIII Versus is taking longer than GT5 and FFXIII!? GASP

FF XIII had a lot of other factors against it though. There were some drastic changes to the gameplay that turned a lot of people off.

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:49:35

This is kind of interesting. I have a friend in San Francisco who goes to a lot of videogame launch parties, and as luck would have it she and her husband went to the Gran Turismo 5 launch party last night. It wasn't a good time. It's not an indictment of the game so much as Sony's party planners, but it's interesting all the same:

...but the Gran Turismo launch party last night? Pretty much a fail of massive proportions. It had its reasons (mostly something called "lack of true Sony involvement and possibly run by rejects from the Gold Club* across the street"), but I won't make a big production. Suffice to say that the drink ticket for the mandatory Windex beverage (vodka, Red Bull, and mint) didn't make things any more appealing. We've gone to better events with far smaller budget run by overstressed cult film geeks who were about to be new fathers.

The best part was actually outside, where all of the really pretty luxury cars were parked. There was a blue Lamborghini right up by the venue itself, and a Tesla, a Corvette, and several other pretties parked further down. I didn't really see too much, but I saw enough to find that cool.

I think the event suffered several problems..lack of proper communication, lack of attendee interaction, something going on upstairs that was, I think, VIP and therefore not privvy to us lowly paeons just felt like we crashed a party, and found out it wasn't worth the bother to crash it.

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:53:57
Edited: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:57:36

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 22:01:44

^ Hell yes!

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 22:09:19

Screw that, I want a new Goonies game.

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 22:34:47

Last Story music: Order and Chaos

Like Yoda and Robio mixed together

Wait... I'm chaos? How did that happen? Is this because I still don't know how to post YouTube videos correctly?

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 22:57:20
gamingeek said:

We need the world police force. Its team would look something like the cast of the original Star Trek.


Hey, where's Sulu? Probably behind Kirk somewhere.

Funny that you mention Star Trek. Does the Prime directive ring any bell? It is not really democratic to go and sort out other regimes, because you deem them to be 'undemocratic'. 'Sorry for throwing the bomb at you, but we are doing it for your own good!' It is not just stupid and naive. It is totally insane and retarded. How about we stop meddling with other countries business? Because it worked so well in Vietnam and Iraq.

aspro said:
gamingeek said:

WTF is up with North Korea? South Korea is pretty cool aside from the dog eating. Mega super, ultra-fast broadband on toast and some kickass movies too.

Let's say it escalates, do you think the US would support the South and China or Russia might support the North? Do we have another world war on our hands? And would North Korea on the brink of defeat use the nuclear bombs?

Since NK has nukes its a stand-off issue.  China won't get involved anymore than they currently are (which is propping up NK ). They can't afford to piss off their customers.

This is why Iran (and everyone else who hasn't got them) wants nukes.  It's the ultimate license to do as you please.  If Iraq has actually had any WMD there is no way we would have entered a land-war with them.

Three months ago, rather then escalate things the US and South Korean made up every possible excuse for the sinking of that South Korean ship before they finally had to admit NK did it.

I think you'll see some airstrikes, tighter sanctions. If NK responds poorly to the airstrikes, then who knows.  Hopefully a landwar, uniformed army against uniformed army -- those are wars the west knows how to win -- and it would provide a good rationale to exit wars we aren't good at (insurgency).

Hopefully a land war?! Great let's fight a army that is armed with nuclear weapons. Yes, who cares out Seoul, or Tokyo?! Small price to pay for victory. How about not fighting any wars for now, because God knows the USA can't afford one. For God's sake even China fears North Korea, these guys are scary armed and motherfucking hungry.

The VG Press
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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 23:34:30
Iga_Bobovic said:

Hopefully a land war?! Great let's fight a army that is armed with nuclear weapons. Yes, who cares out Seoul, or Tokyo?! Small price to pay for victory. How about not fighting any wars for now, because God knows the USA can't afford one. For God's sake even China fears North Korea, these guys are scary armed and motherfucking hungry.

I don;t want any form of war, but not wanting wars doesn't stop them.  Go back to listening to Imagine. War is here forever, better that they be ones that don't go for 10 years and end in an unresolved mess forever.

China does not fear NK, it just doesn;t want their poor swamping their borders.

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 23:36:22
aspro said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Hopefully a land war?! Great let's fight a army that is armed with nuclear weapons. Yes, who cares out Seoul, or Tokyo?! Small price to pay for victory. How about not fighting any wars for now, because God knows the USA can't afford one. For God's sake even China fears North Korea, these guys are scary armed and motherfucking hungry.

          I don;t want any form of war, but not wanting wars doesn't stop them.  Go back to listening to Imagine. War is here forever, better that they be ones that don't go for 10 years and end in an unresolved mess forever.

China does not fear NK, it just doesn;t want their poor swamping their borders.

aspro said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Hopefully a land war?! Great let's fight a army that is armed with nuclear weapons. Yes, who cares out Seoul, or Tokyo?! Small price to pay for victory. How about not fighting any wars for now, because God knows the USA can't afford one. For God's sake even China fears North Korea, these guys are scary armed and motherfucking hungry.

          I don;t want any form of war, but not wanting wars doesn't stop them.  Go back to listening to Imagine. War is here forever, better that they be ones that don't go for 10 years and end in an unresolved mess forever.

China does not fear NK, it just doesn;t want their poor swamping their borders.

Not starting wars would be a good start. I am looking at you George W. Bush.

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